Tree of Savior Forum

Your thoughts about the upcoming 'Server Merge'

@LunarRabbit @diane well let me ask you this, did the population drop when the merges happen? The games you mentioned might be popular games that merging does not cause too much impact. Tree of Savior on the other hand is barely surviving I heard… Not to be negative here, but I just like this game so much.

Tibia doesn’t die… it’s from… 94? 95? I don’t remember, but it’s older than some players here… and it’s still popular, who knows why?

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Server merge finally, great. But if we look at it another way, good idea but once again shitty terrible execution. They’re practically screwing over players with characters in 2 servers.

More specifically, character slots. Especially in a game where pets fking takes up character slots. Not to mention some classes depends on pets so they’re mandatory. You’d expect them to just combine the character slots for the merge, just like any other games would, but nope IMC’d again.

Also with having more players in a world, let’s not forget more bots and WB competition. Knowing IMC, there won’t be enough channels to make up for them, or won’t even increase the channels at all.

Situations vary, really. People are quick to go doom&gloom about things, and while I can’t say the state for Varena, lets take Orsha into example. It was there at launch, likely do deal with the hype impact. Now that the waves are long and gone(and then localized servers like Fedimian happened, which made people transfer away), ask yourself, whats the point of Orsha? Only point is if you want a quiet server for yourself.

Plenty of people want a server that has people on it, because it makes for healthier grouping, market, etc. New players, without a doubt, are far more likely to roll on Klaipeda instead of Orsha. As people leave for whatever reasons, Orsha is hemorrhaging players while perhaps having a knit community. It simply having little reason to exist. Merges don’t just happen because “le failing game”, but because at some point some servers simply have no point in existing for a healthier state of the game.

There are plenty of games that have had merges and are still around. TERA and Tibia mentioned earlier, then you have practically every NCSoft game. I vaguely recall Lineage2 had merges around 2009? or earlier, but I haven’t played since Interlude, so memory is haze. Aion have had merges, and new servers happening, merges, in cycles too. If Tree of Savior is doing well or not, is not something you can just tell from steam charts alone like some autists on this board think, but in how much dosh that IMC is making and only they know that one. The game could lose 1000 players today, but it matters nothing if all those 1000 players didn’t spend a dime. Look at fRO(the European servers for RO), they probably have maybe 200 players odd or something on at the same time, excluding the merchants that make up pretty much the population of the game making the login screen show 600 odd. “Whales” can keep the show running for a long time, all depending the expenses IMC have.


Can’t wait for Whalesiai to merge with Barena clowns for a whole new world of a toxic salty SEA. Best update from IMC since never.


i’m just paranoid on what would happen to my account during the merge OxO;;

i also mistakenly created a character in varena back then, but i deleted it now OxO


I agree with you that servers merge for various reasons and not just “gam s dieing”. I also believe that IMC will do everything in their power to keep itos up as long as they have at least a handful of whales to milk.

But you do you really believe that 1000 freemium players leaving would not matter at all? Those free players still contribute to the economy even if it’s just farming and selling blessed crystals so the whales can have a steady supply of crystals for transcend. That’s just 1 reason.

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And that’s why I said trolls overestimate issues and affects people’s opinion :woman_shrugging:

It’s true that ToS condition isn’t that good atm, some people shows it just in the right measure and with accurate complaints. But it isn’t as bad as some other people like to picture.

Merging can push away some few people but in general it is something that mostly benefits lower level/newer players. I can’t think of any instance (other than channel count) where they would be affected.

Now if we talk about old players complaining about the merge, sorry, but being honest here. It’s simply something such as avoiding drama or protecting profit. If there’s nothing more than these reasons, a company should not take this too much into consideration .

As player that still goes back to that game from time to time on an 10yo~ish account: Difficult, old schoolness and nostalgia. lol

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how i see the scenario is because everyone expect the game will be very populated on launch that they have to accommodate it by having multiple servers.

by the time the game reaches its average lifestyle, merging is the next step of the process

would be nice if we could just merge the whole itos community, so most westerners would realize “International” is not exclusive to westerners


Guys, please, stop overestimating population issues. We have 40k players, the server merge is simply for… stuff… you know… just normal stuff. It’s normal. NORMAL. There’s no population issues whatsoever please don’t spread misinformation.

Of course if IMC could somehow maintain the population then there wouldn’t be a need for server merges but that’s not normal. Maintaining or increasing the player base is NOT normal. Get it in your thick head, damn trolls!


Personally, I think Orsha should have been merged with Klaipeda as soon as the vast population difference was made clear. Would have been easier and potentially retained more players who left over the other servers getting free transfers, but not them.

But later is better than never, it’ll be nice to have new players [as in new to Klai] breathing some fresh air into the game. This, along with the new content, seems very promising for ToS.

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Just to make things perfectly clear: the collection data on your main team will be safe. Don’t worry! :satisfaction:

Also…why do people keep confusing Staff Amy and I? :rofl:


Good! If only the announcement was this clear. :sad:

i’ve mistakenly made a character in varena server back in the days. i deleted it now.

but the fact that i have characters in both servers still remain. it’s also weird to have a 0 character in an account.

should i be worried? OxO

Because you 2 have the same avatar. :satisfaction:

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10 people would try out something new

but only half of them like pineapple on their pizza

yet pizza with pineapple toppings still remain in the menu

it’s just that the pizzeria has to attend everybody’s orders at the time it was new

and get a grasp on how many they should prepare once it’s normalized

what you’re doing is just like how those people posting stuffs like “i don’t get people who like pineapple on pizza”

and every time someone like lunarrabbit would say they like pineapple toppings on their pizza, you would respond otherwise

and spirals into this exchange of opinion whether or not pineapple pizzas should exist

pineapple pizza will still be a thing though. it may adjust depending on trend. but it will be there in the menu

the big STAFF_Fight of 2018 when? :prince:

Amy 5657951-0504507052-54465Letitia

Only one can remain!!!1


Wow… this is… deep.


obviously i am craving for some pizza :}

Oh dear :sad: What have I done?

PS. The official server merge announcement has been updated! :smiley: