Tree of Savior Forum

Big Rank Updates More Intense Balancing

IMO those quests are unnecessary. It’s just “Kill X monsters” or “Do silly thing” and then poof. If they have some meaning it would be cool, like Hunter 1 quest or Fencer 2… They have some meaning behind the class, so it’s fun, but most of quests its just boring.

Oh ■■■■, the hype is flowing through my veins.


The difference is that, with the new classes, you can also get different variations of the costume with alternative colors or additional accessories depending on the difficulty of the Specialization Quests you complete.

Interesting… but I hope we can also have access to the lower quest tier class costumes too if we choose to the hardest quest line.

Krivis Changes
other skills=so-so
Daino=changes your basic attacks into magic ones. Attacks performed under Daino will have no block, evasion or critical, and they will rely on your INT stat for added value.

Holy…!- If it wasn’t for the AA only restriction this could’ve changed the whole Monk meta into MuscleWizards.

On the side note I’m still hoping for a Spellblade class to come to the Swordie tree.
INT for Finestra attr.? INT for Squire buff bonuses? that’s gotta mean something right? r-right…?


but the left most has a g-clef in her hand. are we getting a music-based shadowmancer? 2 music-based classes?

As you yourself have said, “We know the new rank system changes we have planned are quite significant, so do not hesitate to leave your feedback about them,” the changes are quite significant.
So, please give us Rank Resets.
It does not solve the problem to let the last class revert, you need the Rank Reset to change several classes with changes like that.
And please, at least 1 Rank Reset for each character.


immo there will be rank reset cuz it will be haard to do something with old classes with new update ;p

I seriously wanted to buy character slots and remake my Oracle. But now?
Wtf IMC, the new Oracle is even worse than the current Oracle.

You reduced the useful effects of Prophecy, which was already bad, increased its CD time.
You also killed Death Sentence and made it to a “You can’t kill me? Fair enough, I’ll kill myself”-skill. And the CD is still really high. Who gives a darn about +130% damage if it means that you’ll die in the end by reflected damage?

Also, the damage is still coming from other Classes,while Oracle has now no means except for Twist of Fate.

The new Counterspell is still as lackluster as the old one, but was heavily nerfed for no apparent reason (30/90 uptime to 10/60 uptime, which is worse than Safety Zone and useless in PVE, no monster throws so many magic spells at you in that short time).

All in all the new Oracle is as bad as the old one, with it’s better support skills heavily nerfed for the sake of a new Death Sentence that isn’t even a death sentence;
if you can’t put out the damage the enemy will not die anymore.
And this when you finally added monsters that had enough HP to make Death Sentence at least worthwile for the lack of damage Oracle has.

Also please,fix your description, it tells different things:

Duration fixed at 25 secs, no. of targets reduced by 50% and cooldown changed to 40 secs.

Prophecy, on the other hand, is getting a fixed duration of 25 seconds instead of the current variation of 10-80 seconds. Meanwhile, the number of targets is being reduced from 2 to 1 per skill level, with cooldown increasing from 25 to 30 seconds.

Which is it?

IMO only the changes on Krivis were somehow decent.

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the return of Pied Piper lol

btw, the picture of the new Classes on the official websites background is a lot clearer than the one we got:

The whatever Class on the right wields 2 pistols (most likely another Archer), the one in front has a scroll in hand (so obviously the scroll-ladden Zealot), the leftmost is Shadowmancer and the one with that crazy hat/hairstyle in the middle has a rapier to her right, so its Matador, given the hat and the shoulder decorations.

So the new Classes are:
(whatever is with that 2 pistols, maybe Desperado?)

A Question that hits me is the following: If all Classes are going to be Rank 8 Classes, can we revert back to Rank 7 and directly go to Circle 2 of the new Classes?(because they are Rank 8 Classes they should be available at Rank 8 choice,too)

I’ve got this dream of making a viable INT based warrior somehow, and a class revolving around that would be just amazing.

So… No Druid Changes in this patch? :tired:


The dream!

Found by @Hiratori

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I have an interesting question.
If Character Rank and Class Rank are separated.
You can actually “skip class”? by leveling a Cleric 1 to, for example 330 and then start advancing all the Rank 8 and 7 classes?

Krivis-Monk will be a thing now? Cuz the new daino attribute (ignoring critical,evasion and block? for real? O.o’) is op af.

If they plan to release classes periodically, why the rank reset needs to be so rare? (right now, we have one per team for lifetime). If we get a class and they release another circle for example, we won’t be able to rollback (e. g. if they released taoist and i was a plague c2 i would be forced to be plague,c1-tao, the same for the contrary, if they released SR c3 and i was musk c1 the only ones able to get the third circle would be the SR c2)

With new classes some builds have to be rewritten for synergy too, i cant change the rank 8 classes freely without thinking about the synergy with classes 1-7 as is today (you would not want to pick PD mixed with monk for example). I’m not asking for free resetting, but the voucher needs to be more present in the game with these changes as stat and skill reset potions are.

It seems we will be getting a new class or circle every few months and with every release all the metagame is changed, there is a real chance many people will have to rollback their builds more frequently than it happens today when builds are screwed every 6-12 months

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I agree, rank reset is as important as stats/skill reset potions now, IMC can’t continue to see rank reset as an uber special item that can only be given one time a year, we will need alot of those rank resets now, especially now that most players have 8 to 20 chars in their lodge, rank reset should be easily obtainable at this point.

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Finally, we’re removing all limitations of the maximum number of buffs and turning Daino, which so far served to increase that number of buffs, into a skill that changes your basic attacks into magic ones. Attacks performed under Daino will have no block, evasion or critical, and they will rely on your INT stat for added value.

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oh, so only for auto attack? oh I see, thanks. maybe it works with chaplain’s auto buffs, correct?

It’d only work for the first hit, as the other lines are elemental based, not physical/magic based.

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still, chaplain is SPR class :slight_smile: not INT class, imo its just nice filler for non STR class :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah but new daino seems to be fun anyway, sometimes people don’t want to rely on heal bombs and zaibas, just use daino and pow pow pow xD lol