Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement on the DLC & TP Products and F2P Transition

Dang it. Well tell your brother you’re buying him the dlc and ask to kindly open his steam acc w/o telling you the password ofcourse, and you buy it for him. Idk if you can gift. What I did is I bought paysafecard and gave it to my brother. You can do the same but it’ll cost a little bit atls they come in fixed amount :slight_smile:

I don’t play on Telsiai, and I’m not from SEA, but this is completely inconsiderate.

It’s an international server. The fact that they’re restricting users from SEA from playing on any of the other servers, is contradictory to one of the reasons why people choose an international server–to meet players from different regions. If this continues, SEA is better off getting a local publisher with stable servers within their area.

Did IMC think that no one was preparing to welcome their friends into Telsiai upon F2P launch? So, they expect Telsiai users, to move to Varena, if they want to play with their friends?

you can buy that dlc as gift and gift to brother. i gifted dlc to a friend

Please increase server capacity rather than create more servers, all it does is divide the population. Especially, with making the server exclusive will separate players from their friends that are just joining. For some players the MOST IMPORTANT reason they play the game is to play with their friends. A successful online game depends on a healthy player base. Please reconsider.

the question is…after i gift it, does he get access to telsiai?? that’s what im wondering right now

Well…this is a bad move again:

But the white knights are defending IMC again.

@tegomatt Read the comments of your fellow community members. They don’t care about you.

@black_rabbit:smiley: I just wrote it down that they want you to do exactly this. So they can milk you. :smiley:


“Access to Telsiai will temporarily become exclusive to players who have started playing on it before the game’s F2P release, namely those who purchased at least one of the DLC products…” f2p release May 10. Do the math.

oh my bad…i didnt noticed that part because i rushed reading the replies from imc’s post.

no problem :slight_smile: but i have baaaaaaad feeling about f2p launch, and i hope i`m wrong. Still after a month there is no solution for bot problem only restrictions for players, which dont solve the problem. Only fighting with aftermath of problem dont solve it.

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This is a bit sad for those people who spent a lot of money on Telsiai server while waiting for their friends to play and then they see this. That means they have no choice but start over again just to play with their friend that waited for f2p or more waiting for their friends until the Telsiai opens up again.

Smh, i feel sad for you guys.


“Temporarily exclusive”
so the server will be open later on but no one knows when , they’re just pushing through with their promise of F2P, even when they’re having problems with the overpopulated server. let your friends wait for another week or month :smile: or let them play on the new server let them explore first.

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Did they say FTP??

can i join your guild ?XD

so who is planning to leave all their hardwork hours and move to the new server Verana from a 2 DLC pack purchaser player :((

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I bet this is gonna cause another big debate on the forums once again. Meh my friends are already playing anyway :smirk:

For the love of god just make this game a B2P.

I’m not sure how big it needs to be for the players to actually READ but :

I wish we could make it giant, red, shiny, etc., but we can’t, so you need to calm down and read everything carefully before starting the next WW.

I am just saddened about this part :

It means as a European playing on a NA server I’ll never be able to recharge TP… Except if I stop playing with my usual gamer buddies and go to Fedimian, but meh~
It makes sense though since some European countries will have TP for super cheap because of how Steam works (although I know my prices will be even higher than the NA ones~)

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don#t u think it would make sense that u could purchase the NA tp bundles than ?

How about it…if we … let’s see… get your account and temporary wont let you play with anybody who is on your friendlist? For…let’s see…how about 1 month? Of course if you don’t have friends, I can understand your opinion.

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If I buy an EA DLC 1 right now can I use it on May 10 for Verena server