Tree of Savior Forum

[Guide] Wugushi: The Venomous Tribe

Wugushi c2 here, here’s my pov :

  • Needle Blow : single target dot with the highest damage, 2 ticks every seconds

  • Wugong Gu : close to Needle Blow in damage, single target dot, can spread to X mobs (with X = skill level) if you continuously hit the first mob infected, 2 ticks every seconds

  • Zhendu : low damage dot (about 1/3rd of Needle Blow (does not seem to scale well with stats), only one attack applies the dot, give the buff to your teammates (does not stack on the same mob), 1 tick every seconds (I think), -35 poison resist with attribute maxed

  • Throw Gu Pot : poison aoe that lasts 6 seconds, less damage than Wugong Gu, works as a passive aggro (mobs tend to go into), poison stops as the pot disappears, only hits ground mobs

All these skills have no overheat.
I haven’t tested the other skills yet.

Wugushi excels in boss fight and pack of mobs with high health.
Also it has great synergy with Linker (obviously) !

Ty I forgot the tick where 2 per second later on ill male a skill section. Got any Intel on cards?

I don’t have any Insect cards to test the system :confused:

The system is “to manipulate the content of the poison darts”. I think it might apply some debuffs instead of dots… This is a wild guess.

source :

Each card seems to affect one particular skill.

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i have Earth canceril, as far as anymation i dont detect any changes, today im runing a damage test to see how posion damage is afected by buffs and cards

im current c2 i have the manticen card only thing i noticed was an explosion animation while using the pot :slight_smile:

Hi im currently

A2 - S1

i had plans to go A2 - S2 - Rogue 1 - Falc 1 - Canon 1

but was wondering if these other two might be better

A2 - S2 - W2 - Canon 1


A2 - S2 - W2 - Fletcher 1 and pick up Fletcher 2 at 8th rank ?

the 1st build i tihnk is the standard most go for AOE so i head but also as someone stated i wont be able to use the viperbow

the 2nd build is iffy as we dont know how good 8th classes will be and i might be shooting myself in the foot
But it does offer spamable AOE inbetween Traps and poisons and
Also a stacking Bleed to go with poisons for single target ?

any thoughts ?

as a Wugu i will naturaly recomend this class, i dont have experience with sapper so i cant really compare both

So, with eveyrthing in mind. As of now, with 246 dex and 28 str. grand cross +8 and arde dagger my poisons won’t be good. right?

So, what stats do you recomend? ima buying the other founders pack if i need to stat reset.

from research what i can tell is that pure dex/str build tend to have a lot of limitiations compared to hybrid builds since the more you grow the less diference a point in strenght does while you having a los of critical without base power its also not that benefical. Arde dagger does help your poisons, perhabs you should go the class and later you can decide whenever you need a stat reset or not.

just dont forget than on may 10 this game goes f2p and probably founder packs wont be avaliable anymore

Ok, will i be better with 1 viper bow instead?
Also, can you share your stats, as of now, please?

Thank you

82/35/8/35/145 str/con/int/spr/dex

and yes since viper has double the elemental damage than arde it does improve poison a looooooot, its like adding 200 str to you build or so, thats why i recomend trying out the class before thinking on a stat reset

Thank you for answering.
May i keep asking questions? :S
I feel i’m being annoying :SS…

guys… And how about Archer 3 > Wugushi 3 > Scout?
Is more for a PvP/GvG oriented build cus Scout adds more survive skills.

Is it viable??

Levelling Zhendu increases it’s damage or just the duration?

If it increases damage as well, wouldn’t be better to lvl up it instead of Throw Gu Pot (keep it lvl 1 for AoE)? Since levelling pot only increases it’s base damage.

Yes it is and I am leveling this one myself. Also planning to get 3 rogues if they won’t add any interesting alternatives as last 3 circles :slight_smile:

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So, poison from wugushis is now good on pvp? I mean, what about antidotes and clerics and plague doctors??

in general lvling poison skill rise thir duration instead of their damage. so Zhendu will deal less damage than any other poison. People use it for decreased poison resistance, extra DoT and party dynamics

reminder that on pvp poisons can be prevented by clerics and can be healed by antidotes (wich have no CD), they will however deal heavy damage until they are healed though.

There is the rumor that boss cards lvl rises the poison rank of wugushi skills so they cant be healed o blocked as easyly, but i havent tested that yet, as far i know poison rank may be given by skill lvl, and that is yet to be tested

May the lord hear you.

In a build focused to PVE, its better get RangerC2 or ArcherC3 ? Ranger have a Good AoE, but archer c3 have the magic Mutlishow lv15
After that I would pick Wugushi c3 > Cannoner
But I can’t decide what take before