Tree of Savior Forum

Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

you really love code wars aren’t you? I’m not an expert on coding (actually hate that stuff) but still i’m also an IT. You tell things like indicator, ways to detect them etc. Yet do you even have an idea how they made it? Application or games at this scale are not created by HTML and PHP nor Java you know?

First and foremost, I give respect to these guys because when I’m still trying to create a “Hello World” message, they’re already making gravity millions of zeny i mean money already. Large applications like these has a very complex strings to the point that detecting a single left out clause is almost impossible to find(having that issue a lot, lol). You may have an idea how it can be detected however, how can you be so sure that your hypotheses is correct? Did you made any test for it? It’s not just about the money, its also about accuracy. What if they did something like what you’re saying right now and also made the game worse? That’s a huge embarrassment. Also, they are not fixing one problem at a time here, They’re controlling and fixing the whole game including all other matters within it.

In the world of algorithms you need patience, my Child. In IT development like these you need to have priorities, It’s just maybe this is not the highest one on the list.

Sorry for my engrish, It’s not my native language

That’s part of my job. Lol.

If I’m not mistaken, the only same person from ToS as RO is the director of the game isn’t it.

Patience isn’t a good word to justify why did they release the game this early when they didn’t even solve most simple bug posted during icbt2.

Creating the core for a game server is hard, but finding and fixing those simple bug isn’t unless your server code is some spaghetti code. Try eAthena, an open source RO private server, it’s not really hard to fix any bug if someone actually posted a bug report with reproduction steps.

Things like optimization of the client and network connection maybe much harder so I don’t really blame them for not being able to do so, they may need more resources to hire better talent. But, simple bug is really unacceptable.

I didn’t disassemble ToS but I do know how to create a game engine for online game and such. It’s not rocket science.

Nevermind, I am giving up on this argument. It’s hard to explain why something isn’t really hard to someone who think it’s difficult. I’m just bad at that. It’s like explaining why calculus is simple to some student who kept on thinking it’s impossible…

Ohh, I’m sorry my super intelligent person over the internet that can do everything.

True you can even justify the Engine they use once you see the outline of the game, but most cases in real IT world (I’m quite somehow doubtful that you already practiced that on the real field) each devs has their own way of creating or making applications. As per my job, I’m a SA so definitely you know what i do basically. To devs such as yourself maybe, its like artists you know… they have their own brush strokes or something like that and other devs are having some problems understanding them giving a halt to production due to the time the other devs trying to read what the other one wrote. I hope you get that, because it made my nose bleed to think of that analogy.

Developers needs time to understand the way how the others write. So what i’m saying is you might have a hypothesis or an idea to fix the issue however you don’t even know where to start.

If you really believe in yourself like that why don’t you offer your so called “Talents” to them. For a large scale game like this, I bet they can reach your price.

Just for a note, we’re still on Beta its called Phase 2 Beta. OBT
CBT is only to detect bugs and to gauge the capacity of the HWs and other influences. A software takes a series of tests to be called complete. Sorry to break your ice but that’s how software business works.

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you talk so much, yet there’s nothing in anything you said that benefit anyone in any way. but you are so right that this is the internet where trolls is the norm, people like you will never stop making these… posts, because i don’t know, maybe you get a kick from posting useless bashing things? no amount of word said by anyone can ever change your attitude i believe, also i want to encourage you to understand that this might be the internet but behave and people will be nice to you, i don’t care if you care or not, just saying.

I have a question, how do you guys handle the bot reports?

Do you just watch every bot reported to determine that? That seems like a daunting task considering how many reports there probably are vs how many staff members.

Or do you just b& immediately?

I do have a few suggestion before that can actually allow the silver trading without bot fking us up.

There is actually a few suggestion in the forum with the same function too.

They were just ignored conveniently during most argument or we were asked to make a full solution, send to imc, or don’t suggest. That’s like asking us to build a whole car engine for free if we have an already existing suggestion to make the engine better, without any benefit. That’s kinda impossible.

Then I realize the internet is just full of trolls and everyone just want to argue for the sake of arguing. If no one want to solve anything, but just want to fulfil their e-peen anyway, I will just accompany them.

Most of the time, the core concept of a piece of programming is the most difficulty part, we already have alot of concept around here. If a dev’s difficulty lies mostly in coding the concept correctly, ya we have comletely different issue here than stopping bots.

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Those changes won’t solve the game’s issues.

