You might not like MMOs with free trade. Many do. It’s proven. I don’t think the Free Trade vs Non-Free trade debate is remotely close. Look at the forums. Look at the top complaints about this game. Look at the steam reviews. I haven’t read one statement where there is any praise about the market system. The closest thing is “I’m fine with it, I can tolerate being told how to trade and sell and at what prices and behind a paywall”. That’s the height of acceptance and praise behind their current system. And many people would call these people behind these statements as “White Knights”. I’d lean to agree because it’s irrational to need to do so much for such a basic function. Once the cute runs thin, and it will, and once the grinding is over, and there’s nothing to grind for anymore. You’ll see how important a functioning market system is to a game like ToS is

- Ban 1:1 trading with the claim that it needs to be done in order to stop bots from trading silver
- Allow 1:1 trading for those who buy the premium token
- Now be retarded and allow said tokens to be auctioned and bought for in game currency.
- Not retarded enough. Announce (i quote from IMC’s statement) “They (gold sellers) can make essentially an infinite amount of silver in the game”
- Gj, you successfully went full retard, screwed over your players and justified it with the punch line “oh you know… absolutely no reason. It doesnt do anything to gold sellers since we allowed them to circumvent the restriction, but have it never the less because ■■■■ you. To our entire, actual player base and customers: Enjoy and welcome to Tree of Caps”.
There is a silver lining tho!
You are still not as retarded as the white knights who take your side in the debate because they are too mentally handicapped to understand when they are literally butt ■■■■-ed.
P.S.: No offense intended, its just a bit hard for me to be not… how should i put it… bitter like seven hundred trucks of lemons, and see my play experience evaporating for the reason of… well… absolutely nothing.
At this point, bots are hurting the game less than IMC does. Cap dungeons, cap ah, cap chat, cap trade, cap spawns, cap… my wallet. Yes. You successfully capped my wallet. Because ■■■■ giving you a dime as long as you have rationals like this going on.
It’s funny cause the only thing I don’t like about the game is the trade
system. Why do I have to pay just to trade items with my friend? Like
I was planning on spending money on the game sooner or later, but that just left a bad taste in my mouth. Having to pay for something that’s been free
in every other mmo that I played.
Let me clarify myself regarding my dislike of MMOs with “free trade”. What I mean is that I do not think market manipulation (like middleman jacking up prices) belongs to a game of this genre. But a free market price discovery might work better than an artificial restriction to reselling. I do not know.
As for restricting 1:1 trading. I am against that. But I think IMC is working on releasing 1:1 trading of some nature eventually.
And for 1:1 trading for token users only. I can see the argument for both sides. IMC needs to sell a subscription item of some sort to enable legit RMT (through IMC). However the problem is making this “Token” attractive enough so that the majority of players will need it. At the same time not breaking the game for F2P players; the balance is delicate.
It is debatable that using trading privilege as the main incentive for Token is a good move or not. I am personally quite ambivalent about this as I expected to pay some form of subscription before this game was released. Allowing 1:1 trading indiscriminately means that RMT’ers can directly trade players to deliver goods. Currently I don’t think IMC has a way to effectively check / limit 1:1 trade for unbalanced trades. Unlike the AH which has price limits & 48 hour hold, 1:1 trade will very likely need to be manually handled. It is also retroactive in the sense that the goods are already delivered before a hold / ban can take place.
While I truly dislike how it is not possible to gift a new player some powerful item to help them out (large part of MMO). But until IMC figures out how to limit these RMTers, token restricted trading is probably what we are going to get. F2P players will have to be forced to use the AH.
Here you have a solution to our currently trade system problems.
Here you have the solution to the trade problems.
I think you misread IMC’s statement. It was not to stop bots from trading silver but to reduce RMT transactions by forcing them to go through a regulated AH.
If RMTers have to purchase Token to enable their business, that’s directly cutting into their profits, and said RMTer just got taxed by IMC to conduct business.
You are missing the big picture here. If the RMTer purchases token through the AH. It increases the demand for Tokens, raising its price. This means that legit RMT just became more effective, and that IMC still got a cut off their RMT business because someone paid for the token already.
They can make an infinite amount but are still limited by the rate of making silver. They can improve the rate by using multiple accounts but it still has a limit on the rate they can make (infinite amount of) silver. Letting this non legit silver enter the economy will likely crash and inflate pretty much everything in the game.
If you are so unhappy, maybe you shouldn’t invest so much in this community. And the people truly hurting this game, are non-constructive cry babies like you. Who doesn’t suggest better alternatives, but inflame and slander IMC games in hopes that people from the community will buy into your FUD and leave.
Labeling people:
does nothing to bolster your arguments but make you look like the guy on your meme.
Are you working for the RMT? I duo with my GF all the time and the trade system didnt affect our game play at all. Weapons off AH are always better than those that drop during quests. Only time we really needed to trade are the pinto horns so that she can craft it early.
I have a couple of items sold on AH and waiting for the 2 days timer to collect the silver. Not a big issue. Didnt affect my game play too. And theres absolutely no need for us to trade silver at all since we are giving stuffs to each other for free.
Can I has some stuff for frees too.
Sure if you quit your RMT job
Check this out
[quote=“zarakresh, post:45, topic:181015”]
I duo with my GF all the time and the trade system didnt affect our game play at all.[/quote]
Let me return the question: Are you working for the rmt?
Cause probably thats the only way you are going to feed off everything from the auction house, from gear to collection items.
Also btw, unless you go for purple or higher items, the weapons which are in the AH are the exact same ones which drop from quests.
Also this is probably a winning comment.
The lack of a trade system does not affect playing with friends.
Its golden.
You’re full of crap, vini. Guy-who-buys-a-token-a-month doesn’t even nearly fit the commonly accepted definition of whale. You’re abusing the word and the idea.
They issued the statement because they were told to by their superiors, who firmly believe their deeply flawed market restriction scheme can actually slow down RMT.
Obviously, we all know it can’t. I’ve done numerous threads on the subject. Most of us have seen the legendary screenshot of bots with arde daggers and popolion meat going for 100k+ as clear signs of how easy it is to game the market sell price limit system.
RIP TOS, just not for the reasons you’d like to believe. It’s good old fashioned cluelessness, not even greed.
Are you really playing the game?
I have debated this guy before in another thread. He has tendency towards non-congruent thinking, name calling when out-debated and linguistic challenges.
It’s hard to make logical sense of his posts and his arguments are always some really loose rants with no substance in it.
No, im clearly not playing the game, as such i lag behind in terms of info about drops, but hey, at least im not retarded enough to make the statement that having no trading doesnt matter at all.
[quote=“CookyKim, post:53, topic:181015, full:true”]
I have debated this guy before in another thread. He has tendency towards non-congruent thinking, name calling when out-debated and linguistic challenges.
It’s hard to make logical sense of his posts and his arguments are always some really loose rants with no substance in it.[/quote]
In clear text: I got my ass handed to myself, so im here to comment on his butt due to my grudge.
And yeah he has linguistic challenges because out of sheer desperation i started to claim that i cant read what he is writing.
Eeeeeey Cookie, i havent seen you in a while.
Hey how’s it going? Care for another round?
So I guess accusing one as RMT white knight against both sides is a thing here now?
Sure and cheers.
You do understand that “bots trading silver” and “rmt transactions” are essentially the same thing, right? You can argue that one uses irl money and the other doesnt, but a.) thats splitting hairs and changes nothing b.) IMC literally states that they did all the restrictions in order to protect the economy, and both of these are destructive towards it.
What is cutting into their profits? Having to buy a token with their unlimited amount of virtual silver? Their profit is real money. Not virtual silver. So no, you didnt cut into their profit, all you cut into was their unlimited supply of silver, which is generated a hundred times faster than it is depleted, making this restriction an inconvenience to them (at best) but a ■■■■ up to the players who work for every each little silver they can scrape together.
But i give you did cut someone’s profit not to mention play experience: and that would be the player base which is actually playing the game.
Twisted way of thinking. Yes someone paid for the token, but then its bought via botter money by gold sellers.
You are implying that its okay to bot as long in the process money goes to IMC. What if i told you that its not?
Also you seem to disregard the fact that the token’s price rising is not a beneficial thing to players who do not play with bots and have to actually work for their silver.
Just like above with the “cutting into profits” statement, the audience which suffers the most from this is the player base.
In fact you just made the argument worse because you implied that IMC does not care about bots buying tokens as long as they get the money for the first time purchase of the token.
You do understand the irony of talking about “letting this silver enter economy” but just above you think its a good idea to allow them to buy tokens with sky high prices with their botted together amount of money.
You know what else crashes the economy? Having no players crashes the economy.
Yeah, forum whining hurts the game more than seven hundred colours and a full rainbow of pointless and controversial restrictions on every game feature from trade to chat.
You are trying too hard. Be careful not to ■■■■ yourself in the process.
[quote=“CookyKim, post:44, topic:181015”]
does nothing to bolster your arguments but make you look like the guy on your meme.
[/quote]Im only human, i need to vent my anger as well. Furthermore it servers me well as an early warning system.
When someone cherry picks all the insults from my post and ignores all the arguments, i can rest assured that im talking to someone who is mentally handicapped and thus would not want a conversation with the person.
But look at me yapping about things you do not care anyway.