Tree of Savior Forum

WOW, Just WOW this guy

This Guy really <3 explain me how did he do it if this is not hack or crashing server

All that ■■■■ and the guy didn’t even made a Gem Roasting. ■■■■■■■ pleb hacker piece of ■■■■.

Unless he was lucky. Then he’s like god tier with that weapon.

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Why would he need to roast those gems? -SP dont mean jack sh#t lol.

Isn’t there like 50% chance to upgrade at all lvls over +5? Then i dont really see the impossibility.

If he went through the trouble might as well do everything perfect don’t you think? lol

“Oh no I won’t spend 15k to roast my gems because I don’t care, however I’ll spend 1bil upgrading my weapon :3”

Perfection dude, perfection.

I don’t really think this is hacking. Guy just got lucky that’s all there is to it. Just by judging the picture he has 2 potential left which seems like he pretty legit made it. My magi comes close to this I but I didn’t hack it lol

There’s multiple people with items higher than +15 so I don’t think you should jump to conclusions that they’re hacking unless they show really suspicious activity.

Well the potential being low argument doesnt mean anything because there are ones who do this on purpose.

+15 isnt anywhere near as difficult as +23

The probability of getting +23 is so low that im not sure i can believe its possible to do legit… Maybe if upgrades werent lost of failures.

If someone could do the math for me on it, maybe ill understand. Im not sure how to calculate in the 7 allowed failures and losing upgrade levels on failure.

Is it like this? He failed 7 times so that means he actually had to upgrade it 7 additional times at 50%? Ill do this from lvl 10 to make it easier. So from 10 to 23 plus 7 is 20 upgrades. .5^20= .0001% chance? This is from lvl 10 with full potential. Correct me please because that sounds wrong or impossible.

The chances are low but it’s not impossible. It might be his second rod as well. Who knows

I upgraded to a +15 Sup Crononawith 100% pot left and i tried for 25 to end up getting roller coaster back to 15 with 0 pot ( 2 gem slot). (was highest +18)

It’s still not impossible just extremely low.

I woulda regard anything about + 27 with more than 1 pot hacking tbh. Unless proven ¯\ (O_O) /¯

+25 is possible and i have seen a few around like a handful. And they are the later players, i know 1-2 of them… ( no idea how did they get the money to do it but yea)

If you really want to see if hes hacking, calculate the cost of how much it would cost to upgrade that weapon, then check the oracle in Klai to see who has accumulated the most silver on your server to see if the numbers match.

I’m not saying he is hacking. He might be extremely lucky.
He might be hacking too.


So finally, he is hacking or not? :joy:

It’s unknown. That’s what I mean. He might or might not be hacking. At this point we wouldn’t know. Unless we checked it like @sykwitit540 said.

I won’t do that because I’m lazy.

This is gold. you win comment of the day my friend.

Sigh… it will be best not to jump onto conclusions just because someone has a +15 over equipment. It isn’t really fair to the player either when OP post on a report forum with just a screenshot showing the gear.

@Gringe apparently there are ‘streaks’ of success, I myself have a full potential +15 item, although it is not on the weapon I want but it is definitely there T____T. (Why can’t I have the same luck on my grand cross, broke like 3 of them zzz)

I’m really idiot af, but who cares.


Logic. So, let’s get a +100 Circle Rod. It’s hard, but not impossible. Such arguments, much wow.

But the game is so fuked, that this is just the best answer.

Edit: Bro, you forgot the lvl 10 gems on your weapon. IT’S HARD BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!

but he got a +23 with 2 potential left and he didnt even gem roast. thats hack lol

Why are people saying those gems aren’t roasted when its obviously roasted at a lv 6 roaster?

man you’re stupid. Roast only goes to lv 5 so ofc he can’t fully roast them. If they weren’t roasted it would be -114 SP. Man, bet you feel real dumb now.

I thought roasting gems only worked for gems at lvl 1~5, anything higher and it will still have negative effects?