Tree of Savior Forum

Crazy lags while playing

Hi everyone.
The problem I’m having is that every time i log in to my character, i have crazy amount of lags.
I tried to log in from diffrent servers and at diffrent time, and nothing helps.
An example for the issue is that when i press space to talk to an NPC it takes about 5 seconds to actually start the chat.
Another example is that when i try to level up a certain skill it takes about 10 seconds to actually apply it.
Is there any solution?

A lot of players are currently experiencing this. As they optimize server stability, and people start dropping off from the beta, you’ll notice less latency and less lag. If you’re only getting the lag while playing Tree of Savior and not any other games or websites, it’s just the server and there isn’t anything you can do to fix it.

Understand that depending on where you’re connecting from will also determine your ping.

no solution. i experienced huge lag too.
i will leave the test to give other players a better test environment if the lag continues.

That is kinda anoing.
I hope that problem will become less popular at the future.
The game is great, but there is no fun when you cant kill stuff properly with out waiting few seconds for the skill to activate :frowning:

This is CBT, not an official release. Sometimes I think that people forget what is the reason why they are here…

right now too… the lag is real

also even if it is CBT official release of this game is… this population + 10%

  1. we are not here to experience lag but to test out all game features
  2. if they want a stress test, please announce it and let us know they are working on it

i don’t feel good because they dont seem to have any plan to work on it.


Can’t even test with the server lag =\

  1. Part of testing is testing how much the server can handle.
  2. it was a given when they gave out keys to whoever signed up which was around 150k. Common sense.

Because people like you don’t know anything about testing. I have a link for you. Read it. Learn it.

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Because of the crazy lag, I’m just spamming my skills wherever. I don’t even know if it hits the monsters or not… haha :joy: :sweat_smile:

Sure but there is only 2 options

  1. Purposfully under-hosted the game for some reason
  2. Poor netcode created for korean networking (fiber optic/10ms ping)

I hope they just under hosted but most game companies host with some sort of cloud share servers like amazon and can scale almost instantly for more capacity =/

I don’t care about lag during a test as long as they can actually solve the problem when needed xD

today i’ve waite 3 minutes to get a lvl up.
1000ms is 1 sec of delay. so i had 180000 ping at the time. Crazy huh? :smiley:

So much lag, quests are taking more than 1 minutes to update…
The game is barely playable at the moment…

Zemyna seems to always Timeout , while the others keep up =\


I think it’s down, I can login in Laima and Gabija but not Zemyna

Pretty much this, i can log into other servers but not into Zemyna.

Okay, to all the people who say that its an open beta so its ok that there’s lags everywhere,well its not,
that’s why i opened this topic, so the creators will know that there is a problem of lag and will be able to fix it in the future.
I don’t see anything wrong with that.

**Right now the game runs much better, but when lots of people are starting to log in it becomes unplayable agine, so its not fixed entierly yet.

I’ve seen this argument being brought up throughout threads complaining about the lag however, personally, I’ve never experienced any beta with this level of instability. And, honestly, if this was just a functional test why not mitigate complaints by being explicit about the purpose of the beta testing? Last test they didn’t explain to us why the exp rate was so horribly low and it caused threads that lasted for days on the topic. All they have to do is explain the agenda.

I have experienced this on both a beta and a live release of a game.

Maybe that is the exp rate they will use for live? who knows. The first closed beta was mostly to see that they could host the game on steam.

I agree. This would reduce the amount of assumption and crying.(probably)