Tree of Savior Forum

Should i return? HELP!

Hi, first of all, happy new year!! :slight_smile:

Well, i started playing this game since CBT and was so hype about it, but had to quit :frowning: Now i was thinking to return BUT after many hours reading the forums, i dont know what to do… because ppl say that is empty (this is the worst reason because i love to do dungeons and raids everytime), boring, devs don’t care about this game anymore…and so on. So i thought the best way to know what to do is asking you community, so please, any post would be great for me :slight_smile: and thank you in advance!

What server do you play on?

If you play on sea you are still safe with the population but bots are rampant

They have some right things to say but they make it hyperbole and force other players (like yourself) to leave as well (that won’t work against us the casual and white knights to them)…

Game is actually easier to level assuming you start new character, if you can’t find party then just quest… Basically conserve megaphones so that you can asking for help for party forming…

The real challenge is how you search and decide your build then how you’ll gonna play. Most people who complaining are trolled (we say IMC-ed) players who don’t know how to play or use their TP wisely or have high standard for how this game should be. The real reason I still play is because of some freebie events and still get some fun than RO and some old games, in which those games will win my favor if only they changed their management…

game is still fun

comeback plz

we need u to queue dungeon/mission…


game is … erm, looking nicer~ but same issue remain.

but it is still fun to play~

comeback plz

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Play on klapieda server. If its NA. More people. Community pretty active. Dont really have issues with ques and finding people to do stuff.

I came back 2 weeks ago and been loving it

im plaing on EU server ^^U i think i’ll give it a try plus i want to become a Miko :3

Reading the forums to decide whether to try again or not is like wanting to cook your next meal by looking into a poison recipe book…Just come back! ;D

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I agree their alot of doomsayers and trolls and people that just want to see the world burn.

Worse case find nice fun casual guild

i was thinking about playing this or GW2 or FFXIV, its a hard decision ><

Happy new year.

If you are thinking to return, why not just take the plunge and try it? The option to stay or quit after picking up the game is always open. Why only move on other players’ opinions when the most important thing is whether you have fun/enjoy the game? And you wouldn’t know unless you try it again, right?

I dont feel like posting a major hue, but the answers lie elsewhere:


I’ve been thinking the same thing myself, as much as the balancing and what not needs fixing and how my favorite classes got IMC’d to the point they weren’t really worth trying to reach late game content I’ve just came back to visit the forums and I guess they’ve been implementing new attributes and possibly making lower tier classes somewhat useful later on. I almost want to redownload the game but I get the feeling it’s still going to be a huge let down :frowning: