Tree of Savior Forum

Wrongfully banned

Pls check i didn’t do anything wrong
Server: SEA
character name:MoMo

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Hi I and my girlfriend got ban. I dont know why is happen to us
So could u help us, We dont use any program to play and we are on list of ban . We not bot
Check for us pls
Team name : BANKISNOW
Server name: [SEA] Telsiai
and my girlfriend
Team name: NINGISNOW
Server name: [SEA] Telsiai

We using WTFast to reduce PING play from Thailand
Help us pls


they replied on support page. and the reply ask me to write an email? OMG


i cannot belive they banned me because i used WTFast, HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE??

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jzlim5888 add my steam please Jbzero lol

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BAN with out check.this 5 hour i still waite for unlock my account i go to create topic now.

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Hi. I got banned. I never use macros,botting but I used WTFast. I think that is not the reason
My IGN : FrosterX
My Steam : Sursseak.s
Thank you…

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after 1 day of wait for the maintenance be over, now i have to wait god knows how long to they unlock my account, P E R F E C T IMC

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anyone got unlock yet???

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not yet

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not yet too… waiting 7 hour now for me

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why imc so quiet. Many victim here!!

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I am waiting As everyone

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8 hour for me…omg


Seems to me like WTFast is the primary reason lol
Gl guys

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imc still quiet …

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9 hour still notting

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Its late night in Korea
Might have to wait another 12 hrs

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some body bored and waste time like me please go to sign my topic i need the answer now