Tree of Savior Forum

Gem roasting fees & why theyre so expensive

If you don’t wanna pay then you’re more than welcome to make your own alchemist.

Yeah, just make ur own alchemist. Same like dlc packs, u are not force to use our service. Yeah, we make it high just for being more rich. Make ur own alchemist and vend roast gem 1k each.

I’d do this service when I’m at work leaving my gaming PC at home.

IMC should bring back vendor mode so we can sell our equips and pots, token buffs and tax apply, so max of 10 items sellable, if not token user only 1.

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Lv 142 wiz/pyro/pyro/linker/linker/alch/alch build atm. Very soon the klaipeda market will see the 7k shop as mentioned previously for all the trumptrain followers that dont pay any attention.



“free” gemroast for all =3

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yea saving people 4-5k, lol big deal.
Acting like a sjw that thinks they’re doing anything.

How about those people putting overpriced equipment on the market.
I don’t care how blue or purple the equip it.
A lv40 or lv75 blue armor is not worth 500k, or lv120 for that matter.

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Wow, I already saw someone doing roasting for 6k, so that means (s)he was getting nothing from it? And I always see some at 7-8k in Silute.

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I do not understand the point in this thread as well. Economy has always work this way. Supply and demand. Willing buyer willing seller.

If you are not happy with the price then don’t pay for it. If enough people stop paying the sellers will have no choice but to bring their price down until people are willing to spend.

The fact that gem roasters keeps charging the rate they are charging simply means people are willingly paying for it.

Competition will naturally drive prices, there is no point whining.

Microsoft wouldn’t be able to sell their windows OS for hundreds of dollars if they have competition…

Its worked out quite well so far. Ive noticed ch1 through 6 all at usual 10k decent pricing since id began my shop. The 15k users havnt made a single sell. Ive even went through the liberty of character signs next to high priced users explaining the channel and location of discount less then half the cost gem roasts.

I dont see why you kids are complaining, Your scam shops were bound to fall the moment it became a nuisance.

First of, welcome to klaipeda (^.^).

Sry, was directed here by someone. Fascinating post, you are correct that we are in a free-market.

Next, can you provide that service to us at 6k instead? we would all be grateful for your service. All the Klaipedians will be grateful.

Don’t bother posting 7k there, cause I’ll most likely undercut you. So, 6k? Please =)

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If there’s anyone offering such services at competitive price on Telsiai please let me know too. I will add you to my friend list and only give my business to you. I’ll even go around telling everyone about you !!

This guy obviously dont know how economic works. Only maths -_-

I go at 7k. That’s 500silver profit to me a sale. I like proof of my shops existence so a tiny amount of profit is my game. But I don’t mind undercuts at all. In fact I approve of those who would undercut myself to help others.

You can’t roast for 6002s ? What a bummer.

Let me translate this:


I don’t mind people not having profit because I like to not have profit, I think leveling a Wizard from 1 to 220ish is worth 500 silver a pop! This is my game, people got rich by being nice with others and helping other people with very low, bearing non-existent profit prices.

I really don’t understand why are you so concerned about this. People will still be purchasing from 15k shops. You’re the real ■■■■■■■ if you are poping mottos around their shops just because you think saving 7k is a big deal. :stuck_out_tongue: Next thing you know, they’ll be selling Gold Bars in the Market for 45k and purchasing 20k+ repairs from Squires.

Your help towards them is completely pointless. You wanna help, do Digele 1:2 Lv10 Pots. lol

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It doesn’t need translated. You merely need educated.


Oh yeah, right… That kind of argument that doesn’t actually help your side on this discussion because it makes no sense.

Alright buddy, keep selling your ■■■■ the way you want and others will keep selling theirs. People will keep buying 15k Roasting. I’d go for 10k with my Alch. But lowering too much just feels like you don’t value the work you put into your character and you think other’s should follow you even though they don’t agree.

Way to go! :smiley:

In case you missed the memo its not a discussion anymore. Its been solved for like an entire week. It ended at the legit players over running the scammer community and guys like you whining and donning us “White knights”.

Now if you’re just here to whine Ive got better things to do then indulge your salt.