Tree of Savior Forum

Big Rank Updates More Intense Balancing

Question is if Zealot will actually be a double-dagger Cleric, as parts of the Zealots [which were described in the Talmud as brutes], the so-called Sicarii, where famous assassins that assassinated Romans with their daggers or short-swords hidden away in their clothes.

It would be pretty awesome to see some dual-wielding in action on this Cleric Class :slight_smile:

assasins with healā€¦ yes tree of clerics ;v

The real ā€œassassinsā€, aka Hashishin, dating in the 11th century in Persia and Syria, were all muslim clergymen that followed the belief of the Shia Islam.

So if we talk about realism, itā€™s unrealistic to see any assassin without a religious background. Sicarii and Hashishin were clergymen, so assassination in its roots is strongly related to religion and clergy.
Tree of saviour might be the first game to get this fact right and put the assassin in the right Classtree instead of the petty thieves that have nothing in common with assassination whatsoever.

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A cleric with martial arts and assassination and a relation to the Hassan in some wayā€¦ I think I already saw something similarā€¦

Thatā€™s incredible.
Because Assassin may also come from the word aŔīŔ (cannabis)

ā€œTree of Saviorā€ may have another interesting meaning

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The class progression is interesting, Rank 6 classes will have the worst at first because they canā€™t get the C2 of the new classes.

  • Maximum buff limitations removed; Daino effects changed.

thanks lord

Reflect Shield and Shared Swift Step memes are dead, RIP.


other classes are still going to get buffs soon though :confused:

ā€œFor lower-rank classes, which skill factors remain relatively low, we have plans to introduce a Master Circleā€

I always thought that TOS was lacking in class roleplaying identity. Investing 3 ranks in Pyromancer for example, but barely feeling like a fire mage at the end of the day.

So, this Master Circle could be something to give this identity to most builds. I Hope it comes soon.

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To the current Rank 7 and 8 classes, of course, weā€™ll be adding Circles 3 and 2 respectively. Plus, weā€™ve developed brand new attributes for some of those classes. We expect to share more details about the new classes and skills at a later date through the dev blog.

Yooo what about fencer? We got 1 passive attributeā€¦

I actually had a suggestion about a master circle ages ago XDā€¦ Iā€™m wondering if I actually inspired them with somethingā€¦ I would be happy X)

( just for proof )

I like the new ranks system, it was actually a worry I had (because it meant youā€™d need to continue forever with ranks if you added more ranks for every circlesā€¦). I want it here now T^T

I donā€™t really like the changes to Krivis and Oracle though. Krivis has some nice changes, some others are a bit more ā€œmehā€ to me. Uninteresting changes.
The Oracle changes are pretty bad though. 10s counterspell ? Whatā€™s the point ? The fact the cooldown was so long was fine because Counterspell was worth it, being 30 seconds long. Even 20 seconds long would be good. But 10 seconds ? Pretty lame.
Prophecy is just terrible.
To be honest the Oracle changes feel like nerfs targeting PvP but that will be applied for the general class. Except that in PvE those changes wonā€™t work.

A moment of silence for all the scrolls makers and the Pardonersā€™ Simony, which will be pretty useless now. No more STA-consuming skills -> death of Arcane Energy (scrolls).
No more limited buffs -> death of Daino scrolls. Weā€™ll see how the AA Daino works, but I guess itā€™ll be useful only to possible MATK-AA usersā€¦ so only buffing Wizards and Chaplains ?

I think it starts to separated at rank 8. based on the separation class rank and character rank image.

Dont forget the Master Circle class.

The new Daino only works for INT-based Clerics right now. The Wizardā€™s AA already counts as Magic Attack, I guess, so Daino doesnā€™t worksā€¦

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Right, itā€™ll just turn it magical, I forgot about that.
I guess it could only be useful to AA-wizards if the INT scaling is much better than the base scalingā€¦ which would be strange but also fun, in a way.
So quite the ā€œmehā€ skill~ (not that much use, for now)

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The change is good so far

  1. They can release more exciting news periodically instead of 1 big patch with many bugs. As said, players are more hooked to it if every month have something exciting news, instead of every quarter only have exciting big news. to keep good progress of momentum

  2. More class diversity and more buffer bugs testing.
    As said many times, I hope they will continue find way to optimize game engine to cater for smoother connection and engaging battles (more responsive battles) as well as monster AI, try to reduce traffic download/upload by further simplify data transmission.

  3. Iā€™m not sure is there possible we will also have horizontal class expansion for rank 1-7 as well as a new class tree (musician/engineer) etc. Since many concepts can be implemented to cater high degree of classes synergy, dynamic and diversity.

  4. It seems they still insist of reveal Rank9 without level expansion in GStar 2017, the new Rank8 thingy is holder until that time.

Daino + Transmit Prana could be an ok-ish autoattack combo. And if youā€™ve picked Kriv3, you can use Melstis to prolong your Prana usageā€¦
Iā€™m actually a little interested in Kriv3 Sadhu3 Taoist after a change like this.

Existing classes, as well, will no longer require advancement quests; after reaching Class Level 15, you can simply select a class from the menu to advance automatically.

Iā€™m kind off against this idea. Its just feels private server -ish to not have a class advancement quest at allā€¦I donā€™t knowā€¦ this is just my two cents.