So, I had to play catch up with my friends on my main (newbie here, currently 151 c3 ranger, c1 fletcher, plan on c3 fletcher and mergen), and I caught up to them. Problem is though, they aren’t playing the game (distracted by many things) and are telling me I can’t level it because they want to play with me.
Cool, fair enough, but I wana level higher than that. So my thought was to make a new character…
I’ve lost count with how many re-rolls I’ve made since
I’ve made 3 (what I consider) solid skill/rank builds to follow, but they all seem low on AOE and in general, just boring (I’ve played c3 archer and c3 ranger so much it’s just become a chore). One of them involves quarrel shooter at rank 2, but I’ve past that on yet another archer and… I’m getting drained at this point and want to avoid re-rolling yet again.
Basically, whats a fun and balanced build for a c2 rank 2 archer that doesn’t involve ranger or fletcher? I’m far more of a pve player than a pvp player, but in saying that, I’ve never tried pvp nor do I want to rule out trying it in the future.
Here are the builds for reference and or critique:
I suggest you wait a little bit more before planning, the Koreans will receive Rank 8 info soon (and so will we).
I will comment on your builds.
A2 R3 Falcon2. Your Skillpoints are fine. Important are Swift step (attribute), multishot 10, barrage, steady aim, circling. Combo for AoE will be Circling + barrage, circling + multishot.
A3 > Wugu3 > Musket. I suggest having Jincan Gu on 4/5 and Needle blow on 15/15. Jincan Gu poisons for 60 seconds, and deals damage every 3 seconds. Any enemy affected by it will turn into multiple insects once killed. However the insects won’t follow you and won’t chase enemies, they idle around (plus they steal heal tiles). If you’d like another poison you may take 1/5 Jincan gu, 15 needle, 15 wugong, 10 gu pot, and 3/5 zhendu + 1 bewitch.
Moreover I suggest at least Twin Arrows lvl 1 as a filler during your leveling to musket since wugu has high Cooldowns.
Important are multishot, swift step, needle blow, wugong gu, gu pot.
High STR benefits poisons since they can’t crit. High crit rate (through dex or equips) benefits musketeer skills since they have high base damage. An example I always use is : crit a 10k damage skill and it becomes 15k damage. Add 500 bonus STR damage to a 10k damage skill and it becomes 10k+500.
You may use kneeling shot after you apply poison to the enemy to boost DoT damage (poison damage will update per tick), however it is dangerous because it locks your mobility and locks your skills.
QS3 Rogue2 Cannon. I recommend more lvls into caltrops if you’d like a ranged aggro skill. Throwing caltrops will aggro aggressive enemies to them (lure). Running shot is the most important QS skill of course.
Rogue2 is very interesting. Rogue1 offers the essentials (sneak hit), so rogue2 is not necessary (unless you really want the lachrymator CC). You may replace rogue2 with falconer to utilize circling + cannon blast. However circling does not benefit QS3 a lot.
To change the build, you may become A1 QS3 A2 -> Falcon1 -> cannon1. Utilize circling + mutlishot, circling + cannon skills, and fill with Running shot.
Relevant AoE archer threads with build discussion:
A variant of this would be A1 Rang1 Sapp2 Ro1 Fal1 Cannon1. You will sacrifice PvP and Circling + Multishot for Broom Trap (and capture broom trap on high CD).
Wow, thanks so much for that help, I didn’t expect that much depth in an answer lol
The reason I went c2 rogue for that build though, was because I’m just not a fan of going falconer c1 in any build really. To me, it kind feels like a waste considering how low a level the skills would be. Having said that though, thats why I have the falconer build there. I planned on making that a c3 falconer with rank 8 but, apparently the falcons AI is glitched for now so that’s kinda put me off of it.
You’ve helped me out a tonne regardless though, thanks!
Although I do have a question regarding wugushi stats though. What should the str/dex build look like?