You’re taking my comments out of context.
The original context:
He made an opinion (actually a conjecture), which I responded with my opinion. I don’t see what’s wrong with that.
Obviously it’s not an argument, it’s my opinion. (i.e. I used the word “should not” rather than “is not”)
It wasn’t even his argument, I made that argument. I didn’t take his argument and twisted it into something to suit my perspective. I made a logical extension that if something is claimed to be so insignificant, its existence or not should also be insignificant. And since he has not provided reason to keep it in, and I have provided reason to have it removed, his case actually argues for the removal of the stat.
Then you have not opened your mind to the arguments that doesn’t share your point of view. And I can only attribute that to bias.
I don’t know what this means.[quote=“black_light, post:329, topic:153090”]
Nothing ambigious about it. If its something you cannot hope to attain in game, its P2W. If you can make the equal of it, or better just by playing the game, then its not.
That is your definition, it may be shared by the part of the community or not.
And that is your opinion. You are entitled to your opinion. I have no say to it.
Request not fulfilled. Argument assumed to be false accusation / claim without proof.
Discrediting a whole summary post just because of your opinion reflects more on your integrity than otherwise.
Your intent seems to be to discredit me. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just provide your counter points to said arguments but to choose to discredit me:
List them all and I will explain my reasons to my claim / opinions. Unlike some, I don’t make claims without proof / support.
I’d just caution that you’re edging real close to Ad Hominem attacks though. Please stick to arguments directing to the original topic.