Tree of Savior Forum

Worth playing? Dead game?

I’ve been thinking of playing again, but seems like a dead game right now.
Do you guys think this game will come back to life?

for this game the comeback is UNREAL try something else


Just as expected, they ruined this game.

Thanks for your answer.

Game is not dead, it’s just no for everybody. Go play CoD or something like that.


Worth playing? No
Dead game? Yes
Will it have a comeback? No


I mean, if you’re willing to let a vitrolic forum sway your opinion, then I wonder how you even play MMOs without getting trolled.


Worth Dead? Playing Game?
hur dur

I like this kind of thread…

When I start having thoughts of been merciful, I see threads like this and that reminds me…

Your kind isn’t worth mercy nor sympathy…

Worth playing dead game?
Depends if you wanna be playing Tree of Masochism.

The game probably won’t be coming back to life seeing how the exploiters chased many legit players away. No one wants to PvP against hacked +50 gears…


ehhh, how can you resolve this thread without me~~~

game is one-sided costume-catwalk show

by one-sided, i mean lv1 to 200 player can all queue dungeon 99days and still dont get any run… good luck leveling~

because the game is 4months old, whoever stayed with the game, already lv200+ and gave no thought what-so-ever to low level content,
tldr, newbies dont stand a chance at all~ huehuehue
(dont give me the bs, queue on peak time blablabla, megaphone blabla, i play mmo on my own free schedule and use my free tp however i want, dont tell me what to do!)

if you’re the lucky lv200+ player, nothing much change, tbl/gvg is for fun, and tbl/gvg is not even fun with the bugs/exploit/hacks…

now, its just a mirage Rank8 gonna bring any fun to the game.
At best, Rank8 just another overrated content and exaggerated way to end this dying game.

tl tldr, Tree of Solo for lv1 to lv200, Tree of Catwalk for lv200+

if u like that, TOS is the game for you


If you like to torture yourself this is the game for you.


You guys are ridiculous. This entire forum is just a nest of trolling. If you like the game then play it. Bring a couple friends with you and suddenly you aren’t playing “Tree of Solo”.

Don’t blame the game devs for not having any friends.

but you cant have premade-tbl, and the premade-dungeon/mission dont give bonus exp

oh, you must have missed the may-june party-stuck-bug, but that was fixed (luckily)


We do blame the game devs cause their design makes it Tree of Solo. Every good MMO has quests that aim at being solved by a party. These usually involve elites or bosses. And what about TOS? Questbosses are so damn easy you can solo them and elites dont pose a real threat either. And the queue system defeats the need to from groups for dungeons. That is the case until about 200.

So in a nutshell: We got IMC’ed


this is why we need class reset
Why you against class reset then ?


because Class Reset is a Condom…

HIV/AIDS is the real issue, but Condom allow you to put genitalia into any hole you see.

Poor game design is the real issue, but Class Reset allow you to ignore the Elephant.

if you dont get my comparison, feel free to just flag me watever…

infact, im a Class Reset supporter, i just support by uninstalling TOS forever.


I did miss the party-stuck bug actually. But that’s not currently in game now is it?

You go ahead and hop in the Earth Tower with a random group and tell me you enjoy it. When I do dungeons without my friends I feel like I’m dragging 4 dead weights along for the ride even when I’m playing my Cleric.

wait, before that, at this point, how do you rate TOS?
from 0 to 10, rate it.

i giving TOS a low 3/10 , 1 for art, 1 for alot of class, 1 for not-another-wow-clone

sure, any game can be fun with friends…




Game is dead, theirs so much evidence now to support this, just…just stop.


Nest of trolling? How can that be helped when theirs so much proof that the game is dead? lol.