Tree of Savior Forum

Hack Prevention and Captcha

This may have already been suggested, but the more, the better. It’s great that we’ll be getting a reporting system soon, but this could only do so much with the assumption that you will be banning bots manually. We all know that you guys don’t want to just sit there and analyze all day of who is a bot and who is not so you can hit the ban button, that’s going to be tedious in the long run. We’re going to need a more automated system to help lessen the need of your manual analysis.

First things first, the hack prevention is a definite must, regular players are even utilizing the vulnerability of this game by changing their attack range values and movements. They could literally just stand in one area and auto attack nothing and still grind for a good 24 hours. Then there are some that are just teleporting to mobs and attacking them. This is a major problem that bots and AFK farmers are abusing and should be considered immediately. We could just report them later on, but that’s just more work for you guys. We’re not trying to pile up a list here, we’re trying to reduce the list.

Second, this is just needed in general. A Captcha system is something the community definitely wants. Everyone in-game today was talking about needing one. This in the long run could probably stop bots over-all. There are several ways you could go about this as well. Some are more complicated than others.

The most basic one is that it pops up every few hours and completely disables your controls. Of course, who is to say that they can’t just type in the captcha every few hours? You could also add in that if they don’t finish the captcha within certain amount of time, it will just boot you from the server. This should not affect people in dungeons/vending/PVP/Guild/etc. It should just only affect normal field grinds. And it should also send you guys a log of players who were booted out by the captcha system so you’ll know who is a bot and who just didn’t type it in time.

That’s just my suggestion, anyone is free to agree or disagree, or even suggest something even better. The idea is to just prevent bots and hackers.