Tree of Savior Forum

Do not fall for IMC's trade restrictions statement

IMC’s statement on the reasons behind the trade restriction are completely false. They are void of logic and their current monetization tactic is suicide in the long run.

The only reason they issued that statement is to make sure the white knights and money whales are blissful and happy for a longer period of time. IMC will milk those players for as long as they can until all other players leave and it becomes more expensive to keep the server open (with whatever few, unaware paying players left) compared to just shutting it down.

It’s a blatant cash-grab strategy and IMC have no ambitions of developing and sustaining this game on the long run.

Please do not fall for their attempt at trickery, we cannot allow publisher and developers get away with these disgusting monetization practices. The further we let this go, the more it is going to happen. We should protect the gaming market from things like this for as much as we can. So please, don’t give IMC any money. Don’t let their cash scheme work.

Edit: Nice job flagging my post until it’s hidden, just because you disagree with it fanboys, real mature.


10/10 argument much foundation IMC is dirt because I don’t want to read your reasons.

Either you’re a troll or you didn’t read/understand the reasoning. Go read the post again and come back later.


wow… your acting with words are very bad. I can tell you’re a troll. American Idol feelings

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I read them, they’re just not true is what the issue is. I have a degree in economics and what they’re saying is complete nonsense.


I have a degree in psychology and I think something is wrong with you.


I have a degree in visual entertainment and I… uh… nevermind…


I’m not the customer obviously wasting tons of money in an abusive, restrictive and subpar service.

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You can’t make accusations like that without evidence.
I ashume you have some?

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I have, in the other post i did here in the forums, I’m a bit tight with regards to time so i can link it and actually literally draw the issue for you guys if necessary later on.

Wow, you complain about IMC not providing any logic or reasoning behind their statement and you provide absolutely zero yourself? Then when accused of doing so you just say “oh uhh, i don’t have time to provide proof to backup my claims”. Sounds like another classic case of just not wanting to spend any money and still expecting the world in return.


Here is the only foundation for any argument necessary:

  1. RMT website farms in-game currency via botting and sells it to players. Ironically, there is no reporting function in-game and bots go unchecked.

  2. Said game company restricts the auction house, restricts trading items, disallows trading silver, etc. behind a paywall in order to “stifle the RMT industry” in their game.

  3. RMT industry continues farming silver with their bots but instead buys rare/useful items with their botted money and instead sells the items directly to players using 1:1 token trading. This looks more legitimate and is almost fool-proof. With how easy it is to obtain a token via either early access pack or casual play, this should not be an issue.

  4. The restrictions remain in place, pointlessly limiting normal players while the company still takes in money for people to get through the paywall. Meanwhile, botting RMT websites are cornering the market on rare items with their botted silver.

Example: I can go to a very famous RMT website right this second and buy an Arde dagger for $25 dollars. Is there a difference between me buying $25 in silver or buying the Arde dagger I would’ve spent that silver on?


DAMN IT MAN THAT’S SO TRUE, I LOST $10 HOW I AM GOING TO LIVE? I’M SO POOR NOW. ty for opening my eyes (ironic)


I didn’t say I wouldn’t, do you even read? I said I will later.

I’ve noticed alot of poor people whining. The world isn’t fair. Life isn’t fair. Deal with it. I really like this game.


Also, wtb>Meladic staff 800k

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[quote=“viniciusuk, post:4, topic:181015”]
I have a degree in economics and what they’re saying is complete nonsense.
[/quote]The problem as i see it is in uncontrolled generation of silver by bots.

What if IMC introduced another unpopular “solution”: create a proxy currency exclusively for market usage. That currency is account-wide, but you can only convert a fixed amount of silver into that proxy currency per day (one way conversion only)? Then farming afk 24/7 will be pointless effectively controlling inflation on market.

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Well I decide what I do with my money. I’m in complete favor of the current system and have no issue spending money. The easiest thing to if you are unhappy with a video game is to go play another. There’s 5413541384 trillion mmos out there, there’s no reason why you can’t find one that better suits you.

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This is a flawed solution to a broken system. The point of a company is to make money. If the system is bad so that enough people want to go to a different product, then it will fail. The widespread discontent and steam reviews are enough to say that a sizable population is unhappy.

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I honestly think you need to reread the news post. I normally play games for free and can tell you that what they are doing is not unreasonable nor is it too unenjoyable or too restrictive to players. I was originally against the concept of their trading system but going through game further I didn’t find the restrictions made the game less enjoyable or unplayable not to mention I have been able to make decent silver through their system compared to other games. (I have the tendency not to make enough money to support my characters in mmo games but the restrictions here did not effect it as much as it does in other mmos.) As for bots and gold spammers the restrictions make sense to me. IMC stated that they recognize a pattern with trading and gold spammers/ bots. Their idea organizes the data easier so that those gold spammers and bots are much easier to deal with as a whole rather than going after them one by one just by going by player reports.


Restrictions are made for more cars…