Tree of Savior Forum

Could use some help choosing a Wugushi Build

Hello !

I’ve recently decided to start a Wugushi as I was looking for a good AoE/single target build for my Archer, but I’m still unsure about the build. I’m a 100% PvE player that plays mostly alone and I’m pretty sure I’ll go Mergen Rank 8.

The builds are :

Archer C2 > Sapper C2 > Wugushi C3

Archer C3 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1 > Wugushi C3

Archer C2 > Sapper C2 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1

I’m planning to go Mergen at rank 8 so I’m not interested in Cannoneer or Musketeer for just 1 circle.

So, as you can see I’m a bit torn between, Falconner C1 to AoE with Multishot (and the added party support), Sapper C2 to add Broom trap to my AoE rotation, and Wugushi C3 for the added damage/duration on poisons.

Need help ! :weary:

Sapper requires wood (extra weight) to use skills. Wugushi requires poison pot poison items to generate poison (doesn’t have extra weight). You will be able to insert boss cards into your poison pot. Check the wugushi thread if you are interested: [Guide] Wugushi: The Venomous Tribe

All builds you listed have both archer2 (swiftstep crit rate 1.25x multiplier attribute) and wugushi poison. Poison will not crit, and high STR builds will benefit you more. Get minimal dex to get decent crit rate with equips, or no dex at all.

Archer C2 > Sapper C2 > Wugushi C3
Your strongest single target damagers will be Multishot10, Needle blow, wugong gu (situational AoE too), and gu pot (also an AoE). Broom trap spreads wugong gu poison easily, however it canNOT hit flying enemies. Your two strongest/biggest AoE skills in this build are Throw gu pot, and broom trap. These skills canNOT hit flying enemies. This would be the weakness of this build. Wugushi3 scales the best of all wugushi’s. I’d suggest 1 claymore or 0 claymore since it is a very bad animated skill. The set-up + detonate takes too long. Collar bomb has nice damage early on and falls off early, and it will miss unless you face your target at swordie melee range. Punji takes too long to set-up. You will get hit and interrupted before you finish casting, so lvl 1 is fine. Detonate traps is superb utility to destroy boss traps, and in PvP.
The skills you will use a lot are swift step, multishot, oblique, needle, wugong, gu pot, broom trap, stake stockades.

Archer C3 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1 > Wugushi C3
The burst AoE of this build will be Circling + multishot 15. Multishot 15 doubles as a very strong single target skill however mind the charging duration + firing animation will root you in place. Circling does not benefit your other skills at all, just multishot. Throw gu pot has an unlimited AoE so it won’t be boosted by circling. This build has the strongest burst AoE through multishot 15 + circling, and best single target damage through needle blow, wugong gu, gu pot, and Twin Arrows. Multishot 15 + circling will easily clear flying enemies when gu pot can’t hit them.
Most used skills: swift step, multishot, twin arrows, needle, wugong, gu pot, circling, CALL. Circling will grant you party support.

Archer C2 > Sapper C2 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1
Wugu2 will scale less (less strong) than wugu3, and will have a shorter poison duration. Shorter duration won’t be important until 200+ once mobs have more HP. This build would be a mix of your build 1 and build 2. It can deal with flying mobs through circling + multishot 10, and it has some poison, and broom trap + gu pot + wugong gu vs big grounded crowds. Its poisons won’t be as strong as wugushi3, and the burst AoE won’t be as strong as multishot 15 + circling though. The advantage of this build is its amount of AoE possibilities through circling + multishot, gu pot and wugong gu, and broom trap. Circling will grant you party support.
Most used skills: swift step, multishot, oblique, needle, wugong, gu pot, broom trap, stake stockades, circling, CALL.

Wow, very informative !

I went Archer 2 because even if I can’t crit now with Wugushi, I’ll still need some crit for Rank 8 and higher. Plus I don’t really like the other options, QS needs C3 and Ranger is meh.

