Tree of Savior Forum

Do not fall for IMC's trade restrictions statement

You are incorrect.

There are still bots.

There are still spammers and sellers.

There are still buyers.

And to an immense degree. Meanwhile, players suffer.


Savior lives matter.

Some times I cant help but to think that some of these ppl are working the the RMT.

Sorry if you are not =X


But bots and spammers are an infliction to all mmos. Its not something that can be easily dealt with and anyone who is putting a game down because of this are being unreasonable. Putting human against robots is an unfair fight.

Yeah and most of these people who are fighting for these things are really starting to sounds they are grasping for straws nowā€¦ like they might be working for RMT and trying to make it easier on themselves. Iā€™m sorry if they are not butā€¦ yeahā€¦





No, IMCā€™s statement is not a blatant lie, and no this game is not a cash grab. If you feel so you may leave the community.


I think so too. Also paid trolls by other mmo companies arenā€™t completely unheard of. At least wargaming and gaijin have been caught doing these dirty tricks to each other (at least one of them was, can remember anymore).

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Trade is too restrictive. Youā€™re penalized several times for every step and process. Trade counts, potential loss, tradables becoming untradable (recipes and materials off the AH). Sounds like they may loosen up trading between your own team, because it doesnā€™t have anything to do with combating RMT, for the same reason they should also have team silver instead of silver per character. Makes a lot more sense if players intend to have merchant type of alts.

That being said. This is a matter of opinion at the end. If 25% of the players feel that trade is too restrictive, thatā€™s a pretty size able chunk. Enough to warrant change Iā€™d say. Time will tell. F2P in a few weeks arenā€™t going to increase the unique player count by very much. Youā€™ll see more trials sure, but the players who wanted to play ToS are already here. Iā€™d wager a majority of them. More exposure from going F2P sure, more paying customers? Doubtful. IMC, you have to do what you can to please your current crowd. A large population of your game is here for the cutesy stuff, and another population wants free trade and to be able to play the market. Youā€™ve already made that impossible with playing the Auction House with how potential loss and untradability works. I donā€™t know how much loss of interest this game can withstand for you to be able to afford this ridiculous ā€œWar on RMTā€ when in-game youā€™ve got rampant hacks and bots.

This game is already declining in Korean.

Proof: Hype for this died mid 2015


One of the things I just donā€™t understand is why they are entirely ignoring the player baseā€™s biggest complaint, which is the ability to trade or use silver between multiple characters on the same account. Does anyone know why they continually refuse to acknowledge or respond to player complaints related to this illogical restriction?

What in the world is their reason for not having silver be account-wide? TP is account wide - I can buy it and log on to any of my characters and spend it. What possible reason could they have for not adding this feature for silver as well?

There is absolutely NOTHING that having an account-wide silver wallet would do to effect bots or RMT buyers/sellers. The only people that are affected by the silver being tied to each individual character are the real, true players.

There are MMOs from 2003 that have account-wide silver wallets, it isnā€™t like this is some new and amazing feature that no one in the MMO world has thought of beforeā€¦ Itā€™s an extremely basic concept, and one that should be required for a game like this. This is a game with 80+ classes, some of which are almost entirely crafter classes.

I find it amusing that even they realize there is no logical reason to not have such a feature, and because of that they just utterly ignore anyone questioning them for it or suggesting it be added. Nice job, IMC.

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What I draw from your rant is that you want ToS to be like every other game out there. Hmmā€¦

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I concur to this statementā€¦ Itā€™s the same player behind the charactersā€¦ just use 1 silver account please.

I donā€™t really like MMOs with market manipulation as part of the game. Not an MMO of this genre at least. I canā€™t imaging people coming into ToS thinking thereā€™s a great economy system (like Eve online) to do market manipulation. It just isnā€™t part of the feature list of this game.

I do think that 1:1 trade for token users should be enabled. Perhaps it is still early in game and that they want the token market to stabilize before implementing that.

Actually it is the complete opposite. They agreed that there was no purpose of team storage in term of fighting RMT and they have decided to loosen the restrictions on team storage. Hopefully they will also implement team wide silver wallet.

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i donā€™t even think thereā€™s a working bot program for sale out there that can farm in game silverā€¦ only stupid people will fall for buying fake programsā€¦
People can macro sure, but I can see no pattern to monster spawn rates except for the maps with tricks like Const Chapel and monsters in maps often spawn at random locations and at a seemingly random rate, I doubt macro farming is very efficientā€¦

Firstly, getting a worthless degree doesnā€™t magically make you an expert in all forms of business or all economics majors would be billionaires. Also, you clearly donā€™t even want IMC to succeed since you keep pleading people to not fund them, so why should we listen to you at all?

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and wtf, do people really risk on buying those RMT knowing the fact that they pay first and hope the other party fulfill their side of the deal and buy whatever the f0ck item you place on auction house? and wtf 350k silver for around $10 when I can grind ~100k in less than an hour of grinding or simply killing monsters as I complete 100% each map Iā€™m in (still at around lvl 100)ā€¦

I think someone said he was paid by competing companies to ā– ā– ā– ā– -talk IMC to oblivion. Real economy there.


