Gu Pot doesn’t suck in PvE. It’s one of the AoE skills Wugushi has. lol
In PvP I may agree.
Gu Pot doesn’t suck in PvE. It’s one of the AoE skills Wugushi has. lol
In PvP I may agree.
Is it worth going for Zhendu 5 instead of Jincan Gu?
Just get 1 Jincan Gu. Rest in zhen du. If you have confusion in your build, this also works with Jincan gu, allowing mobs to kill each other
Probably your build will be:
15 needle blow
15 wugong gu
10 throw gu pot
1 confusion/bewitch
1 jincan gu
3 zhendu
All skillpoints allocated to the hardest hitting DoTs (needle, wugong, gu pot), other DoTs are bonus.
Hello my friend,
after experiencing Wugushi skills I noticed that constant damage > skill with long cooldowns and any impact in terms of huge damage.
Zhendu keeps poisoning along with Needle Blow and Wugong Gu.
Until lvl 200+ every non-dungeon mob will die to your poison before its full duration has finished. Each skill has its own poison and they all stack together, however they will not stack on themselves (if there’s another wugu they will overwrite your poisons). Jincan gu and zhendu scale worse since they don’t have a % enhance attribute.
Jincan Gu and Zhendu:
You have asked me to tell you how was my first Siullai impression right? Definitely pretty cool! Wugushi gets all those damn bosses smelted every single run.
Hello buddy!
Can you explain how that card system works?
Is there a difference between a Lv. 1 Canceril Card or Lv. 10?
Thank you.
Note how this says Card count%, so it means 1 card = +1%. 5 Cards = +5%.
Note how this one is Star %. It means a card with 1 star = 1%, a card with 4 stars = 4%.
A canceril card with more stars won’t affect the extra damage effect it gives to Gu Pot. It only affects the card when it is equipped:
Nothing special then.
I’d like to know what accessories I must have!
Gladiator Band/Sissel or any other option?
It’s preference.
Glass Bracelet = best magic defence.
Gladiator Band = +1 AoE attack ratio will help your multishot a little bit, however Broom Trap and Throw Gu Pot are already infinite AoE so +1 AoE won’t boost them. Extra STR boosts poison damage a bit.
Sissel = Extra physical damage (boosts poison a bit), and crit rate for sapper skills and archer skills. However Frenzy can’t trigger through Poison DoT since Poison DoT cannot miss.
Good to know.
I’ll go for Glass Bracelet ATM.
Thank you.
I’ve seen a topic talking about card attributes and it was separated in effects and stuff, that’s really useful, but it doesn’t show where and how to get them. D:
I mean, insects specifically…
[deleted] Refer to more recent post for Wugu cards
Where do I get these you specified what attributes they provide?
[deleted] Refer to more recent post for Wugu cards
If I find anything new I’ll do something to contribute as well.
Hey guys im A1 QS3 Wu2 going to Can1, so this are my questions.
1.- Cannoneer is better because you get 4 news skills 2 of them 5cd (one for earth and ones for air target) and 2 for AoE. I think is more dmg than WuguC3
2.- If im going Wugu3 can i hit air targets with Gincan (bees)?
3.- My second hand dmg will add more dmg to my poison because i dont know if buy Manamana because PropDmg or use Agvara that deal +500dmg than Manamana or i need to buy both (Manamana and Cannon )
4.- Grajus or Isbality? Grajus give extrabonus to bosses and im full PvE and 24 str , but isbaliti gives twice dmg to devil. so i dont know if go safe with grajus or risk with isbality
Im ChoppyS from
Orsha, Greeting Saviors
1> What is your question anyway?
2> Jincan can’t hit air.
3> Sec weapon dont add damage. Just addition damage from manamana or arde add your. Not sure about the R8 Cannoneer Bazzoka skill anyway.
4> Meh, It does’t matter anyway.
Cannon skills use only cannon damage. Equip a crossbow with +elemental or +attack on small/medium/large or +attack on cloth/leather/plate to boost damage.
Use grajus vs non-demon bosses. Isbality vs demon/devil bosses.