Tree of Savior Forum

Alchemist | GemRoast Cost | PriceWar Declaration

Sorry but can you inform me if you’re an alchemist yourself doing gemroast in klaipeda?;

If so, then I’ll gladly do the effort to read your long winded post above, and answer them. Else, any effort I do to explain to you would just be for naught and its also to make sure that your statements are valid in advance. Thank You.

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(1) For everytime I see someone undercut someone else, and if roast cost is at less than 30k; I will post a free “non-profit” MAX Lvl gem roast cost during the weekends.


(2) Whilst during the weekdays, to see if anyone regulated prices. I will post double my recommended price at that time.


Anytime people comply, he’ll keep his prices up (so people will also go to other Alchemists if need be and stimulate competition so long as it’s above 30k); and that should anyone violate this, he’ll put free roasting anyway on weekends, or he’ll close his Alchemist shop during the weekdays anyway.

He’s parked in Channel 1, where most shops are, so your “channel hopping” point is completely invalid. You’re also assuming he’s the only Alchemist behind this - for all we know, there could be one monitoring CH1 in Klaipeda and Orsha too. You’re expecting him to fail (and that failing will cause him grief) when the opposite will likely happen.

I’ll actually just do Fedimian Ch1. And leave Klai/Orsha for free-market, as there intended for new players. For them 30k is steep.

Also, If players are willing enough to transfer channels due to the 30k. Then that’s ok.

That means ill only monitor Fedimian Ch1. 30k min roast cost. And for those wondering, there are alot of players that would just use the 30k rather than cc’ing and use the 20k or 10k roast on other channels. 20k is just that trivial an amount at higher levels.

That’s disappointing. Here I thought you were just a decent person. It seems you were creating this whole war thing not to help the community or be a good person but of greed and butthurt because of my under cutting to destroy the scammer community.

Don’t take too much pride in yourself.
He isn’t doing this because he is annoyed by you, but because he is annoyed by the likes of you who doesn’t understand that a product can be sold for as much as a client is ready to pay for it.
Why do you think that iphones are so costly ? Because they are US state of the art smarphones ? Ridiculous.

Why would alchemist set a 7k roasting price ? Because they want to be nice ? Like you ?
Will you give me an Aias if I ask you ? (Or any drop that you don’t need, for that matter.) Because you are a nice player ?

No, you are not a nice player. You are just a dumb idiot thinking that alchemists should be civil servants and that money should only be earned by farming with other classes.
Keep lying to yourself.

I actually only recently got informed of your campaign. Coincidence I suppose.

I’m sorry if there was a misunderstanding somewhere; If I can I would hunt down every channel/town there is. Sadly I don’t have that time luxury. Hence. I can only do what I can.

My initial goal still stands though, standard Pricing or none-at-all.

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Believe it or not. The smallest effort adds up. The less people stand in an honest campaign the harder it is on those that still follow the path.

I admire your campaign & even though it doesn’t line my pocket it does still support my goal. My goal isn’t to make profit but to provide an honest line of sales to the community while shutting down the overpriced scammers.

Also the reason I make my gem roast 7k and profit 500silver is because if you make it free the scammer community will simply use your shop up til you have nothing repeatedly. But if you gain even a tiny profit you can continue to expand so that the effort of the scammers is completely wasted and only serves to further your campaign.

You make a fair point. Actually its one f my concerns as well if I can handle the load, once I begin offering “non-profit” roast.

I have prepared a major money warchest, and will most likely be looking at my alchemist every hour during the weekends at the time of offering. Hope its enough to at least be able to last an hour.

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Why not stay in the US servers combine our effort. I am here 24 hrs a day, every day of the month. I do work but i only need set shops every 6-8hrs and flip through channels to create redirection signs near scam shops.

With more of us in one or two servers we can efficiently eradicate the problem.

Appreciate your offer. I have been and will ever be in Klaipeda server ever since at launch. Although our methods are similar our end-goals differ; mine is to make fellow alchemist understand that undervaluing our own skill service has no benefits in the long run. Hence, a standard pricing of 30k. That 30k will equate to a profit of around 12kea roast with an average roast of 5times a day and still doesn’t reach “break-even”. Yet, I’ve talked with several alchemist and a compromise of 30k is the result.

However, most alchemist do not understand their value of time-invested; we are just kids afterall, just playing away our so called “free” time.

To all Alchemists, how long did it take you to get to rank7? Is it worth a measly profit of 15k a day? (12k roast cost ave * 50%tax - 3k mat cost with 5 roast a day). If you are not willing to roast with a suitable profit, then rather we just do the service for free is where I stand.

For the same reason you are able to under-price someone else and take their pittance of a profit-share, is the same reason I can post a “non-profit” roast. We are in a “free-market” afterall.


