Tree of Savior Forum

Big Rank Updates More Intense Balancing

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fix VGA error issue first :sob:

So shadowmancer is really a rank 8 class of new rank/class system.

What will be a new class added to rank8 this time is?
sw - ???
ar - ???
wi - shadowmancer
cl - ??? (from a costume it should be Zealot)

let guess guy.

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This is pretty great. I want to see how the new classes work out, balancing the power creep while still making it feel like progressing.

Fantastic to see a Roll back system. There’s simply too many options in TOS to not allow easier access to class changing. This does place more of an emphasis on the need for better balance to prevent meta hopping and moving based on the current situational need.

I’m sad to see Advancement quests leaving, they could be a unique source of content, their removal seems unnecessary. A revamp would have been better making them into interesting, difficult challenges. Hopefully the Specialization quests can help fill that roll, they look promising.

More costumes is always good too haha.

Krivis’ changes are good, utilizing skill rotation and having the skills work with each other should be encouraged. The Daino changes are interesting, I’m not sure how often I’d want to be using AA which makes me not feel particularly drawn to it. I wonder if the scrolls will still be sellable.

Finally, we’re removing all limitations of the maximum number of buffs

Nice. Once again, balance needs to be achieved with the support builds, but I’m in favour of the change, and this will allow for weaker buffs to be used. (Swift Step O_O)

Oracle’s all over the place, but that’s their charm, the buff limit removal should help.

I’m very excited, solid changes, and more opportunities for balance. Let’s hope the changes arrive at a good pace.

The recent amount of communication is wonderful. Tell the Devs to keep it up.


Finally, we’re removing all limitations of the maximum number of buffs

Took you guys two years to realise buff limit was a bad idea :tired:


IMC make new r8 class and scale other class to player rank?

I wonder what is Master class was…

This game have to give player more rank reset … if IMC gonna developed like this


this looks very interesting indeed, alot of potential here. Hopefully the game engine is going to be planned to be improved as well with this :satisfaction:


Left - Shadowmancer
Bottom - Zealot (base on the back wing)
Right - Swordie seems big sleeve and holding a rapier on shoulder? matador? or actually an Archer who holding a flute? (Pied Piper)
Top - Archer who use pistol, or actually a swordie who use pistol to succeed corsair3? Archer seems doesn’t need pistol in this rank (SR3)

So umm… new classes will have 2 circles upon release?

Top = might be Ghost Corsair!9a47240f
Right = Puppetter or Pied piper!8131f663
Left = Obviously Shadowmancer
Bottom = Zealot!4ac6c4b6

My only guess for 4 cleric new classes:
Zealot, Macumbeiro, Fortune teller, Onmyouji

My guess for new wizard classes:
Shadowmancer, Mimic, xxxxxx, xxxxxxxx

My guess for new sword tree classes:
Luchador, Ghost Corsair, Matador, Retiarii

Lastly, for new archer classes:
Pied Piper, Puppeteer, xxxxxx, xxxxxxxx

There is ghost corsair costumes for each class - warrior_m_ghostcorsair, mage_m_ghostcorsair, cleric_m_ghostcorsair, archer_m_ghostcorsair

Looks like just another cash shop costume

so… ran8 is now max class for all forever? i mean there will be no warlock 2/sage2 etc??? oO?? or they will change the way u can pick class? i mean we can get lock faster?

Bold text are taken from the updates

To the current Rank 7 and 8 classes, of course, we’ll be adding Circles 3 and 2 respectively. Plus, we’ve developed brand new attributes for some of those classes. We expect to share more details about the new classes and skills at a later date through the dev blog.

  • So basically all existing R7 that up to circle2 will have circle3 and all existing R8 that is circle1 will have circle2.

The maximum character rank will still increase from 8 to 9, meaning each character will be able to advance into a maximum of 9 classes, including the Circle 2 of current Rank 8 classes.

  • Example (if i understand correctly) : you can be Cleric3 Paladin3 and Kabbalist3 - total 9 classes with kabbalist having circle3

yes but character class will be 8 max yes? so it will be not possible to pick class c3 for some classes ;/ i mean we will must sacrifice some previous class to get it? yes or not?

9 classes max, you don’t sacrifice anything. It’s still a natural progression, just that new classes will come in the form of Rank 8 instead of “rank 9”. The above reply already shows very clearly.

mmmm think I will download the game again when this update is released. Been a while huh, ToS

Happy to see they are making so many classes and abilities useful and slowly getting rid of some really bad design choices (goodbye buff limit).

finally removing buff limit,
now i only need sheperd and some archer balance news :satisfaction: :
Glad communication is getting better after these months.

ok Ty <3 im so hyped now xD