Tree of Savior Forum

Gem roasting fees & why theyre so expensive

So can someone explain why most gem roasters set absurd prices like 10k-15k when it cost 1x 3k silver (Calcite) to do so? I understand the 50% tax involved so lets calc this. You spend 3k per calcite and charge 5k per roast (this is considering the cheapest ive seen usually 15k) The roast therefore cost 10k because of 50% tax. You make a sell. 10k minus 50% = 5k then discount 3k for calcite you just made 2k per gem for being afk.

Alright lets add the 15-20k normal prices seen. 15k - 50% = 7.5k - 3k =4.5k That’s some fkn dough! But lets go at the first shop I ever used. 21.5k for a lv 4 roast. To simplify things we’ll say it was 20k - 50% =10k - 3k =7k.

7k profit per gem for being afk.

Buffers I cant imagine make 1/3th the profit considering that also cost to do so.

squares repair prices are slightly understandable but still always laughable.

Ill get to the enchant weapon buffing later…

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People don’t use gem roast as often as other services. Roast a gem, put on equip. See you the next time you decide to switch gear. I set up at orsha ch 1 since other towns have multiple gem roasters. I get about 0-4 gem roasts per 24 hours and i’m the only one there… I’m in klaipeda server for the curious people.


The only logical answer is they feel like the time invested into making a character for gem roasting equates to high prices. I personally say it’s greed but do understand entrepreneurship/economics and would suggest if you don’t like the price make your own Alchemist and buck the system. Stick it to the man!


They had to level a character to sell the service, and also because it’s not a commonly used service.


roasting’s service is not used as frequently as the repair/buff.

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I can understand 2k but 5-7k per gem roasted. You say its not commonly used and use that as the escuse but have you any idea just how many people play the game. Its not like only “1” person plays the game to use the service.

And for those stating “make your own” Ive actually already started a side alt just for roasting as the shop stays opened even when logged out. So while on my main I can be robbing people of 5-7k per roast and inadvertently charging them twice as much just so I can get more out of them.

Except I’m not you. My stand will be up in a week at 7k per roast permanently. This means end equation I will get 500 silver profit per roast BUT that multiplies by insane amounts as atleast 1% of everyone online will use the service atleast once to learn what the service does and many more times near mid-end game to make a decent build without the penalties.

Cheers & see you in a week!

Basically what everyone else has already said. Squire buff/repair and Pardoner spell shops are used very frequently and can be found in nearly every channel of every town. They are in high demand, but there’s also a lot of competition, so prices are low enough to compete and take into account the sheer volume of uses the shop is going to get. Small values add up quickly to make a solid profit.

Even if we ignore that Alchemist’s Gem Roast is only available starting at r8 compared to Squire’s shops at r5 and Pardoner’s at r6 (irrelevant anyway since competition is mainly between C3 Pard/Squire, which brings them both up to r8), you only need to roast each gem once. Most people don’t (or shouldn’t) roast at all unless they’re putting the gem on equipment to be used long-term, so there isn’t nearly as much mass roasting compared to the other three types of shop, which means profits are much, much slower for an Alchemist.

I think it’s perfectly fair to have high prices like 20k or even 30k for roasting. You shouldn’t be using roasting until you have high level, long-term equipment, and by then you’ll have more than enough silver to toss a few away in exchange for a roasted gem. Let the Alchemists profit for their hard work in getting all the way to r8.


I think you’re overestimating the number of gem roasting services done per day…


Yup. a small 500 pr sell x atleast a thousand people is 500k. I’m good with that.

but add 2k per sell thats 2m and 7k absurd pricing thats 7mil!

and when its available is irreverent especially at the current ease of getting there. (rank 7 btw)

We shall see soon enough if I’m overstating anything. 30k per gem roast…holy sh*t!

Well whatever fits your bill. Alchemists don’t really care about gem roasting anyways, its just some extra silver. Pots is where its all at… for now…until undercutting game gets too strong. We’d make 100x more selling pots than what gem roasting give us at 30k per service.

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It’s cute that you think we’re actually getting a decent profit from Gem Roasting hahaha. I don’t know about other stands but i sell my services for 10k, profitting 2k per Roast which is not much but it’s better than nothing.