To all alchemist, as to clear misunderstanding before the actual date arrives. Please see my requests out of each of you below.

A. Before June10th; you are free to do as you always have. And inform me of a better idea/suggestion. Overturn my logic and provide me a good reason to not proceed. I desire change, and action is needed for it.

B. At and after June10th; please see below.

  1. I’ll start monitoring FedimianCh1 on the weekends, and if someone is spotted undercutting and with less than 30k gemroast; I’ll immediately implement my non-profit roast for the said weekend (time will be approx. based ingame at 0:00am).

  2. You are free to re-locate your shop elsewhere. (i.e. Ch2, or even MercPost Ch1). Other locations will not be monitored. (As I do not think a difference of 10k equals convenience. Also, klai and orsha town should be reserved for new players.)

  3. During weekdays, I’ll stop “non-profit” roast. However, I will still monitor and continue to posts a “non-profit” roast once I spotted someone undercutting on the weekdays.

  4. I will continue these actions at a minimum of 3 weeks. During that time you will drastically see a sharp decrease in your already small roast profit.

  5. I will stop my actions in only one of two ways. (1) The majority of the alchemists community 50% or higher to inform me to stop. Feel free to count and inform me how many active alchemists there are in KlaiServer. (2) Once no undercutting is spotted on the weekdays, and 30k min. pricing is reached on FedimianCh1 at Klaipeda Server.

My endgoal is to set a standard minimum pricing for gemroast. It’s up to you, if you think you deserve to earn, for the effort you put into making your alchemist.

For those willing to back me up, please post your 30k min. shop in FedimianCh1. And I’m sorry in advance if I am imposing on you too much, but I feel troubled as to why we keep under-valuing our skill.

Please note, it will take a while for gemroast cutomers to comeback to FedimianCh1 when a 30k min pricing is reached. And once accomplished, may our actions serve as a template for all other future alchemist.

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June 10th. I’ve received no major complaints. I’ll proceed with conditions as stated above.

You can see my shop at Klaipeda server, Fedimian City, Channel1, between lvl200dung and Item Merchant Muras.

PS: I’m at work, will be back @ 6am reset

June 13th, update;

Roasted around 200 gems of which is around 40players on the weekend at Fed1Ch1 with 6k “non-profit” roast.

As for those who still earned roasting during the weekends, please take note that players do not mind paying that much of a difference in roasting. Going less than 30k in which players will gladly pay is only to your dis-benefit.

I’ll go back to 38k pricing and re-check if alchemist complied with 30k min. price at FedCh1. You have till friday, else ill post “non-profit” again on the weekends.

PS: Roast population is not what I expected. I thought there will be at least x10 that amount.

I only do weekends to see if other alchemists will regulate prices by the weekdays.

However, if there is no progress by other alchemists; then I’ll increase the number of days offered at “non-profit” roast.

I don’t want to spend more than 15k on a gem roast. Weapon enchants I would pay 5-10k for also.

As far as the player repairs go you would have to be a complete idiot NOT to use a player shop to repair because I can repair my weapon to 59/39 for under 5k at a player and it costs me over 7k to repair it to the normal 39/39 at the npc. Also repairing over max durability means longer trips out farming without having to run back to town and fix something.

How often do you use gem roasting ?
How much cost adding a (second) slot to your main weapon ?

Gemroasting, once to thrice in a characters lifetime on average.

Adding a slot, to a weapon prob cost around 60k ea

8 total armor sockets and 2 or 3 depending on weapon and the price per socket increases a LOT from one to 2 sockets and even more at 3. Roxona plate armor costs 32k for the first socket on the gloves and then 126k for the second. Catacombs shooter crossbow costs about 67k for the first socket and then over 250k for the second one. I can’t remember what 3 sockets in my khasti bow cost me but it wasn’t cheap. I roast 13 gems for my gear right now and will probably have a second or even third set of roasted gems on hand also. So yes if you are serious at all you will roast quite a few gems and sink a lot of silver into sockets.

Down the road we will have higher level roasting too.

June 18th update,

Due to the some alchemist still posting less than 30k price on Fedimian Ch1.

I’ll extend the non-profit roast by another day (3days in total as of now). I plan to continue this pattern, and may extend non-profit roast by another day (+1 day) the following week as well.

June 21st update,

Posted 6k “non-profit” for 3 days till tuesday (maintenance).

Number of roast have dropped dramatically, only around 80 total roast with the number of players only approximately 20ish (multiple roasts by a single player).

An interesting thing happened though, a kind individual used my 38k roast twice on early saturday when no other alchemists are present. Thank you generous player; And after a few hours, another alchemist posted 5800silver roast cost for a few hours on saturday.

Back to 38k roast shop =3