Tree of Savior Forum

WOW, Just WOW this guy

hi explain this

I am pretty sure every one have their doubts but explain that. Don’t tell me it’s a video edit because. it is freaking possible O_o.

Which is why we need to check logs to verify if one is really hacking or exploiting.

Anyway, I did not say it’s a rigged nor it’s a non rigged i am just answering to OP that.
It is pretty possible because it is Unless you want to deem to impossible. That’s your opinion any way lol.

Logic please. Why do people even apply logic at a chance system rofl.

It’s not like every single fellow out here with + 15 and up items are hacker you know. check out ktos ones u will be shock to see player who even have +30 bandit

Also din’t we had the derp guy who had + 50 carifisun set banned as that was through illegal means?

So i dunno lel. Oh i forget to mention i saw some one with a level 10 gem already O_o.

this is not work

I already try this method

+50 carfisun set was banned because of exploit.

PS.Refine rate of this game doesn’t like Ragnarok. It stable at 51% at +10 and go on

I din’t say that this is a algorithm that works. I am using this as an example that it is possible to get to + 25 with only 1 lost of potential. :slight_smile:

level 5. actually gem roast have a cap of 5 now even with divine might level 6 shop.

this is RNG at work

best RNG ever

i better go try my luck at lottery

remind me to buy lotto tomorrow its up at 2.2m :joy:

That’s what I thought, but then lv 7 is -114 and lv 6 is -90. Difference of 24

love defy science

RNG love the person, so RNG gave him +23

u, u need worship RNG more

Pray to RNGesus, sinners!!

lol. Cool stuff kid. Now when you stop hacking you can lecture me about the game. :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing I feel right now is pitty.

Because if its a flat % chance then why wouldnt you? The only way the fail 2, then next will be success is true is if its coded into the game. Which wouldnt make it a real chance system anymore.

If it was real chance system, fail 2, the next will be 50%. fail 0, next will be 50%. previous tries dont matter.

i’ve seen +16-20 legit equip on ragnarok, anything is possible.

The only pity anyone should be feeling is for you poor sobs who never even touched a lv7 gem. How else would you not know about lv5 roasting lol.

Channel crashing is possible even now.

Clean your cheat infested game.

did anyone checked the gem that it was 2pcs of LEVEL SEVEN BLUE GEM

and from the vid, it was 3 potential left to +23 and from that guy’s first post, only 2 potential left.

yea, made it to +24 but failed to +25.

When wearing the Lens of Jealousy,

  • L7 Gems > L10 Gems
  • Roasted > Not roasted


I’m still more jealous that he had lots of silver, wow just wow.

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but you can never deny the fact that people made it through to plus 30 in KTOS . the same applies here.

Thus saying the chances are extremely low but not impossible because the chances of success is still 51% per enchanment at each stage. It most likely that out of xxx theres only a handful few that made it through 20 and up.

its basically lotto

the problem is it isnt as you can double fail or double pass which make it a real 51%. It averages out but you can luck out getting success over success.

Only after a few hundred thousand sample size it will turn into a real 51%.

Mean while in this sample size it will still be possible to have 10 passes in a row and 10 fails in a roll.

IDK what youre trying to say. Of course its possible to pass 10 times in a row, just like its possible to flip a coin and get heads 10x in a row. Its still 50% a try though. If you flip a different coin it doesnt change the chance of the original coin.