Tree of Savior Forum

BAN with out check.this 5 hour i still waite for unlock my account

i’m already send

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but you answer me like this
why you are not check my log before banned me
and you make me we waste of time.
i work 6 days this you make me feel bad in my day off

ban to fast but fix to slow ?

ser local time : Wed Apr 27 2016 15:17:54 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

Game Server : [SEA] Telsiai

Team Name : Jbzero

Character Name : RiskWalker

Steam Account : Jbzero

input date : 2016-04-27

input hour : 15

My accout is lock i did’t do anything for disturb other player.

i play with my two friend

see farm to gether.

i want to play this game unlock my id please thank you.

Hello Savior,

Thank you for contacting us. You are receiving the message because your account has been locked due to suspicious activity within the game. If you feel that this decision is unjust and wish to ask for a re-evaluation of your activity in the logs please submit an email to Upon receiving an appeal, we will conduct a intensive examination of your logs and unlock your account if it is clear of any violation. Please provide the following details:

1)Team name
2)Server name

We hope for your understanding and patience.

Tree of Savior Support Team


I got same problema after the maintenance!
IMC, answer us!

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Thank you IMC team to help.
Hope you guys lucky