I’m quite done with this… but I still couldn’t resist to react to these wonderful arguments
still going on and repeating themselves over and over again…
Wanting a class reset where you have to do nothing just spend your skill points on your new class is rly rly lame, lazy and horrible. You can’t have a class that you never worked with…
Sadly a lot of ppl would want that one… I can’t even understand how can there be so many lazy ppl here… They should just buy a maxed out class with best stats and skills from the cash shop… because they would die if they should work a bit more on their char anyway.
It is also lame that some ppl don’t care that a lot of ppl will leave sooner or later because of this. You don’t have to be a genius to see that.
It’s not true you can find all the information you need. There are also false informations out there. The game is unfinished and after it will get finished there will be so many info out there that it still will be quite easy to get lost in it.
Also lame arguments against it:
"Everybody would just have the same/best build."
Like rly? It is also the case in any possible way. Even without reset most of the ppl want to have the cookiecutter builds. Most of the them just copy the guides on the forum and that’s all. If they will end up with a bad build they will either reroll or will just quit.
On the other hand those who would want to make more unique builds with a lot of effort in it…have a huge chance for them that they will fail somewhere because they will find much less information… and they have no redemption. We already know some synergies doesn’t work that well as we expected…
"They would earn a class the easy way when I worked so hard.
This is not true at all with a well-done reset. If you actually have to rework that rank it means you actually worked more on it. But cry a little more pls…
“IMC has a lot more important stuff to do now”
So? It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get something in the future just because it is not the most important thing at the moment…
"It’s hard to implement. Can come with a lot of bugs etc."
Like any other new features… It is like saying we shouldn’t get any other features because it can come with bugs and it will ruin the game… Also I know IMC said it would be hard to do…but I would be rly surprised if they rly couldn’t come up with a way…
Although I saw some little problems too that others mentioned with the implementation that could rly cause some troubles…but even those are not that big deals imo. But at least these one have some basis. (sry that I won’t write down now exactly what I’m talking about)
Anyway most of these arguments are the most narrow-minded, jealous, selfish arguments ever… Please at least come up with something that actually makes sense…
If IMC themselves rly don’t want it I can accept that… but I still wouldn’t say that’s a good decision at the end.