Becauseā€¦ humans are not perfectly logical little computers as the economists like to assume. Like our econ major here.

Did you ever wonder why economist are always wrong?

[quote=ā€œCookyKim, post:32, topic:181015ā€]
Actually it is the complete opposite. They agreed that there was no purpose of team storage in term of fighting RMT and they have decided to loosen the restrictions on team storage. Hopefully they will also implement team wide silver wallet.[/quote]

Yes, they have commented on the team storage situation and validated user concerns related to it. However, they have not responded to concerns about using silver on the same account.

These are two very different issues, and addressing the one does not equate to addressing the other. Trade restrictions, storage restrictions, and silver restrictions are three different and distinct issues. Addressing two out of the three is not the same as addressing three out of three.

My statement stands: They continue to completely disregard user concerns relating to the silver restrictions and refuse to acknowledge it.

You might not like MMOs with free trade. Many do. Itā€™s proven. I donā€™t think the Free Trade vs Non-Free trade debate is remotely close. Look at the forums. Look at the top complaints about this game. Look at the steam reviews. I havenā€™t read one statement where there is any praise about the market system. The closest thing is ā€œIā€™m fine with it, I can tolerate being told how to trade and sell and at what prices and behind a paywallā€. Thatā€™s the height of acceptance and praise behind their current system. And many people would call these people behind these statements as ā€œWhite Knightsā€. Iā€™d lean to agree because itā€™s irrational to need to do so much for such a basic function. Once the cute runs thin, and it will, and once the grinding is over, and thereā€™s nothing to grind for anymore. Youā€™ll see how important a functioning market system is to a game like ToS is

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  1. Ban 1:1 trading with the claim that it needs to be done in order to stop bots from trading silver
  2. Allow 1:1 trading for those who buy the premium token
  3. Now be retarded and allow said tokens to be auctioned and bought for in game currency.
  4. Not retarded enough. Announce (i quote from IMCā€™s statement) ā€œThey (gold sellers) can make essentially an infinite amount of silver in the gameā€
  5. Gj, you successfully went full retard, screwed over your players and justified it with the punch line ā€œoh you knowā€¦ absolutely no reason. It doesnt do anything to gold sellers since we allowed them to circumvent the restriction, but have it never the less because ā– ā– ā– ā–  you. To our entire, actual player base and customers: Enjoy and welcome to Tree of Capsā€.

There is a silver lining tho!
You are still not as retarded as the white knights who take your side in the debate because they are too mentally handicapped to understand when they are literally butt ā– ā– ā– ā– -ed.

P.S.: No offense intended, its just a bit hard for me to be notā€¦ how should i put itā€¦ bitter like seven hundred trucks of lemons, and see my play experience evaporating for the reason ofā€¦ wellā€¦ absolutely nothing.

At this point, bots are hurting the game less than IMC does. Cap dungeons, cap ah, cap chat, cap trade, cap spawns, capā€¦ my wallet. Yes. You successfully capped my wallet. Because ā– ā– ā– ā–  giving you a dime as long as you have rationals like this going on.


Itā€™s funny cause the only thing I donā€™t like about the game is the trade
system. Why do I have to pay just to trade items with my friend? Like
I was planning on spending money on the game sooner or later, but that just left a bad taste in my mouth. Having to pay for something thatā€™s been free
in every other mmo that I played.


Let me clarify myself regarding my dislike of MMOs with ā€œfree tradeā€. What I mean is that I do not think market manipulation (like middleman jacking up prices) belongs to a game of this genre. But a free market price discovery might work better than an artificial restriction to reselling. I do not know.

As for restricting 1:1 trading. I am against that. But I think IMC is working on releasing 1:1 trading of some nature eventually.

And for 1:1 trading for token users only. I can see the argument for both sides. IMC needs to sell a subscription item of some sort to enable legit RMT (through IMC). However the problem is making this ā€œTokenā€ attractive enough so that the majority of players will need it. At the same time not breaking the game for F2P players; the balance is delicate.

It is debatable that using trading privilege as the main incentive for Token is a good move or not. I am personally quite ambivalent about this as I expected to pay some form of subscription before this game was released. Allowing 1:1 trading indiscriminately means that RMTā€™ers can directly trade players to deliver goods. Currently I donā€™t think IMC has a way to effectively check / limit 1:1 trade for unbalanced trades. Unlike the AH which has price limits & 48 hour hold, 1:1 trade will very likely need to be manually handled. It is also retroactive in the sense that the goods are already delivered before a hold / ban can take place.

While I truly dislike how it is not possible to gift a new player some powerful item to help them out (large part of MMO). But until IMC figures out how to limit these RMTers, token restricted trading is probably what we are going to get. F2P players will have to be forced to use the AH.

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Here you have a solution to our currently trade system problems.