Tree of Savior Forum

A Definitive Solution to Bots

Please no. If you haven’t figured it out by now, there are dozens of these horrible captcha suggestions that will never work. It’s a stupid idea.

It’s annoying, doesn’t stop botters and the staff has already said they aren’t going to add captcha in.

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Even though this doesn’t prevent bot completely, one of the easiest thing people can do is image processing with a ratio of comparison. The most basic softwares people use do that. I don’t really believe in that wakfu thing its way too simple to prevent anything. But the whole idea is good.

but, between… bots and quest… I prefer quests =)

Well a suggestion doesn’t have to be accepted but the algorithms may be of interest~
It is what it is after all, a suggestion.
Expect 0.01% of suggestions to be accepted.

Like the idea but maybe if they make it where if you beat one you get a buff added that keeps u from being interrupted by the “bot check” for another 2 hours also. (This would keep u from getting spammed by it every 30 min or something, and lets you play the game without worrying about it poping randomly.)

The only way to beat bots is for everyone to stop buying silver. Wakfu’s method does not work. No method works. If there were a functional method, literally every developer would use it. It’s not hard to implement countermeasures for bots. All these countermeasures can do is lessen the load of bots while hopefully not inconveniencing the main user.

There were bots in Wakfu. If you think otherwise, that is just silly. Even 10 seconds on google could show you that there were. Furthermore, most bots are manned. The ones done by companies in order to sell silver most definitely are. Captchas are proven to be completely ineffective at stopping bots because of this.

Nice system, good and simple, that idea can work if it’s good implemented.

I think this could work : >

Oh, thanks for submitting the idea Velvet,

I thought this post will be about someone who yet again suggest giving captcha system to combat bots.

but I agree, having a random NPC pops up to give you ‘captcha’ puzzles who will give you reward if you beat him and punish those who fail is a great and fun way to help combat bots.

maybe some rules can be used to enhance it further ,

  1. This NPC will not suddenly pops up while you’re doing dungeons
  2. Definitely not on boss fights/ event quests too
  3. This can be tied with the existing report bot function, I would suggest to make it a ‘harsher’ npc but can still be beatable if you are a player -giving no rewards if you beat him tho (to prevent players abusing the function obv)
  4. as for the punish thing if they fail, I had this fun idea to just trap the bots in an instanced place with unlimited 0 rewards mobs just to keep em busy while the devs are sorting out their demise :joy: - players wont be bothered by them while waiting for devs to sort it out, bots are grinding their way to their death :grin:

This is a good suggestion as it encourages people to farm more to obtain rewards.

Hopefully no one can program a bot to beat the system.

Not only could they definitely make bots to beat this system, but RMT bots are manned, so they don’t even have to.

bots already do quests to advance into some maps like tenant church 2f and so on…

This is great idea, but for a real time game like ToS it should be a tiny popup in the corner of the screen - something like a small non-disruptive Popolion pop-up which provides a captcha at random times with a reasonable timer on it (so you don’t have to do it in the middle of a boss/world boss).

The reward for beating the captcha should be a minor stackable buff (up to a certain point, or a useful reward - NO TALT PLEASE - maybe a golden anvil or something) that lasts for whatever duration IMC wants, hopefully permanent until log-off, and failing (upon multiple tries?) or letting the timer run out you get said debuff which quickly reduces all sources of income.

The more you fail / let the timer run out, the more frequent the captcha becomes (like 1 every 5-10 seconds), so people who afk won’t be effected too much - say they have to input 2-3 correct captchas to completely erase the debuff for increased security so bots would quickly become obsolete as they have difficulty dealing with a single captcha already. And manning bots would be way more annoying having to deal with x amount of captchas with, however, many bots you’re using - though people who bot with 1 character, and are constantly surveying it, would basically be lazy real people, who’re just trying to grind past a certain point - but everybody knows that the real threat are those who bot with an army.

because I like to introduce myself before saying something long and maybe boring… this makes it a bit more personal (perhaps)

There were bots to sell and buy gold, not to farm gold. ; )

you dont need a quest to enter into tenent church… is like crystal mines, you cant enter if you dont make the quest and you dont need do the quest if you dont start the event . So if you dont do any quest, you can proceed with any problems =)

Pop ups are nothing but an annoyance… you guys are looking at it the wrong way…

The idea is stop bots, not annoy normal players more…

Here is my counter argument/idea @STAFF_Ethan

Place Decoy on all maps (specially high mob spawns one)…

you know those Decoy dummies the one you hit on highlander place… place them on the maps and give them the same id as mob, but make them immortal.

The bots already go for anvils, so this will make the bots get stuck trying to kill the decoys forever and will be easier to report too…

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what I mean is that 2f has the demon girl that teleport you if you get close… remember her…

there is the Grim Reaper =) the bot killer.


Thats sound really amazing