Tree of Savior Forum

Everyone, get ahold of yourselves!

we all just need to relax. have faith in IMC. yes we all bought the game, and yet the game isn’t fully functional atm. but as you’ve saw/read in the other issues. IMC gave a reasonable compensation for some of the game issues. we all know IMC knows what is happening in the game with all these irritated post/rants in the forums. im not defending IMC or what. but give a little faith. and soon, IMC will reward us greatly or at least reasonably with the downside what currently is happening in the game. all is well. :relieved::smile:

Unfortunately many people here lack the maturity to give to give any form of constructive criticism. Trying to persuade them to do otherwise is going to be fruitless. People here are too stubborn to look things through other perspectives.


So, A man walks into a burger joint, orders and pays for a burger. Minutes late he receives his burger minus meat, cheese and whatever ingredients but basically just the bread and pretty much uneatable. He gets annoyed and complains to the staff. A few other customers nearby hear this and calls him an entitled spoit brat and joker.

That’s the difference between you and maturity.

It’s never a good time to act like a spoiled brat. Ever.

Why not , because you say so?

Your stance and IMC’s stance is a middle finger, to hard working translators and beta testers.
I personally put in 300 hours testing and documenting. Even tho I hated the buggy state of the game.
To see so little progress since 1st beta is a disgrace, There is no excuse for that once so ever.

There were days where I would act like a tech support on this forums, trobuleshooting problems. For free, out of kindness , out of care for the game and community.But I’ve stopped, because community became full of fanatics who supported all these nasty decisions IMC was making.

There was hundreds if not thousands of contributors like me working on this , to make this game better , for free.
This game is right now MUCH worse that it was in ICBT.
It’s an utter disappointment and outright middle fingers to those who put in the effort.
This community has been one of the most hardworking beta tester communities I’ve seen in years. All that hard work , much like the game a wasted potential.

You see ranting ppl as immature kids, I see denial and inability to face harsh truth …immature.


It’s not what you said or even how you said it. As stated before it’s WHO YOU SAID IT TO.

Defending whiteknights while telling those of us who are constructively (whether you agree with it or not is irrelevant) providing feedback (read: putting in the EFFORT to communicate with a company, find issues, AND EVEN PROVIDE possible solutions) that we need to ‘be much nicer’ is like telling someone they should be doing a better job of non-violently protesting something they dislike.

What? So you crap on me for violently protest. Cool. I can feel that. I change and adapt a non-violent method that is patient and even provides possible solutions instead of just saying “HEY UR STUFF SUX”… then you crap on me for doing THAT?

You need to figure out exactly what your message is and make it across the board. Otherwise you are going to be seen as sympathizing with whiteknights but taking a less obvious path at doing so.

No thanks. Not interested in your pointless chatter. looks for the post where you tell the whiteknights to be more realistic… doesn’t see it… laughs

Nice. A complete and utter fallacious exaggeration.

First of all, while I won’t deny that it happens, the chances of you ordering a burger that comes out as just bread is so decidedly small that you can consider it an impossibility (though I’m sure it has happened before). The difference in what IMC promised us and what we have is not nearly as contradictory to ordering a burger and not even getting something you can consider a burger.

And yes, even in this situation, the right thing to do is to politely make your case that what you’ve received is not acceptable.

Hard to believe right? One can still be polite in a situation where they feel so wronged! It’s almost like…being a mature adult…

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Oh yes, reminds me when I get the list from QA to bug fix…

Completely agree with this.

You won’t see it because we clearly have different thresholds for what determines a “white knight” in our eyes.

You clearly think anybody with any ounce of positivity or constructive desire to seek improvement in IMC’s product as a white knight, I see them as someone who’s post is actually worth reading.

The term white knight is inherently dumb as hell anyway, and you should feel bad for jumping on the train of believing it somehow makes your case better to throw it out at every single person who doesn’t share your negative world view. Even a “white knight” by your terms wants the game to get better, the difference is they aren’t pissing everyone else off around them trying to do it.

I like how you focused on the hyperbole itself but didn’t talk about the other customers reaction…

I usually don’t complain despite everything but I paid 50 dollars and I literally can not play my character is stuck because there’s only 3 servers with commander fails…all they have to offer is exp tomes which doesn’t cut it because you still have to grind with the Exo tomes when you already wasted your time

Fun thing to think about, why should i give a ■■■■ how other people feel how i present myself? I’m not presenting to them, people need to stop giving a damn about how other people act.

This all stems from people trying to be PC, PC will always cause more problems then it will EVER fix.

I think this accurately portrays the communities current feelings, and why they’re trying to vent their frustrations.

They want to enjoy the game, but can’t because of lack of communication / poor analysis decisions.

Now, instead of doing anything productive, everyone just wants to rage on IMC and beat up some rival dojo members while they’re at it.

Not that things can’t get better or worse, it’s all speculation right now. But, people are just frustrated (rightfully so, though some take it too far.)

I’m sorry. You posted what feedback with potential fixes where? So far as I can tell Check and I, of the three of us in this conversation, are the only two to do so. I think you’re simply creating your own determinations regardless of the reasoning I’m giving you… even though that reasoning is clearly easy to follow.

So, in short, your ability to see the situation as it is is wrong. I have submitted sound feedback with potential fixes. You have not. Therefore, by your understanding, I believe that I am a whiteknight… odd.

Thousand likes for you! Every time I come to the forum to actually
share problems and solutions with other players, a bunch of fanboys and whiteknights assault me, trying not only to unqualify my problems but also to demoralize me. It’s just sickening and indeed demoralizing when 1) the multination corporation responsible for this product, which I bought, gives a **** about the issues you bring up that affect thousands of players and that were not supposed to be there in the first place and 2) a bunch of whiteknights come and **** on your topic saying that you probably run the game in a potato.


Btw they are workiing slowly on it. I know that because i got moved to Klaipeda after sending a ticket and posting the issue at the support forum (i was trapped at pyromancer lab).

Probably the main dev team doesnt work on sunday but GM’s are trying to move every character they can if they are asked for via ticket or formal post at the support section of the forum.

If you’re doing your part to submit constructive criticism in an adult-like manner then my post isn’t even direct at you in the first place. Who are you fighting for?

My feedback in this thread is directed at the community. When I feel comfortable and confident my criticisms of the game, I’ll probably make a post about that too. There’s one thing I can assure you though, it will be done in a thoughtful, and well-constructed manner.

Because you’re simply enabling the idiots who think the game is flawless and constantly on at people just like me that there’s nothing wrong and we’re being entitled.

As stated several times. Addressing those who provide feedback in, what you deem, as “less than favorable manner” without addressing the groups of knights who go on and on about how amazing the game is and it’s flawless “you bought it trollolol stfu and quit” is about as effective as cutting off your thumb in order to trim your fingernails.

I’ve stated this much three times now.

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You might be surprised to find out that this person doesn’t exist.

Pretty much every reasonable person knows that problems currently exist in the current state of the game. This is the definition of a strawman argument.

Find me one person in the past week or two that has said the game is perfect as-is and no changes need be made. I’ll be waiting.

Now find me a bunch of worthless, do-nothing ■■■■-posts that only serve to annoy everyone around them and have a near 0% chance to affecting any change?

Tell me which one you find first (or any of at all).

There’s no “enabling” here. There’s just people who understand how to communicate in the adult world, and people who don’t.