Tree of Savior Forum

Everyone, get ahold of yourselves!

Listen, I get it. Launch has been rough. Just like low points in our lives it’s been tremulous and rocky. You wanted better, and for the wait, feel like we deserved better.

What is not helping is the endless, and inexcusable degradation of this forum in to literal 4ch status, as you wildly clamor over issues with nothing but rage and vengeance in your stock.

Seriously, stop it. You look like children. I’m not at all defending the issues that have occurred, not implying they aren’t obligated to put in some work to fix it, but take a freaking second to understand, there are better ways to go about venting your issues.

We need single, conglomerate threads, each one expanding on the specific issues at hand. Not 50 unique threads every single day that fall to the depths of the pages lambasting the company because you have nothing better to do with your time that you feel was stolen from you.

Intelligent debate. Properly formatted criticisms. Centralized in to a handful of well-thought out threads full of thoughtful posters with a desire to make the game better.

Your 100th 20char post about the lag pissing you off and as a result IMC should die deserves to stay on your Myspace. This is just not a good look for the community at all.

Let’s have a forum wall that looks like this…

General Discussion
– Lag/Server Instability Issues > Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…
– Re-evaluating the Trade system > Page 1, 2, 3, 4…
– Founders Pack Refunds: Justified? > Page 1, 2, 3…
– Premium Prices Discussion > Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…

^^^Like this, instead of…

General Discussion

– imc u r so bad > Page 1…
– this game is getting bad steam reviews > Page 1…
– fix the damn servers!!! > Page 1…
– give me [insert random thing here]! > Page 1…
– this game is so dead > Page 1…
– what the heck did I pay for??? > Page 1…
– This is what you need to do IMC, I have all the answers > Page 1…

Do you see the difference, fellow saviors? I’ve been a forum goer for almost every game I’ve every played and I can tell you with experience and certainty to an nth degree that option A works far better in relaying your problems and getting things fixed, than option B.

Up your posting game, saviors. Be intelligent. Stop being noise. Nobody is saying you can’t have a place to air your complaints, just do it like a freaking adult.


what else is there to talk about?

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No! You’re wrong! Everyone should hear how self entitled I am and deserve everything how I want it to be, regardless of how ridiculous the request.


-tree of savour community.


Clearly the amazing state of the game trollolooool

You are absolutely right, i’m ready to be productive! Do i buy my fanboy shirt from you? Or do i have to wait till IMC takes another dump on me?


well you cant blame them…

if you got stuck on a map and will have to wait for days until the dev or IMC themselves fix it.

so basically you paid to get stuck on a map that you cant even enter to teleport out.

first it was dungeon failing to enter and then kicking you out
then after a few hours channels got affected
then maps with no traffic got affected making you stuck there until they fix it.


LMFAO what you hear as “entitled” is simply people making complaints that the game is not functioning. You do realize your “entitlement” argument becomes invalid when ANY LEGITIMATE COMPLAINT is seen as someone being “entitled”…

PS. People paid for this. It stopped being entitlement at that point. But what is the value of reason to whiteknights like you?


Are the two of you dense? I literally just gave you key advice to help voice your complaints more effectively and, in general, communicate more effectively.

I’m on your side, get your heads out of your dark place.


But… but…

I payed money for this game, knowing it was early access and had bugs and issues to begin with. What was I thinking? Clearly, I was not thinking. I want a refund, this game sucks, I am going to hang myself now. k bye.

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The community’s reaction to this is incredibly disturbing. Instead of supporting the game and providing constructive, hopeful criticism it seems like everyone is actively trying to destroy the game.

Asking for the devs to please fix what’s broken and informing them of what the problems are is fine, but when people just start bashing the game, leaving incredibly negative reviews out of spite despite the game’s potential when things do get fixed is not helping anyone or anything. I love this game as every founder undoubtedly should as we all see the potential this game has.

It really is no wonder why so many devs quit the game industry when this is the way consumers react to launch problems. Launches are difficult. There are a lot of bugs that simply cannot be found until server are live.

These issues are frustrating, but that does not excuse anyone to be this overwhelmingly disrespectful.


Actually… I scored an IQ of 156 so I’m definitely not dense. What gets me is that we DO post productively, especially Check, and then get assaulted by fanbois and whiteknights but the only posts going up are about people who actually want to see the game flourish and get better being told to 'be more productive".

