Tree of Savior Forum

Your thoughts about the upcoming 'Server Merge'

As for mine,

4.2. Collections

  • Collection data from [NA] Orsha and [SEA] Varena will be deleted.
  • Only data from [NA] Klaipeda and [SEA] Telsiai will remain.

Please reconsider this part of your plan.

Most of what I have been hearing is negative about coming merge but we are just tenants and IMC is the landlord, they have the last say but please consider both sides in both servers, indeed it will entail extra work but will show that you respect your customers who patronize your game.

Feel free to voice your opinions about the merge


4.2. Collections
[UPDATE] - Only data from your main team remains.

Turn’s out it has been a miswording, thanks for the quick response.

Winter Is Coming…

My seriously opinion is: it’s good, finally. I see people asking it since 2016. I wonder why collections data can’t be kept as well btw

My not seriously opinion: merge Fedimian with something please


good move actually, really a good move …more drama, but manageable…sort of.

merge fedi with bdo EU server :smiley:


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My biggest concern is that now there will be more people competing for “per server” items such as shadowmancer quests, shinobi quests… Etc.
Second thing is, my computer is really bad. When I’m in town, my lag is severe. Now we will probably have even more pardoner, squire… Etc in town (better for most people, just my own problem).

The up side for me is it’s easier to find a party to grind at Demon Prison (or maybe more competition for mobs… Really depends)
Also more items available at market.

I’m not sure what will happen to the value of items in the market though. Anyone have some opinions or predictions?

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My prediction are: that they will increase channel count in some maps like saalus, WB will be laggier especially when the 2 billion HP super boss comes and could trigger some crashes which was lately has been non existent at least in our server, there will be some guild mergers and guild wars could be a thing again.

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It’s necessary for GvG, but who cares, really.

I have a few friends from EU damn R.I.P.

They really need to reconsider the collection thing for Orsha/Varena. Plenty of people spent some good time on filling that stuff up and its simply not fair to them. If all else, at least give some noticeable compensation for the losses.


Just merge ALL SERVERS IN ONE. The ping is same and shitty on all servers anyway.


Low quality bait :tired:

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Look at my shiny statue Anik

I’d love to see this implemented but in an actually better way.

We could have chat and non-combat servers global and combat/channel servers by region.

Like, let’s say each map has at least 4 channels. They could put each channel in a region and scale it up based on the population/player count. [NA] Ch1, [SA] Ch2, [EU] Ch3, [SEA] Ch4.

The downside comes for dungeons and party content.

Instanced maps could have target region defined by party settings defined by leader or selected by majority of players in party from X region.

Then we have PvP and GvG… which would be the main problem >_<

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Yea this seems a bit too obsurd to be true.
I assume that means the added effects are gone and need to be collected again… Sigh… My team storage spots…



i want test servers for itos in exchange of the servers merged


I personally believe that the server merge is a nice shift in pace, (from a Klaipedan perspective) and will ultimately be more positive than negative, even with the fact that the server merge is long overdue. ~