Tree of Savior Forum

A Definitive Solution to Bots

Hello guys, you may call me Velvet.

I noticed we have a huge problem with bots, and I want to
suggest something. I tried on brazilian forum and I had A LOT of thumps
up to that suggestion, so I decided to make this post (also a ticket), and HOPE that you guys take it seriously.

Everyone by now knows that banning accs and making a bot detector system will not work, not even a gameshield system by security company works, games tried that before, and this won’t solve the problem, and now we players (and probabily you) fear that this game might face its demise by bot crowding like gun bound, grand chase and ofc Ragnarok.

My suggestion its something I saw on Wakfu, a game by Ankama. And to make it REALLY SHORT, its a in-game Captcha system feature, diguised as a feature so that it avoid any kind of frustration by players.

On Wakfu everytime we were farming, we would eventualy (randomly and impossible to predict) get a encounter with a cat named “Cap’ N Acha”. This cat would propose a mini-game (that we had no choice but to play), and that minigame would have some 6-dice symbols with some optical illusion (actually just very diffuse and somewhat hard to read dice numbers), If we won we were instantly rewarded by great bonus on that we were farming (which maked the cat very desirable to face and beat for any player).

But if we lost (and eventualy it did happened because of the difficulty of
reading the diffuse symbols/busy on phone whatever), we would get 2 debuffs:

1: -30% farming gold/xp/item until we find AND BEAT Cap N Acha (stackable)

2: 90% chance to find Cap N Acha on every encounter until we beat him.

Once you lost to Cap N Acha you were going to find him on almost everything that you try to farm, and If we found and lost to Cap 4 times we would be unable to farm anything at all, getting 0 xp, 0 silver, 0 resources, until we finaly beat him.

I wanna clarify that he was not hard to beat, it was a simple minigame
with some diffuse images, but bots wouldn’t ever be able to tell the
confusing images from the dice numbers that those images would
represent, making a simple Captcha system, it fitted the Wakfu theme of
cute things and cats, while also greatly rewarding the encounter.

It was a major success and people would even complain on their unluck
on guild chat when they DIDN`T find him. Like “omg i’m farming 1 hour
and no cat! I need it that bonuses are sweet!”.

After Cap N Atcha I played 3 years of wakfu without seeing ONE SINGLE bot.

Please do consider some kind of system with a captcha included, this
would make banning bots a thing from the past, and do it in a way that
it could be easily (but not automaticaly) scrambled in a new functionality, so that bot programmers that somehow found how to beat the captcha on bot would need to reprogram complex codes every 1/2 months, making this bussiness too risky on any serious programmer financial perspective.


(I`m sorry for not posting this on suggestions or bugs, but I wanted to bring as much attention to the subject as I could as this is freaking important)


Great idea.

This is what she’s talking about:


Interesting idea.
Do post it also in Suggestions forum, don’t take it down from here, just make another post for more visibility.

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Hey, this sounds pretty cool actually :slight_smile: I’m not too fond of the idea of being interrupted during my gameplay, but I guess that if we’re going to be flooded by bots during F2P I’d much rather deal with something like this.

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I hope the devs can see this. nice one!


interesting, a +30% silver drop or a +25% bonus drop rate would make this thing really desirable, but it would need to be simpler, like asking for a simple captcha, since we don’t have that kind of system wakfu has

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A simple idea, like I said before;;;; QUEST TO ADVANCE IN THE MAPS !

the imc dont like cap.

Aura Kingdom has it like that, and in the end, instead of helping, it just makes everything FRUSTRATING, specially because not every map is party of the main quest… and there are lots of maps that yield A TON of EXP cards because of quests and mobcount and are not part of the main story…

That actually sounds really fun! Not sure if it would work on ToS but damn, i would love that boost while farming or grinding.

Woah guys thanks for fast support! please spread the idea everywhere so we might make Devs consider this!! o/


aura kingdom? Aura kingdom is per lv… 10, 20 . 30, 40, 45…

Posted by STAFF_John
Some have suggested using CAPTCHA, but that too, will be breached eventually. It puts needless restrictions on the players, so we are not considering its use. Instead, what we chose to use is a server-side classifier based on Machine Learning (ML) technique.


they don’t use cap, because of the control users players

why do you keep saying “Velvet” under your post? i mean we can read who you are.

aside from that a genius idea that might just perfectly work with the current condition of ToS. the devs definitely need to take notice of this. you should add @ staffs.


but you can’t advance to the next level maps unless the story quest takes you there… or at least that’s how it was when I played it, and it was really anoying

Would be nice if it was implemented as a way in one of those instances like the ones you do on quests with the film reel icon at the top.

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from staff_john quote, i don’t know what he considers a needless restriction, but i’m pretty sure everyone prefers captcha to not being able to trade or being forced to wait 48h to receive the money from the single item you can sell on that lame market that eats 30% of your silver if you have no token…


I don’t remember, so much time that I don’t play .