First of all I would like to inform you that the Silute server is completely devastated by exploiters, the market has many level 6 to 10 cards for absurdly low prices.
Obviously it has already been reported and the IMC just said that they already know what happened and that they are investigating.
With the money obtained from the cards, the exploiter is buying all the market seals and creating level 3 to 5 seals to sell (because people stopped buying the buggy cards).
Basically the server was devastated because of this problem and apparently the silute exploiter is not using the same method as the others (which were banned on other servers).
After that, a strange player appeared on a new account (with only 2 likes and 20 archievements) with all the final content equipment (including a level 5 seal).
This player changed his nickname a few times, was nicknamed “Exploiter” (lol) and changed to TheJudge (lol²).
Obviously it was also reported and the IMC said that they are looking into it
Here are some prints that illustrate the text:

(All exploited cards with very low price!)

This problem needs to be solved urgently, these cards need to be deleted from the game and the creators and benefited by the bug banned
@Staff_Jin @William121213513513 @STAFF_Yuri @Staff_Alex @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Amy