So, vacations are coming and i’m looking for a new fun game to play and spend my free time. I’ve read some bad things about the game, but it does look very fun. Make my life easier by giving your opinion ;*
If you like to do the same thing over and over³³³ again then this is the right game for you!
I posted the perfect answer for this in some earlier thread!
Here you go:
GW2 or something you would prefer.
The game is not to blame but the company, so you can redirect most of the stuff people say about the game to them.
For your first char it might be, after is only the same old repeating actions.
All in all, i would suggest you to try it out and get a feeling, in the end, who will decide if it is fun or not for you its you and not us.
It’s things like this that make me realize there’s people on these forums left who aren’t bandwagon-ing sheep. Which feels good.
anyway op, tl;dr is:
It’s a fun game, but with every other MMO after some time the fun aspect will turn into the fabled grinding aspect. The most negative thing about the game itself isn’t the game but the upkeep from IMC as we’re dead last in terms of attention and bugfixes. If that won’t deter you then power on and enjoy what the game has to offer.
I could be negative or just say play the game and find out for yourself. Chances are if you’ve read “some bad things” then obviously you know what people have said already.
TOS is a good game.Has some small issues, but IMC has been improving gradually.
Do not listen to the whiteknights
Nice timing sarcasm lol.
I don’t do that unless there is a good reason to it but the game, as i said, is not to blame, its a good project, but who is behind it is at fault.
Worth right now. Casual
He just repeated what is supposed to be common knowledge on these forums.
TOS2016 is beta test phase
TOS2018 will be more promising
lets see if TOS can survive 2017
I would post some prominent betting agency logo, claiming that they take bets for how long TOS will survive, but…
That would call for flags cause of advertising…
Well if there are 100 players left 2018 imc just will milk them harder…
Since General is more or less shitposting ad nauseum, what’s got you so attracted in GW2? I see you lowkey
trying to gain more people towards it, and it has lowkey
piqued my interest.
Not really its just that, different from most MMO i played so far, and it was a lot, you actually have fun stuff to do, combat system is interesting and there is always patches being applied, not to count that so far, since i started playing by the end of last year, i never saw once a hacker, botter, except those Gold Seller parasites which i would guess it is normal to find (even D3 have them offering Power Leveling).
I said about it on another post, it is not really my kind of game, i am more an Isometric Games player, but it does offer the fun i look for, i play it casually, no rush, no pressure and get my quota of fun from it, unfortunately i can’t fully enjoy it since i don’t have the expansion yet, but when they do a nice discount one of these days i will buy it.
The only money i wasted in it so far was when it was B2P, and i only paid $10 in a Christmas discount.
I am still waiting for a good Isometric game to play, Lost Ark and Lineage Eternal looks nice, but I’m not expecting much from them, they do look generic like Devilian in terms of system content (combat, skills, etc…), but they sure are eye candies.
I’ve been enjoying the game OP, but playing alone after a while gets dull. Snag some friends to join you and you’ll level faster plus have more fun! It’s a free game so no harm in trying it out.
Worthiness is subjective. Try the game and come back here with what you think of it.
A bit of warning though: dont’ spend any money on the game unless you’re absolutely sure you want to invest a lot of time and effort (and more $$$) into it going forward. Makes it easier to let go of the game if ever it disappoints you.