You’re on nobody’s side. You’re trying to look good in the eyes of some unknown crowd. Kudos. I hope it works out for you. You’ve done no one any favors.

At this point I’m merely annoyed that people haven’t said a word to those that will actually destroy the game by ignoring the reality of the problems (as it ALWAYS TURNS OUT) and STILL go after those that are actively trying to help make it better. We put more work into this game than any of those whiteknights and yet we get messages about being “more productive”.

Let me help you: If you truly cared you’d create a trouble ticket system and not write a useless post about something that the majority of us are already doing… or at least tried to do two days ago before being blatantly ignored by the same company we poured our effort into trying to assist.

Does that seem dense to you? I highly doubt it.


This game attracts too many entitled whiny kids or kid at heart neckbeard. Even the slightest things that dont go on their ways, they moan, cry and curse everything on their path.


Game’s potential doesn’t mean a damn thing when it is in the hands of groups like IMC. You are asking for people to take months of being slapped in the face before they realize it was wrong? People acting like this and negativity/reviews/refunds are EXACTLY what needs to happen to fix this problem, not standing around in fanboy blind faith.

The problem and the MASSIVE outcry isn’t from the bugs, its from the fact that IMC has vanished from the game, they don’t even provide basic PR an undergrad could spend 5 minutes in a PR 101 course and understand IMC is just one giant joke at the moment. They have done nothing to earn people money or support, they have burned their bridge.


How is it a legitimate complaint when people are just spamming threads of “OMG THIS IS SO ANNOYING” and seriously not bringing anything new ?
OP wasn’t aiming his post to people who wrote legit, good complaints, but to the ones who went all crazy.
(Those people will die way too young if they continue like that, too)

There’s a difference between a legit complaint about a failing product and venting in rage.
Complaining, even a bit harshly, by explaining what’s going on and showing you’re not happy is totally okay.
Posting X threads just to insult, and go hysterical is stupid and useless.
If they want to randomly and aimlessly vent, they could at least do it in a thread that already exists.
Because in the end the staff will lose time sorting the threads instead of fully concentrating on helping/replying to people.
(I’ve worked for a game company before, and you can’t imagine how many hours I lost sorting the forum because people kept making threads of the same damn issue or making rude threads instead of focusing on the first ~5 threads made.)

I’m all for the complaints, in my country it’s a national sport, but if it’s ONLY about whining, crying and insulting, take it somewhere else. This forum isn’t a blog.
Intelligent complaints and criticisms have much more power than capslocking in anger.


Because my mother never hugged me as a child. :frowning:

Edit: you have really bad bicep inserts o.o


The influx of threads is pretty hard to keep up with, yes. But it’s to be expected. It’s not like it’s a sudden thing.

People started complaining about server issues and stuff I think on Thursday or Friday. I don’t think there was any response at the time, but it was relatively calm.
Then on Saturday, more issues popped up, and more people came to complain. No answer. This is when it started to get a bit heated.
Now it’s Sunday. With yet no reply (other than a couple Steam announcements–oddly no new post from any staff member, except from an edit in the “Known Issues” thread), obviously the community blew up.

At this rate, the only thing that will calm people down to some extent is an actual response from staff. That and some serious damage control. Until that happens, well, tough it out or leave the forums for now. I like to just lurk about.

I mean I wasn’t around for them, but looking at previous feedback from the closed betas (also had many of the same issues), it looks like this should have been something imc was expecting…

Here are but a few examples:

It’s funny how history repeats itself. And that people don’t learn from history…

If you actually read some of the comments in those threads, you get this weird feeling of deja vu…

EDIT: Isn’t it also funny how defenders of the game also have the same old tired excuses for imc?


Stop white knighting. It’s a good game, but I haven’t been able to connect all day.


Wow, I just love how popularized this term is. It’s to the point where anybody who disagrees with your method of complaint must be a white knight!

Far from it. I’m not defending IMC, I’m saying no company in their right mind responds to a customer screaming and yelling at the counter, doesn’t matter what you found in your burger, you’ll probably end up kicked out while everyone in the joint is probably glad to see you go.

If you un-aggressively walk up, point out the issue, state your problem and your proposed resolution, most of the time you leave the counter with a new burger.

Learn from this incredibly simple form of adult logic, and you’ll slowly start to see more things go your way in life.


Meh, rough start. To be expected, however launching a game that is expected to raise funds for your company w/o anyone that can solve issues on the weekend is fairly unprofessional.

Oh well. Not hurting me any atm.