Tree of Savior Forum

Attention to All Alchemists, You Are Losing Silver

Hello fellow Alchemist and IMC Staff @STAFF_J @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John I hope you are having a nice day.

The purpose of this thread is regarding a few features about Alchemists.

First of all I want to talk about an issue with Gem Roasting. That was caught up to my attention by a friend who created this thread: Alchemists community

(if you haven’t read it please do, it’s important) One of the things that thread says is that when we use Gem Roasting, there is a 50% tax fee to pay, it’s something that is not mentioned in any text inside the game, and that is something that I personally think IMC should let all alchemists know. Because of this, people have been selling Gem Roasts at 5k and even lower.

With the tax, you lose silver if you set the price lower than 6k and if you set it at 6k you get 0 profit because to use Gem Roasting you have to buy an item that costs 3k.

I ask you IMC to please notify somewhere, to alchemists in game, within the skill description or somewhere, about this 50% Tax that most Alchemist don’t know about because we are losing silver and that’s not okay.

Also to you fellow Alchemist, please read the thread I linked above, we are trying to let other Alchemists know about this matter so they don’t lose silver, and we are also trying to make a movement and open shop at only 30k and up, never less, because there is no profit and it’s hard that you get this rank 7 skill and are not able to use it correctly, I urge you again to check the link I posted, join our movement and let other Alchemists know about this matter so we can have a healthy economy and not lose silver.

Now to my second point about this thread, IMC I understand you have to lock some prices because of Botters and Gold Sellers.

However, Dilgeles and Uosis prices on the market are not right, they are too high and they are locked. With the current amount of limited trading, this makes it extremely hard to get profit from making and selling potions. I ask you IMC to please unlock the Dilgeles and Uosis prices on market and to please find a solution for the limited trading per month, or this class becomes really bad and choosing Pardoner or Squire is a better choice at the moment, and that is saying a lot because Alchemist is a rank 6 class and the others just Rank 5.

Imc I hope you have read this and please take it into consideration and fellow Alchemists once again please check out that link I posted, stop losing silver, join our movement for better profit and tell the Alchemists you see in game about it !

Thank you very much and have a great day everyone. I hope this helped.


Are these the same alchemists that have been earning millions by buying Dilgele off players for cheap and making those into potions to sell?


No, those would be the ones that have to buy token for more trades and break the market. And please refer to me who these Alchemists are, I want to be part of them :smiley:

Every alchemist selling potions? Perhaps it depends on the server, I dont know.

It’s true that Gemroasting in its current state is kind of bad, but alchemists make so much money right now that I’m surprised your brave enough to suggest ways to make more. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well Alchemists have to help their guild get potions and their guilds give them Dilgeles, also, Alchemists would like to help friends, this is currently hard because to do so, you have to make two trades, 1 to get the mats, 2 to give the potions to guildies or players. And you only get 30 per month and you use 2 for each of these trades. That’s 15 everytime you want to make potions for your guild and friends. So you do the math about those millions you are talking about.

Did you read the tittle? We are losing silver on Gem Roasting because most of them don’t know about the tax. If you are not trying to help, then please stop. And if you are amazed by all these ‘‘Millions’’ then I’m the one surprised you are not brave enough to make an Alchemist for yourself.

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50% tax is really insane lol

Maybe it really depends on the server, but right now it’s pointless to buy dilgeles on market as they cost more than potions you can sell.

Maybe some not very clever players sell dilgeles at a too low price, but it’s their choice. If you found such a player as an alchemist, you are really lucky.

But overall alchemists are in a very bad state right now. Awakening is nearly useless, gem roasting brings too small profit, ingridients for potions are very hard to get etc.

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Not to mention that the person loses 2 potentials and the alchemists loses 2 trades when they want to awaken a friend’s item.

Yeah, that’s what I mean. Actually 3 potential, 1 more potential for awakening itself. Most of the times it’s better to just enhance items with anvils, it will be a more efficient way to spend potential.

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Alchemists arent buying them from the market but were buying directly (for something like 500-1k each), or even trading them 1:1 with potions.

Not much choice there if alchemists never tell anyone they stand to profit x10 with their suggested Dilgele buying price.

The class yes. But not their silver making ability. So suggesting a tax cut at this point is a bit…:stuck_out_tongue:

You can farm hundreds of Dilgele per hour. I don’t see how that’s ‘‘very hard to get’’

This is just plain false information. You only lose 1 potential because items dont need to be traded for item awakening.

Yes it is. Item awakening isnt that great right now.

But all of that still doesnt mean you should ask for a tax cut when you are making ‘free millions’ off the back of others :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to make a valid complaint, ask for improvements to Item Awakening and the way Gem Roasting works or something.

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Please reduce :smiley: tax so I can buy more potion. Actually I am already buying potions, just need other people to buy potions as well.

Actually, the fact of existing a tax is stupid, to where is going those 50%? The alchemist burns to make the gem?

[quote=“Nakano15, post:12, topic:216234, full:true”]
Actually, the fact of existing a tax is stupid, to where is going those 50%? The alchemist burns to make the gem?
[/quote]to the NPCs so they can make a living.

Jokes aside, otherwise everyone’s gonna make alchemists to make money
Just like how people are making squire and pardoner alts to get good $$

Actually, that is the point of the comercial classes.
I used to play as Alchemist on Ragnarok Online, when
I were not grinding, I were leaving my character with his
store opened in the town, gaining zenys to spend on
supplies for my grinding.

Is kind of like removing Provoke effects from Peltasta class skills.

And don’t forget about Squires/Pardoners too :slight_smile:
Totally agree. IMC really should make it clear about taxes. If not remove them at all.

About Roasting itself:
Don’t try to compare prices on Roast with other services.
Wish I have true statistic, but my suggestion that per ONE roast ppl giving ~300 repairs and ~300 buffs. Check yourown life ingame.
Okay lets say that number of buffers and squires 10 times more than existed alchemists, so prices must be around 1roast = 30buff/rep.
Thats what I think :smiley:

This just in, price bracket affects games for weeks, IMC still yet to do the reasonable thing of removing lower price limits in the least. Reason: They’re not making money off the decision. Priority #566

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Also, there is a point, why the player needs to pay taxes, if it goes to nowhere?
On Granado Espada Online, the player had to pay a tax to the guild controlling the town, so the taxes makes sense there.
On this game, does not.

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People in MMOs are idiots with no economic sense? Shocking!

Are you going to make a public service announcement to all the people selling Talt for 5,500 silver or less and losing money because of the market fee and listing price?

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I don’t care if they remove tax or not, what I care about is a text inside the game that tells you that every roast has 50% tax so that people don’t lose silver setting prices at 5k means you are losing 1k per roast not gaining it. And guess what, All those Alchemist sin Fedimian with 4k and 5k are losing 1k and 2k per roast because they have no idea about this tax thing because IMC doesn’t mention this in game.

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Game tries to avoid absurd inflation on it’s economy, more news at 11.

You mentioned RO, a game in which once a server opens in like two weeks it’s already suffering from hiperinflation.