Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist | GemRoast Cost | PriceWar Declaration

To all alchemist, out there. I plan to start a price war. As due to human nature, we are naturally inclined to undercut one another. Hence, my proposal will be as follows:

(1) For everytime I see someone undercut someone else, and if roast cost is at less than 30k; I will post a free “non-profit” MAX Lvl gem roast cost during the weekends.

(2) Whilst during the weekdays, to see if anyone regulated prices. I will post double my recommended price at that time.

As such, I will jump from a price range of 6k to 48k/60k depending upon alchemists gemroast price.

Feel free to complain/make a suggestion. If any alchemist complains (show me your ign at klaipeda), I will stop before I implement it provided your reasoning is sufficient. Of course, once i start, I’m locked in for at least 3 weeks.

Deadline for complaints: June10th, 2016

Either we earn our due, or we earn nothing at all. ; other than that, enjoy the “free” gemroast.

~~ Dragonfang [Klaipeda; Fedimian Ch1]

June 6th entry

June 13th entry

June 18th entry

June 21st entry

June 29th entry

July 6th entry

July 13th entry

July 21st entry

August 8th entry

August 16th resolution


Thank you for your sacrifice
Please do note however, that not many ToS players actually read the forums


Understood, I shall advertise ingame as well. =)

now you two have fun, remember to use protection.

Same thing will happen on Fedimian once I’ll be R2.
And I’m considering to do the same thing for the pots…

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Yes please :3


Too bad it won’t have any effect because they’ll just switch channel. Personally on my alchemist, I prefer to go on a low populated channel (3-4) and be alone to sell the roast. No competition that way, and still sells fairly good (I put my price at 20k atm).

Please understand, my actions will not change the outcome. I am only a catalysts. Either we go into a mutually beneficial relationship, or mutually assured destruction.

I’ve already taken into account both suppliers and consumers. People are willing to pay for a max level gemroast for 30k; as at those levels where max gemroast is needed, it only takes 10min at most to earn that amount at a grinding party. Now, alchemists takes a long time to level to rank7, and I assure you it should not be worth pennies.

If alchemists are willing to earn pennies as profit, then I’ll take it from you. “Free” gemroast to all is where we’re headed.

As such, I repeat…
Comply to my demands or understand the reality of how brutal a free-market system can be.

I do so hope you are on my server so that i may flip through channels as i do once hourly and set signs around your shop directing players to a decently less then 1/3rd your price roasts :slight_smile:

So far I have both US servers shops down to decent pricing. Both gem roasts around 10k or less, buffs at 1k weapon enchants at 1k for highest smith. And personally i cant imagine anyone uses players over npc repairs so i dont bother that.

I set shop twice daily all 24hrs and check all channels all shops in town every hour. Not a single scammer gets a sell with which i dont have a redirection sign next to their scam shop.

Welcome, feel free to post a 6k shop in klaipeda as well. “Free” roasts for everyone!

or you just confuse people and they learn to ignore your shop, because they don’t understand your crazy rules, or why your prices are always so weirdly far off of everyone else.

only for a moment? i can’t imagine why you would stop thinking it.

weekends: “i will undercut everyone in sight.”
– you can charge as little as you like for your shop. if you charge so little that you -lose- money on the transactions, no one will care.

weekdays: "i will charge unreasonably high prices."
you can charge as much as you like for your shop, people will just ignore you. you will not make any money, and still, no one will care.

questions for you:
–why should anyone care? if you have insane, and wildly variable prices, people will just learn to avoid your shop.
–who do you imagine is listening? of the tiny handful of people who have read this thread, how many are even Alchemists themselves?
–what on earth do you imagine “free” means?

id·i·ot (ˈidēət) noun informal
a stupid person.
example: he claims to be giving away “free” gem roasts, but is charging 6,000 silver. doesn’t that idiot know that “free” means “without cost”, and -not- “without profit” ?

simple translation: “do what i say, or ELSE!”
…and yet you seem to completely fail to realize how simple it is to entirely ignore you.

you’ll earn nearly nothing on the weekends, because you undercut everyone steeply.
you’ll earn even less on the weekdays, because no one is going to go to a shop that is hugely overpriced.

I don’t think you understand what’s going on here. If nobody complies, nobody’s going to ignore him - they’re going to use his shop. After all, why are newbies going to pick the Alchemist who charges more than the minimum cost (6k)?

Dragonfang is going to be the one who charges that 6k and unless you want Alchs (including you if you are one) to eat that 6k loss on every roast, be our guest and expect 0 cost roasting! A business operates on profit and zero profit is still more than negative profit. If people try to profit, he’ll just set up a 6k shop.

Resorting to ad hominem while lacking comprehension, smh.

Higher level players prefer squire repairs, since higher level gear costs way more to repair at an NPC than at a squire.

Are you sure you have a character at a high enough level to set up a shop?

You are basically just another moron who has no idea how to build correctly. So let me give you a piece of advice from someone who solo’s all their instanced dungeons in about 20minutes maximum on a bad day using a melee cleric.

Higher level equipment does not always make you stronger. If you are paying high prices while obtaining less then most lower lv gear offers then that is your own fault.

By the time you got to that level though, you should at least know that it costs less to repair high level gear with squires, even if you yourself don’t use high level gear.

For someone claiming to “have both US servers shops down to a decent pricing,” like you by yourself manage the market, you seem to know very little about squires and the classes that do benefit from high level gears and weapons. True, it does not always make a class stronger, and some classes benefit more from low level equipment, but there are also classes that do benefit from high level gears. If you “cant imagine anyone uses players over npc repairs,” your lack of knowledge about other classes makes me worry about you trying to manage the player shop market.

It’s also quite concerning that you want to control market prices, but don’t even realize that some people do use squire repairs.

Since I just want to see the world burning and dont even make my money from gemroast I will make NON proft gemroast MAX level all days 24h at klaipeda ch2

Cya :slight_smile:

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right but he said he’s only charging that on weekends. and on weekdays, he said he’s going to charge double what he considers a “standard” rate.

idc either way. at 6k he makes nothing, because he earns zero per sale.
at 60k he also makes nothing, because no one is going to use his shop.

and every other alchemist on every other channel is free to just ignore him and keep charging their normal prices, because a lot of people just won’t bother changing channels a million times to price check every shop.

Except he said if anyone undercuts the prices he’ll put one up for 6k anyway. What’s so hard to grasp about that? It’s either everyone profits or nobody does. I even repeated that in my post. Comprehend, much?

do -you- ?


read -fully- before questioning others’ comprehension.