Tree of Savior Forum

Dev Interview: DPK

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘Dev Interview: DPK’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

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Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff


it’s bound map-wise. For example, if there is a monster with 500 DPK on Map Z and User A kills 100 monsters on channel 1 while User B kills 100 monsters on channel 2, both players have a 1/300 chance of an item drop.

That’s pretty big, and it explains some of the unexpected drops rates.

It’s reassuring to see that drop rates appear to be so active based on player and Staff feedback, I hope that they really are open to change. That being said, please reduce the max DPK of Orange mats, it is entirely needed and the other requirements easily balance out the Orange mats becoming easier to obtain.

Thanks for doing this @STAFF_Yuri :slight_smile:

@STAFF_Yuri Ty so much <3 for putting effort into it.

So, DPK remains the same but with higher number of kills required. Because if someone rules a channel and kills the majority number of monsters required to increase drop chance, there is still the chance that a random player comes in ch 2, kills a Mob steal the drop.

not steal the drop…

both got same DPK.

but if someone afk until DPK end (just sitting in another ch) , they both got mat?

So, they are looking many various way to improve that, one of the thing is the new feature they just told us at the interview. The material shop, of course it doesn’t sell practonium like core items, but they will supply non-core, hard to find in the market, rarely people selling materials via these ‘shops’.

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@STAFF_Yuri Please fix fedimian at telsiai… there is only 1 channel with 100/100 and all character in there was bugged

It’s extreamly rare situation I think… both player are aiming for the same material, same date, time… and adding chances increasing on each kill? … I’m not sure…

We’re monitoring each Server with the update, we will deal it :slight_smile:

I don’t want to be the party pooper here, but:

P: Right; the list of items sold will be random and it will periodically resupply the products, too. But this will be bound to your account, not a character.

another layer of RNG doesn’t help at all, it only adds to the frustration of this system.
We went from DPK, drop per kill, to GFO: Grind For Others.

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I dont think map-wise bound is helpful. Nowadays, more and more player start farming material, ignore farming-performance factor, each ppl already put the same effort, but all/almost materials come into 1 (yes, just ONE player).
I hate this situation since I’m not a lucky player :joy:


for the god sake please bring back the original dpk. New dpk system sucks, now we have to watch out for ppl from all channels ?? I do not farm 999 monsters in channel 3 just for some random lucky dude in channel 2 or 4 or 5 steal it

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YES, it make everyone hate each others more.
Why we need to hate everybody like that?

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They don’t technically steal it, every kill count just increases the chance on dropping it which means even if the count is 1/500 there’s still a chance for you to get the drop unlike the old one where there’s absolutely NO chance to drop the item unless you’re the 500th.

i rather killing 500 monsters (which is a lot easier now due to mob nerf) and know for sure i will get one than praying to RNGesus that i’m the one who will get drop but not the guys from other channels

I rather have this than have a random guy on the same channel using a DPK counter and wait for the 499/500 mark.


then good luck farming materials now im done with it.


About the Material Shop. So we can only buy the goods with silver?, or we can also trade it for our not-so-important material?. @STAFF_Yuri

Map-wise? This is madness lol. Why dont make it channel-wise? So what if another person in another channel can farm faster than other ppl in other channel? The faster farmer would get his item periodically and faster than other ppl in other channel who farm slower. Although, once again, its RNG DPK (top-down), it would be frustating for both parties (e.g. faster farmer would get higher DPK drop because ppl in other channel dropped it, thus resetting the DPK. Slower farmer might not get DPK item because faster farmer eventually drop the DPK item, due to faster killing).

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Lots of shouting in here about the information that they’ve given us, while there’s very little speculation about the information they have not given us. We know with certainty that what they have told us isn’t the whole picture. So I’m going to put forward a theory.

Think of it this way for a 400DPK item:

Player A: 100
Player B: 100

Map DPK: 200
Drop rate: 1/200

When Player B gets a drop. Player B’s DPK resets to 0. This changes Map DPK to 100. Player A then later gets the drop after another couple hundred kills at around 300DPK, for a 1/100 drop rate.

Both players earned the 400DPK item with a total of 400 kills between them.

And that will be why it was necessary to increase the DPK of items in the game.

Because the new system increased the number of drops that were happening.

So it’s very likely to be both personal, and map.

If it is ONLY map then drops would not have increased and nothing would have needed to be increased. They’re being secretive, but you can backwards rationalise how the system works with the little snippets of information they’ve given us.

They seem to confidently imply that the new system doesn’t rob players of their work like the old system does, so you have to read between the lines to get at what they’re not telling us.

Why aren’t they telling us? I hear you ask.

If the system works in the above way, it also makes it strategically abusable. Players that understand the system could deliberately not do work, and only farm when others have driven up the map DPK with their personal contribution. This gets them a higher chance-per-hour than with players participating currently believing they’re competing with each other or only using personal DPK.

So keeping it secret from players so they don’t start abusing tactical ways to increase their drop chances makes some sense.

Those with experience in other MMOs that have some fluctuations that occur at weekly reset will be able to spot how to abuse this. Drop rates would be higher on a map(with other people) at the end of a week instead of the beginning because DPK is very likely reset during maintenance. People that have build up their DPK over the week which will contribute to higher drop rates before maint happens.

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Just to quote myself:

They released dpk numbers (again) in a recent patch:

For Wizards bracelet is 950-1050. If you theory was correct, I’d have dropped 3 bracelets with almost 4k kills, yet I did drop only 1.

Maybe because it’s your theory and not their? Occam’s razor often helps!