Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

you should use common sense, the OFFICIAL dates that they announced were…

22 march for the early access of 3 months and 19th June for the FTP release

that was the real official dates, they’re saying that they will make “SIMILAR” dates to this…they might be saying these 2 things, 1- they will use March 22th as a base and start the 1 month early access on march 22 and the game will be released FTP in 22 April… 2- the game will be released FTP in 19th June and the “EARLY” month access, would be 1 month before, which means 19 May…

THIS is common sense.


you’re saying they will sit on their hands doing nothing for oh idk 3 months if option A was picked.

You have a point about their complaints being inconsistent. I have a feeling it’s because the gripe is not with the advantage but actually the feeling of being completely left out for 2 months.

Also, you could pay for 3 months EA and still buy the Token for an additional $17usd/month, compounding the p2w and f2p gap.

Still, there’s not much meaning in p2w for this game and I think EXP bonus will most benefit the group of players who don’t have time to grind due to RL commitments. I.e. Working adults, a majority of which have probably played RO.

This is the group of players with the most disposable income.

you can know how earthquakes are made…

but you cant stop them from happening…

You sir have your priorities in-check. I salute you. If you worry about the $50 investment you could always reduce that to $10 to balance out with your time invested into the game.

Either way, irl problems and this curse of growing up does cause us to play less than we’d like. You aren’t alone mate =)


More than 60% of the community is garbage?

Look at yourself, you are acting like a kid. Grow up.

Its IMC way of saying “This is the only option for both parties to have a compromise on. 1 week early access after the opening date is too much for us to cater all the TOS playerbase. So the 1 month early access is the only option left. We will give additional benefits for that because we know most people wont realize that 1 week early is pretty much impossible for us and free to play people dont like waiting for 3 months too”.

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If the OFFICIAL DATES hold then yes!

Assuming option 2 wins
How can you start on March 22, play for 1 month, then launch f2p on June 19 WITHOUT closing down the game from April 22 to June 19. If they don’t close the game, then we are playing for more than 1 month. If they don’t close the game and stick to 1 month, then launch goes to April 22 and not June 19. April 22 and June 19 are NOT SIMILAR. They are 2 months apart.

THIS is common sense.


I know you guys already mentioned that IMC is having internal discussions in regards with EU/OCE/SEA servers. There’s a recent uproar from EU players but I hope SEA isn’t being forgotten as well. There were alot of thread suggesting a SEA server implementation as well and it recieved alot of support. I know that majority of your audience is from west but there’s also considerable amount of players willing to support the game from east.

SEA server suggestion threads:

6. Can you also open separate servers for the fans from SEA and EU regions?
We don’t have plans to open them at the moment, but when more fans from these regions join us in the future, we will consider opening separate servers for the fans from those territories.

I’m pretty sure that there were massive amount of SEA players who participated on CBT2 as the friends I made in-game are surprisingly mostly people from SEA.

P.S. I would seriously love and give my wholehearted support to IMC if ever SEA gets their own server directly under IMC. That means you guys do care about us so we will return the favor.


3 months are way too long and can make it harder for newer players to get good stuffs for a decent price while 1 week can make it harder for newer players to get the help needed, so 1 month is just perfect :smiley:

Option A: Founders service starts around Mar 22nd, OBT starts once it has ended.
Option B: Founders service starts around Mar 22nd, OBT starts once it has ended.
Option C: Founders service starts around Mar 22nd, OBT starts once it has ended.

So the Founders service is around March 22nd regardless of what’s chosen. It’s the F2P date that gets affected by the choice.

At least that’s what it looks like to me. It can work the other way around.

Ugh, pls nu.

ok so quick question. option 2 is winning.

option 2 has 3 versions of the founder’s pack. we can buy the 50 dollar version, 30 and 10. each one can be bought on the day early access starts and each one grants us one month of early access right? once the month’s up then free users can start playing. this is all correct?

this is a lot better than the initial plan. i’m actually going to buy the 10 dollar pack for me and 2 buddies of mine. thanks for reconsidering IMC.

We heard!
1 Month Exclusive Access Period + Founder’s Server : Exclusive Access 2
Thanks imc.

let me just tell you they should start march.

Because launch for VIP will be March 22nd, and f2pers will be to play April 22nd… is your skull that thick?

now…ill tell you : Option A = will start 22 march, and then 29 march for free player; Option B = will start 22 march, and then 22 april for free player; Option C = 22 march, and 19 June for free player.

please use your common sense.

I just want to start playing as early as I can. The vague wording on “service starting at a similar date” makes me worry that the 1 month options means early access will be delayed to May.

While option B is pretty good as is, it would nice if we got some sort of ‘proof’ item. Like, a cool founder-only outfit, or a special title. You know, something only founders can get as a cool little thing to show off that doesn’t have any real impact on the game. (I’m assuming the hair accessories are cash shop items and not founder-exclusive items, if they are founder exclusive then never mind, carry on.)

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I don’t understand what is the 1*30 day token ?

I second this its always the same.