IMC’s statement on the reasons behind the trade restriction are completely false. They are void of logic and their current monetization tactic is suicide in the long run.
The only reason they issued that statement is to make sure the white knights and money whales are blissful and happy for a longer period of time. IMC will milk those players for as long as they can until all other players leave and it becomes more expensive to keep the server open (with whatever few, unaware paying players left) compared to just shutting it down.
It’s a blatant cash-grab strategy and IMC have no ambitions of developing and sustaining this game on the long run.
Please do not fall for their attempt at trickery, we cannot allow publisher and developers get away with these disgusting monetization practices. The further we let this go, the more it is going to happen. We should protect the gaming market from things like this for as much as we can. So please, don’t give IMC any money. Don’t let their cash scheme work.
Edit: Nice job flagging my post until it’s hidden, just because you disagree with it fanboys, real mature.