I’m still unsure about the build, but at least now I know I won’t go build 1, it’s to risky. I feel like Circling + Multishot is too good to pass up, especially against flying enemies. Now, it’s all about Sapper 2 vs Archer 3 + Wugushi 3.

Sapper 2 provides a decent ground AoE that CAN CRIT, and a situational Piercing burst with Stockades.

Archer 3 provides a decent filler with twin Arrow and increases multishot’s damage, and the good thing about it is that I can still cast a lvl 10 multishot, even if it’s 15, if I’m in danger. Wugushi 3 = more AoE damage/single target damage.

I really like Broom trap, and when it crit it does very good damage, but there are too many leather monsters which turb Broom trap into a “meh” AoE…

Yes, broom trap is Strike damage.

If you have a decent party, they will help your broom trap.
Strike damage can be boosted by wizard1 Lethargy (with attribute, +100% strike damage on mob), Monk double punch (+30% strike damage), Hunter Snatching (only on flying mobs, with attribute, +100% strike damage), Rodelero High Kick + Slithering (with attribute, +100% and +100% strike damage).

Pierce damage is only boosted by hoplite Spear lunge, highlander crossguard block stagger, and fencer attaque coquille. Slash damage is boosted by Barbarian Cleave, and fencer Lunge.

Archer3 Twin arrows is quite nice DPS for quite some SP cost (5 overheat). Archer2 will still provide you multishot + circling.

Another I will tell you is level progression. If you go A2->Sapper2, you will have sapper2 before the lvl 90 dungeon. Broom Trap is one of the earliest AoE skills for all classes, and it is quite nice in the dungeon. The other early AoE would be from wizard, wiz3 magic missile, pyromancer, and dievdirby owl from the cleric branch. Other classes won’t have a nice AoE like Broom Trap that early. A2-Sapper1 is more tedious than A2-A3 though. Sapper1 is very lacklustre.

Yeah I actually thought about Lethargy and other Strike debuff to boost Broom trap, but the main purpose of Broom is AoE, and unfortunately it’s hard for debuffers to debuff in a big AoE. It’s good vs bosses though, but I don’t think I’ll need Broom (even with debuffs) for Boss DPS.

It’s true, I don’t NEED Archer 3, and to be honest I’m not a big fan of Archer 3, but I don’t see any other possibility. Hunter 1, QS 1, Ranger 1, Sapper 1 all are worse IMO than Archer 3.

That’s actually the main reason I wanted Sapper 2, easier leveling at low level (and because Broom is cool). But honestly I’m fine having a harder time early if It pays off later. I leveled Wiz 3 > Ele 3 and Wiz 3 > Linker 2> Necro, so I don’t mind the harder time :slight_smile:

Then perhaps one last thing for you to decide on. Around lvl 150 you will grind at demon prison (2) or at least farm some gold. High density mob map.

Archer C3 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1 > Wugushi C3, will use gu pot and wugong gu as AoE. Archer C2 > Sapper C2 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1, will have broom trap + wugong gu.

In the end multishot 15 + circling is very very strong burst though. A3Wu2fal1wu3 has more burst aoe and single target dps. A2Sapp2Wugu2Fal1 has an extra AoE (broom trap), however the other sapper skills aren’t as good as broom trap. Stake stockades is the next good skill.

If you like to maximize class circle damage, I’d go for A3 Wu2 Fal1 Wu3. Swift step 9-15, 15 multishot, 1 (or 5) twin arrows, 15 needle, 15 wugong, 10 gu pot, 5 Circling, 1 Call will be all you need until you get mergen skills.

An extra AoE is good… but actually not needed. Multishotx2 + Circling + Wugong gu + Gu Pot can easily melt 100k+hp monsters.

Eventhough I love Sapper 2 I think I’ll go Archer C3 > Wugushi C2 > Falconner C1 > Wugushi C3.

Thank you for the help ! :smile:

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