What make me sad is that a good game like Tos is rated 61% on steam simply because of the trade system and bot issues.

Thanks for the work you all do… it seems the very sec i seen we can report bots, i noted most bots gone, a side from the ones in town trying to sell Silver.
but i am happy to say i already seen the change, Thanks!

Is there really a limited number that can exist on the server?

Been farming materials to make a sissel bracelet… what a journey!

While at Tenet 1F looking for Battle Bracelet…

  • We’ve got some archer bot on kneeling shot doing 360 spins 1 shotting everything that spawns

  • Went to the larger room on the far left, only to find a sorceror sitting there afk with this big black summoned pet killing the whole room, and hes collecting all the drops just sitting there

  • Went back towards the statue area to the south, and we’ve got 13 or 14 different highlanders with some gibberish names running back and forth killing stuff, running into the wall and teleporting

And while at Mage Tower 3F looking for the Hunter Bangle, i’m getting cussed off by some archer chick, that apparently doesn’t want me killing any Red Infrorocktors because shes an archer and she needs the hunter bangle recipe more than me…??

I lol’ed so hard… went to a different channel and nothing but grinding partys, and people telling me to GTFO because im 18x and everyone else is 12x

I would buy all the materials off the marketplace, but i have to wait like 2 ~ 3 days on silver from stuff i previously sold which is so dumb… im starting to hate this game

Why not just add Gameguard or something? its like your allowing bots to ruin this game

Because game guard can only stop bots that interact with client, but as the bot advanced, it don’t need the game client to work.

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“Just add Gameguard” has killed games cause they think that’s all they need.

No, it just means the bots’ first step is to bypass Gameguard. Then legit players get stupid issues like controller software not working or alt+tab crashes and false positives while bots still run rampant.


Continuing the discussion from Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy:

I don’t think that that’s been ignored. Rather could be a thing that they’re looking up into? Or maybe they already thought about that but found that it will not going to work or it will hinder the game further in different aspect (Most of the time that’s the reason). For them to actually tell you to send such solutions means they are actually listening. To me you seem to just wanted to have some credits first before you actually really help. But since none was offered, you chose to say they’re stupid.

If you really can help why won’t you just do it? If you really think it was ignored then let it be, you’re not the one who’s losing money anyways.
IMC is the creator of Granado Espada, in which still running I didn’t play the game but looking it up it seems its being closed down giving out the final episode of the game. It just means that IMC is giving out everything to ToS. Even though i haven’t really played GE, it seems still to be a very popular game.

In addition to that, I read some reports as well of bugs in PvP and the finalization of GvG. You should also have to consider them, it really affects the matter on hand right now, their focus is quite actually set to too many levels. If i am also to rate, this issue regarding trading is the least thing to worry about currently.

I support this a lot. I want to be able to give my friends weapons when they start and help them out.

I’m not saying IMC ignored it lol. I’m referring to those who was debating with me.

I generally perceive IMC as IMCompetent based on the current result, and I will change my perspective if they get a better result later. For me, it’s always result first, effort second (if they do have effort).

It’s not about why won’t I do it. It’s more about why should I do something so troublesome if it probably won’t benefit me in the slightest. Will you work for something worth at least thousands of usd for free (and that’s underestimating how much the solution worth, based on my company’s price)? At least I won’t. I would rather just rage in the forum.

About the trading part, it’s kinda an important issue now because many players are reluctant to play because of the restricted trading, though you can argue that this actually stop players from flooding the server currently, and they will come back after other issue is fixed and trading became free again.

Kid, you’re really hitting them hard. Anyways seems you can’t really just get the bigger picture so I’ll live it here. I love this game so I’ll support it the way that i can and i know. If you really have that kind of hatred or issues with them why don’t you just go and look for another game? If you really think about it its quite simple, you hate it stop it(that’s what i do with games i tried and didn’t liked).

Another thing i notice is the lag, you should be very grateful kid you’re in a country with good network. My connection sucks in here and having a huge delay, hopefully they can fix it up soon as well. It’s been raised already on Steam.

I wish for your better future kid, hopefully you find a job someday in order for you to understand.

Hey I don’t hate the game, I have fun bashing them that’s why I love them.

Why would one even waste time bashing things he don’t like?

So it’s either do IMC’s job for them and fix their issues without access to any code and internal data, or stop playing?


Fix the BOT, Every Channel at tenat garden have atleast 4-6 Bot, they must do something, player report many times alrdy.