Tree of Savior Forum

RIP SAPPER! Not a real 1.5 TIMES

Boom Trap doesn’t increase total dmg to 1.5 times,
it only increases “skill dmg” to 1.5 times(1000>1500=+500)
WE though the dmg would be 10000 become to 15000,
but it is 10000 become to 12000

same thing in other skills


Thanks for your testing result. This info will be useful in future builds.

It was obvious since they buffed from 1.5 to 2.0 Thanks anyway. Go scout c1, boys.

when lots ppl are discussing Sapper buff yo, no one really knows it is only increase its skill dmg…

Well, technically that’s true, the skill itself does 1.5 times more damage, it’s just that the added weapon dmg/stat dmg still deals the same damage.
It’s just worded very poorly, hence why you wanted to interpret it to be 1.5x total damage when they didn’t mean it like that.

But you’re not alone, i think the buffs for highlander behave the same (double skill damage, not double total damage).

Nope,I just tested HL buffs and they are ■■■■■■■ amazing

To be honest, broom is strong as it is. Very strong to be honest, and the fact you can boost it even further with lethargy and a rodelero bro / serpentine is more than enough. it’s a rank 4 skill who scales amazing to the late game as long as you have weapons and with falconer 3, no need to overbuff this. That damage boost on the skill itself for sapper 3 is already enough (for the skill).

Regarding Sapepr 3 current state… tell me, how’s Spiked shooter now? Imo that’s the skill who needs buffs/reworks/cd reduction.

Yea but unless you have 70++ in attribute with trans weapon it won’t do too much, I think for most people they would take an extra rank I to a utility class than have two attributes for minimal damage.

I honestly would like to hold out and see if this is what they really meant to do, IMC is terrible at fixing things and this could very well be a mistake. An extra 0 or symbol in the coding can make a huge difference.

so it’s just skill base dmg buff, maybe that’s why there’re few hype for sapper in ktos thread.

now I need to think again what should I reset my archer to? but at least the attribute make ar2>sap3 look better than ar3>sap2, but maybe ar2>sap2>sc1 might be better choice

Here’s why I think this is a mistake on IMC’s part:

  1. The wording in the patch notes is the same for Sapper buffs as it is for Highlander buffs.

  2. When they adjust a skill’s base damage, they have a history of just providing the base damage numbers rather than say something like “increases by 1.5x”.

IDK who the hell report my screenshot

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They got jealous of your damages.

How then is this happening? My damage is clearly doubled in this instance. I have no weapon equipped and my attribute is lvl 55 on broom trap. If its a skill base damage buff then shouldn’t my damage be different? Id REALLLY like to know before I go resetting my toon to hunter 3 cuz geeze guys really now.

Mystic 2k dmg…
If u have higher dmg then u will know 2k doesnt mean double
Mins is 2k as well

so the attribute adding the “x2” isn’t reflecting correctly because my damage is so low in the first place is what your saying?

So then FOR ABSOLUTE SURE its a skill base modifier and not affecting the end result damage x2 before I reset my toon?

it didint say x2 on its description, it says increase the “skill damage” of broom trap by 1.5times

ok then guess ill reset to something else then, hopefully I can figure it out, thanks for the help.

Can you post yous stats/class/ gear please?

Here if it helps:

Hi, been checking threads about Sapper-Falc and Sorry if I’m posting at the wrong thread, or could anyone direct me to the right one.

I need help with what skills to max/add and what decent attribute levels for these said skills.

Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:

how about the one for claymore?
where it increases skill damage by 2.5x
It seems like a good scaling skill (300% atk power + 990~), but I never hear about it