Tree of Savior Forum

A possible solution to bots: in-game CAPTCHA-quiz item

Other games have kind-of successfully decreased their bot population thanks to timed CAPTCHA.

This is an example from a MMO that implemented this system:

  • CAPTCHA can only be used on players in the combat stance.

  • A player cannot use captcha with the same person more than 3 times per day.

  • CAPTCHA lasts 40 seconds.

  • The targeted Player is given 2 attempts to solve the CAPTCHA.

  • The CAPTCHA prompt can be refreshed for a new one. (Time doesn’t reset)

  • A player solving a CAPTCHA won’t be attacked by enemies.

This point will make the system extra effective with bots:

  • If the CAPTCHA is not solved or, the targeted player fails, the targeted player will be locked in place for 20 minutes to 2 days.

The duration is based on how long a player has been logged on and how many times the IP address has been hit with a unsuccessful CAPTCHA.

Bots can solve SOME kinds, but not all.

There are different kind of captchas:

I think it will be a plausible solution.

  1. Bots farmers will avoid places with lots of players that won’t hesitate to ue a CAPTCHA item with them.
  2. People AFK on towns won’t be affected.
  3. Legit players won’t be spammed with captchas because you are limited to 3 times use on a single person per day. So only a bot will constantly get asked to do CAPTCHAS because different people will use them on the bots, not only 1 player.

Yes lets restrict the ■■■■ out of our players, now were going to throw captcha at them every few minutes. Can we stop making this game a living hell for the legit players?

You didn’t read at all.

You only came to complain.

As i wrote (and you ignored) this system specifically aims at bots and has limitations so legit players aren’t affected by it.


Putting it into the hands of players is just asking for abuse. History has always proven that players are always the people exploiting the sh*t out of everything.

The most recent report bot function doesn’t seem to be bad(if it worked), except that even after reporting bots, they’re still botting in the same spot for the next 2-3 hours when I’m still trying to farm there. I mean, as a player, even I can tell they’re botters at 1 glance. All it takes is a GM to come over and look for a few seconds and ban them.

Actually i did read it and my point stands. So pull your head out of your ass and explain to me how this won’t annoy the ■■■■ out of real players. Because your post doesn’t cover that other then each player can only harass you 3 times per day.


Legit players won’t be spammed with captchas because you are limited to 3 times use on a single person per day. So only a bot will constantly get asked to do CAPTCHAS because different people will use them on the bots, not only 1 player.

Could your small brain understand that?

Do you need a crayon explanation?

From what I understand, english and number based captcha is no longer effective. Japanese Captcha on the other hand, appear to be quite effective from what I witness.

too bad, japanese captcha is probably too hard for majority here too lol

Considered 1 person here asked a dumb question that was explained on the OP 2 times, i agree.

Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want captchas, he is not smart enough to solve them.

I will agree with this if the person using the captcha item gets a temp ban when his target does it correctly. There has to be some penalty for using it on a legit player.

That’s the Mabinogi Bot Bomb… (G20 just came out, lol…)

I’ve been suggesting an item like this but it also has it’s flaws, like buying it just to troll and annoy people.

And you still can’t explain to me how this won’t be abused. Thank you for proving my point.

You accused me of not reading your post when i did.

Then you told me “LEARN TO READ” and re posted something to me after i covered it.

Clearly your the one not reading everything fully, and yes when you display stupidity i will call you out on it like a jerk.

[quote=“shigeyama, post:12, topic:195111”] That’s the Mabinogi Bot Bomb… (G20 just came out, lol…)

I’ve been suggesting an item like this but it also has it’s flaws, like buying it just to troll and annoy people.

G20 proved to be interesting.

When was the last time you saw a bot (farmer) in mabi?

I think last time i saw one was…3 years ago?

[quote=“thebloodyaugust, post:13, topic:195111”]
And you still can’t explain to me how this won’t be abused. Thank you for proving my point.[/quote]

I repeat it:

You may find this to believe, but normally 30 people don’t hold a grudge against a single person in a game, guilds included.

You have to be a monumental jerk for that. Like you. Which explains why are you so hostile towards this idea, because you know many will try to kick you for being an undesirable person.

Actually the game i mentioned has guild and castle siege systems too. Not a single time has a person complained about being spammed with captchas.

The only time I ever saw a bot in Mabinogi was when there was major content and everyone would return back to the game for a short period there would be like a bot or 2 on the 1st channel but they disappeared immediately.

@STAFF_John check it out.

Its been what 2 weeks? We have guild drama on the forums and in game on multiple servers. You REALLY think this won’t be used for harassment?

Edit: lets not even get started on the competition and verbal harassment that is already occurring over grinding zones due to the low spawn rates.

Interesting how they were able to pretty much eliminate bots and their gold farming.

Economy has remained pretty much the same for years, instead of inflate.


I know this because i go belvast market constantly.

Dyes that cost 1m 2 years ago pretty much the same now.

hello mabi person!
anyway, this didn’t work there, why would it work here?

uh, it’s worth complaining about. bots in mabi could solve these easily enough.
in the end, it ONLY functions to harass actual players and not bots.

so if my guild of 20 ppl really hates this guy out in the field, we could all go buy some, and cram 60 of them down his throat.
guilds are 35 people max by default… full guild, that’s 105 uses.
and let’s not make the mistake of assuming the people here are as nice as people in mabi.

one little disagreement, and it’s asshattery like the rest of this forum? if you can’t keep patient for this small an exchange, how on earth do you imagine people won’t abuse it in game?

and why should we assume that this one poor “decent person” isn’t targeted by 30-35 complete a**holes?

at this point, you’re taking the lead for being a monumental jerk against @thebloodyaugust

i agree with you, but at the same time, exactly how many GM’s do you think ToS has so far? vs the number of bot reports


I don’t see mabinogi market inflated.

Do you?

Player for 5 years here, active in market.

I sell my items the same price they sold for a year ago or 2, just like everyone.

Come on, you know very VERY well that wasn’t the case of mabi.

Fair point, but kind of imaginary.

I could use a similar kind of question: What stops someone to constantly KSing a single person?

In reality a person would get tired of that.

If we start using hypothetical scenarios there is no solution to bots, this game is doomed to close as there is no way to stop bots from taking control of economy, making it unplayable.

See why i avoid these kind of scenarios?

He IS a jerk in all honestly.

You have to differentiate between disagreeing and calling others “a bitch” and “to get your head out your ass”.

#Try to defend that.

There is a difference between disagree (like you did) and come attack others.

lol 25m for the wings just released. nahp, not inflated at all.

people in mabi are WAY more relaxed than people here, tho. i mean just check out these forums.

sure they’ll get tired of it eventually. but maybe that’s a couple of hours later.
or the other person just logs off, whichever

i wasn’t disagreeing.
sadly, that’s pretty much the common attitude here. “agree with me or i’ll just insult you till you quit”.

but at the same time,
a; you were also being a jerk
and b; just because he’s being a jerk about it doesn’t make his point completely invalid.

If they throw a captcha at me (I DETEST CAPTCHA!!) - It’s back to world of warcraft for me.

Captcha makes a game look cheap and crappy, even if it pings up once for me as a legit player. I am gone.