Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemists community

Just realized that we got a tax of 50% on gem roasting.
Well I’ve heard about it but it was hard to believe. Because often i saw a prices of 6000s. And since material to gem roast cost 3000s, so with tax ppl got 0s :exclamation: of profit. Just didn’t thought that ppl are stupid.
Well, they are not stupid, they are fooled by game.(kToS has same rules?) Game nowhere says about tax, and ppl cant realize it.

I’m talking to any alchemist now. My friends does we deserve this?
Most hard to lvl char, useless in all instances. Not pvp, not pve, not moneymaking. Hard to lvl.

If IMC can’t help us to make our game rewarding at any state, we can try to do it ourselves.

What can stop us to set price on Roast around 30k? 50k? Only we are.
New alchemists and noobs think if they set price lower on 1k they will get all the server money.
Wrong here.
By lowering price you spawning 3 more dumpers in the world that will do the same.
Customers rarely care about 1-3k difference, they will not waste their time to search through all 10 alchies.
Try to set prices exact like other Alchies, you will get same profit as if you set price lower. So why harm yourself?

Some math:
If you even set price 10k. (current prices are 6 lol)
And probably you will make 10 roast per night.
So it is 100k of profit but -50k tax and -30k resouce cost. 20k of profit. Per night.
You can get 20k within one minute by just killing 10 mobs with good loot.
That is that minute you wasting to get to Miners Village to get loot for roasting.
Is that must work this way? Seriously?

What is my proposal to all Alchemists at this moment?

As we already don’t get any profit from this skill, nothing can stop us to make an experiment at least for a few weeks:

  1. Let us set a fixed price of 30k per roast at any state. Even if dumpers. First time you’ll be need patience 'cos not all will read this post same day.
    Never ever ever set a price lower than 30k. Even 29999 is totally unacceptable.:no_entry_sign:
  2. Try to conversate and try to mind every alchemist you’ll see.
    Give them a link to this post, i’m sure they will got the point :slight_smile:
  3. Try set up useful info on your shop that will point other alchies whats happening here. And why soon all they became rich.
  4. Within time i will try to set prices even higher, and if i will not see a difference, we will continue that way.

If you are that new Alch who received a link to this post - you are one of us Bro. We glad to see you :slight_smile: Feel free to mind up those newbies you’ll see, and don’t even remember those dark times when price was 6k :smiley:

I’m from Klaipeda now, but moving to Fedimian.
I think all these rules will easily be implemented to any server.
Feel free to ask anyting. Ingame team: Occurred
If you didn’t receive an answer soon it’s probably because I’m afk, or on grind, and don’t forget chat frames in this game badly designed, so i can miss some :smiley:

–added 26.04.2016
I’ve expected one roast per night which should give me 30000-15000s-3000s=12000s
(Which equal to 7000-3500-3000=500 !x24! roasts per night)
And here we got 1st experiment results.
Video is real, no cheating no staging. And only one man from forum knew where my shop was. (That good guy to the left :D)

–added 26.04.2016
And here our discord link. Later i will make some tuning there :smiley:

My name there is blackout.


Wow, someone that actually understand the markets !!!
If you play on Fedimian, count me in :wink: When game become f2p, that’s it.
ping @Chili @Senpaikunchanperson

Though I haven’t much fate in 2)…
We tried something like that in iCB2 but they’re will always be this small group of people who absolutely wants to sell fast by undercutting the other even if it means less profit in the end.

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Im on Klaipeda here, any alchemist on klaipeda wanna set the price right?

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While I’m not an Alchemist, I actually agree on either you guys raise the price, or IMC cancel the 50% tax.

At this rate no one will be playing Alchemist.

Not Alchemist yet but I vouch for this!

I will be moving to the SA server soon though, hopefuly it will work there (kinda doubt it)

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I’m from Klaipeda now, but moving to Fedimian.
I think all these rules will easily be implemented to any server.
Feel free to ask anyting. Ingame team: Occurred
If you didn’t receive an answer soon it’s probably because I’m afk, or on grind, and don’t forget chat frames in this game badly designed, so i can miss some :smiley:

I got a suggestion for us Alchemist here, it would be great to have discord or something, which uniting every alchemist in a group instead of forum post which are not so easy to track.

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Feel free to spread info in any networks.
Forums way - one of the old one and easy to use for everyone. And Discord new feature, not many ppl using it.
In fact this info is for reading and understanding once. And thats why it will be implemented easy :slight_smile:

Totally agree, 6k doesn’t make sense at all… To be honest, I don’t really see the whole point of making alchemist right now.The only two supposedly useful skills are tincturing and roasting, item awakening is kinda meh at the moment.

While there is no profit at all with the current roasting situation, so you are basically left with tincturing. But since the materials of making potions are insanely overpriced on the market, you have to grind the mats on your own. You might as well just spend that time grinding with your main at high level, you can get both exp and silver.

I really think alchemist is currently the merchant class that required you the most time in order to make profit. I regret not making a pardoner pally… because you are basically spending about the same time to level up.

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Lol 30k per gem gl,i gonna can do the month with my prices when nobody buy from u lol

You are wrong, because if you will do that, you will create more scums like you, and they will outdump and get all your money :smiley:
By money I mean all those 0.1% of profit :smiley:

If i get at least one deal at 30k(and i will), i got mine 500%
So GL visiting Miners Village and being a mule for a cheap :smiley:


Almost C7…I’m with you =)

Set my price to 10k the moment I realize the 50% tax, but I was sad, cuz 2k profit for a roasting is slavery. Level up an Alchemist to lvl 230 ain’t that easy, we should be getting more profit for our time and dedication.

I feel angry when I see somebody roasting for 6k ( really dude? level up to rank 7 for this? free work? )

I have my circle 2 for about 2 weeks now, and I totally agree with Occurred, we must set our price higher to make our class look important as it is and not just another cheap service.

30k starting tonight! Right Price!


now im set 30000 price


Very first Alchemist on our server was selling for 6k… pretty much set the bar for everyone else after :frowning:
Saw someone selling for 4.4k… I agree that IMC needs to warn ALL shop-based classes of the 50% tax, as there is similar misinformation for Pardoners/Squires going on.


I’ll try to do a PR on the GitHub, maybe it will speed-up things…
Where should I put it ? In the skill description ?


Whispering the situation to every SEA Alchemist I see , this really makes our rank 7 come cheap if this continues.

Eh do you realize even at 15000 its still a profit?.

Assume you do 100 a night(which is easy):
1 500 000 income
750 000 tax
750 000 profit margin

With your numbers:
3 000 000 income
1 500 000 tax
1 500 000 profit

So while i understand what you are trying to do, it goes against the free market.

Alchemists are free to set their prices from 6100-infinite as they see fit, as long as they are getting what they want. Lets say you set them on 30k, someone sets them on 10k. You do 10 overnight, he does 50. He got more Money than you.

So what ?
If we reach an agreement together, we will earn more together then if we undercut ourselves.
Never heard of companys being sued because they made ~illegal~ price agreement ? Why did they in your opinion ?