Gem Roast is not a highly demanded service no matter what you think, you don’t have an Alchemist, how could you possibly know how many roast services we sell per day? Even if you create an Alchemist one day, it’s probably gonna be an alternate and you won’t care about dedicated Alchemists like myself that are playing the class as a main character and just set “no profit” prices just because you can.

Please stop with your fantasy calculations and play nice like everybody else.


I dont use pots so i cant comment to it. But considering the hilarious prices people charge for almost useless barely worth it services I’m highly debating wasting the next few months to make one of each service and undercut the market bad enough that ill be the only shop. Since shops stay open while logged off I can set all shops up daily and go play the main.

At which point all services will be cheap for everyone and wont cost me a dime.

If you knew this then why would you make this thread? To create a senseless topic and tote that you’re going to make an alt and just be another drop in the pond? I don’t even care either way to expensive or cheap services but understand the situation of everything. Anyways there’s prolly more Cleric services because I’m sure a lot of the RMT bots go Pardoner eventually if they were smart.

Btw i don’t know what server you’re playing on, but just by estimate, 1000 services will probably take more than half a year.

I give it a week. Two max.

Most top players will gem roast everything to be the best which is about 3gems shirt 3 gems panties 2gems gloves 2 gems boots 3 gems shield/side and 3 gems weapon. This equates to 16 gems not counting 2nd & 3rd armor sets for those like myself who carry a different set for each occasion.

16 x 5k = 80k per that “1” person. And only that one time. not counting as they are leveling up to every major rank. I give it short time ill have 1k roasts

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Well you better be actively world chatting your gem services or else no one’s gonna know. They all just look at the first gem service they see and go with it , or choose the cheaper one if multiple around (multiple people tell me im the first gem roaster they’ve seen in a couple of hours, in ch 2… when in ch 1 there’s been roasters there for the whole day). You’re like the first person that is making an alchemist for roasting and not awakening/potions well… based on this thread.

Until you notice all the other Alchemist lowering their prices to compete with yours and then eventually someone offering it at base cost no profit. I have never made a crafting character in this game, but do have friends who do and this is how it works. The one with a Squire would get undercut all the time until he eventually just left it there for base repair cost all the time in spite.

Whoops, miscounted there. But yeah, I already said right there in my post that it’s not really relevant right now, considering the competition between shops is at the maximum rank for all three merching classes. Not sure why you’re bringing that up again.

Here’s a better way of looking at it: how often do you drop by a Pardoner or Squire shop to put on some buffs? I’ll usually use a shop maybe once or twice a day, if I’m planning to do some serious grinding or preparing to fight a World Boss. If someone sets up a shop outside a dungeon or by a popular grinding spot, why wouldn’t you want to buff up for faster grinding? If there’s a Squire repair shop right next to you wouldn’t it be better to just use that instead of going all the way back to town, even if Squire is slightly more expensive? Squire and Pardoner profit off convenience, which is why they can make so much without needing high prices. They’re always in demand somewhere.

Now, how often do you have to roast a gem? Personally, I’ve used three gems total, none of them roasted, because I don’t have endgame gear yet and there’s no point in putting so much funding into an item I’m going to throw away in a handful of levels. Gems in general are already costly and tedious to level and socket into gear, it costs a chunk of silver just to open a socket to use and levelling takes dozens if not hundreds of gems/abrasives to reach something high enough to justify roasting it. Also, you only need to roast a gem once, ever, compared to buff shops which can be used over and over again every hour or two. Roasting is for min/maxing gear, which just isn’t something you need until you’re deep into the current endgame with high-level gear that you plan on keeping for a long time.

Do you really expect 1000 people to need to roast gems in a single day? Or even a single week? Maybe if you undercut everyone by 10k you might get a few extra people jumping on the deal, sure, but you’re never going to get numbers that could compare to Pardoner or Squire. There’s a reason why you don’t see a lot of people bothering with Gem Roast shops compared to the 4657345 Pardoners/Squires lurking in ch1.

It’ll be center of town ch1 with everyone else. Ill make 500 profit and regardless of other shops ill be doing it to prevent Trumptrain followers from robbing the economy. Silver at this point means less then the community to me.