Tree of Savior Forum

Wrongfully banned

Got wrongfully banned for botting yesterday. Couldnt login after maintenance. What should i do? submitted ticket on the support page. Been 3 hours.

OID: 7656 119 8255 060 491
Team name: Flinders
Server: Telsiai (SEA)
Reason: Bot

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bought the game 24th april and banned on 26th. does it make sense that i bot? with a founder account? unless im a gold seller, i wont.

Same here
IGN : Bznagathwa
Server : Teslai (SEA)
I cant access game, i bought founder pack at 22 April 2016
Notification always come out when i select server
"Your access to the game is currently restricted … "

check the ban list for your team name and submit ticket on support page. im sill waiting for reply.

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My name isn’t there. That’s make me confuse.

saw ur name there buddy. we are on the same boat. wrongfully banned to answer to the public. scapegoat.

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WHAATTT ? I’m not botting man i dont even know how to bot a bit here.

already bro T.T already sent tiket still no answer.

Hope for the best T.T

me too. gd game well played.

Anyway, are you using WTFast ? Or any other VPN ?

yes i am. maybe thats why. lol. i just started using yesterday.

Yup maybe it is the reason.

this is the first time i got banned in mmo gaming. lol not a bad experience but not good either. support is not replying. worry that it might take a few days. thinking if i should just buy another account now.

i’m jbzero i’m not a bot

i’m play with my friend
pleas check

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i’m already send answer me plz

jb whats your teamname on the ban list for botting?

my team name is Jbzero

feel so bad i’m play this game 2 days with my friend but i’m stuck here so easy ban with out check