Tree of Savior Forum

Exploit Hidden Frames

So everyone knows about the quest resetting bug already but the client has more issues then this. Its possible to open any window as long as you know what function you have to call to get that window opened.

Date and Time : 12/7/2015 6:30 PM EST

Bug Description :
ui.ToggleFrame(’’));" allows any window in game to be opened. Some windows have restrictions such as the GM ones require the you need to be a GM in the client:

local frame = ui.GetFrame(‘paramcontrol’);
if session.IsGM() ~= 1 then

But if someone figures a way how to get around that they would be able to access the GM commands through the client. Some of The GM windows will open like the one that allows people to view players in a map. Shop allows you to remotely sell items, warehouse allows you to put items in your bank remotely. You can access different crafting menu’s regardless of whether you are the proper class (does require you have the items). But another issue I noticed was remote shop using if the server lags its possible to get “free money” without the item selling which leads me to believe the server when lagging hard enough could have dupe exploits as well. So this needs to be checked very carefully. Especially when it comes to the auction house because aside from people “losing items” it might be related to people doing something that allows people to buy items for 0 money or dupe items as well. I don’t want to see the game fail it will be a great game if everything is fixed. So I think the client should be reworked and more needs to be serverside less clientside or it will end up like Archeage’s exploits.

Steps to reproduce the issue :
<HotKey ID="FreeXP" Name="Free XP" DownScp="pc.ReqExecuteTx(&quot;RESTART_Q&quot;, ui.ToggleFrame('beauty_hair'));" UpScp="None" Key="F" UseShift="NO" UseAlt="NO" UseCtrl="YES" OnEdit="NO" />

List of Different windows:

These are some I found client most likely has more but I think the point is made so I don’t think I need to really go any farther to prove the point.

Screenshots / Video :smile:


Did you change your hair with this??? o3o…sounds like something I…cough could play with for a day

Exploits are infinitum~ :frowning:

edit: not like I will tho

yeah thats how my hair color and style got changed

@GM_Fuji @GM_Erick

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Confirming that this exploit still works, just tested it. Apparently it’s been known for weeks (nobody reported it?).


Um, you could have explained the bug without giving as much information on it as you did. It’s not near as severe as free levels and infinite amount of classes so I guess it’s alright. It looks like you have have an extra piece of code in that macro of yours anyways, the ReqExecute stuff is unneeded.

Didn’t even include the beta raid reward system and map editting tools into the list of stuff you can open in their client! How could you?!

cause i didn’t want to spend more time on it then was needed the shop opening is a big thing because botters can use it to not have to go back to town to sell items.

Holy cow I’ve never seen a game have issues as severe as this one.

On a side note,hadn’t seen anyone with blue hair in-game.It looks really nice.Any other colors?

Edit: Watched the video,doesn’t really seem to be as of yet.Fingers crossed for purple in the future.

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Scroll up, I posted a clip with all the colors available.

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Another disaster incoming! :frowning:

The hair changes are client side only, meaning other poeple won’t see them.
Because everything is getting wiped not that much people bothered with Party Quests for hats, so no Blue Hair.

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Had no idea,thanks for the info!

Except that party quests didnt count toward that achievement that awards Blue Hair…

I don’t remember the whole list of achievements I just remember a friend telling me it was those :V

it is Achievement that requires you to complete 25 party quests BUT party quests nor missions do nothing toward that achievement progress (yet another bug).

I see, I never got to do party quests as everyone was either too busy or level 200 and ignoring me for the party.

Wow I thought repeated quest was bad but this is waaaay beyond.


Sliders go from 0 to 2.55. As i dont know what they do (if anything), i’ve left them intact.

need to delet a part of the code to get work

I just…I dunno what to say at this point.