Hey, we are doing better then say…this
Don’t believe me? Check it out.
rofl…cant tell if serious, since FFXIV has its own, non-steam reliant client that most of the player base uses, thus that link isnt an actual representation of the games well being. Naw, gotta be trollin.
Game isnt dead, but believe the trolls if you want. They dont want new players.
Man these white knights are soooooo stupid, they never realize most MMOs don’t use steam exclusively. On the other hand, ITOS only uses steam. IMC sure loves giving Steam a big fat chunk of their cash
Ohhhh so it’s the players job to attract more fellow players?
Naw man, its dead. I can list the 40 or so reasons but thats alot of typing Ill give the top 5 imo though.
1: Rampant Hacking used giving players super speed, 5x hidden weapon equips, and apparently impossible +50 items.
2: A 2:1 Botting population.
3: Horrible optimization that involves the dated engine the devs used and the bad netcode.
4: Unbalanced classes to the point that nearly all builds get destroyed anytime their is a change or a new rank increase, thus requiring you to level up an entire new character over, or stay gimped. Hell even with Team lv 100 whenever that is out, people would not do it all over again even with a lifetime supply of Exp books.
5. TP Shop far overpriced, which by my experience of korean mmos, and all evidence supported that I seen in this game thus far, tells me that they are trying to milk whatever whales out there that are left that they can before deciding to pull the plug. Pretty much, the whales are funding development for KToS.
I believe the botting population is more like 10:1 at least…could possibly be higher.
And that’s not counting the AFK farmers either…
Yea, I was being nice on that one.
Ill pass black knight. Ive had many of these conversations and they bore me now.
Lol i accidently edited last post. Oh well.
No please get into it, so I can slay another mindless white-knight.
Cuz you know, you gotta be a special kind of stupid to deny that rampant cheating and hacking that is going completely unpunished, isn’t high evidence of a dead game.
So please, get into it. So I can add to my tally.
Bore you cuz you know your wrong, you just wont admit to it. I see how it is.
…hue. Another tally mark for me. Too easy.
Sometimes I suspect some of these white knights are exploiters themselves. That could explain why they defend a game full of bots and client side loopholes.
Its possible, they do wanna get their fake sense of e-peen ego as long as possible before the game shuts down, usually how it works with cheaters/exploiters.
jeesus talk about a toxic bunch of doomknights
even casually screening through the lines nearly gave me an aneurysm
Pointing out bugs and flaws IMC failed to address since CBT last year = TOXIC DOOM KNIGHTS
Hue Hue Hue~
Except the ones you call white knights point them out too, so thats not why youre called doom knights and trolls.
Point them out and try to be all rainbows, sugar and honey about it, trying to play it off like its gonna be ok, or its gonna change.
Guess what, it didnt change, didnt for four months, wont six months from now, your only glimmer of hope young White Squire is that IMC is holding back some super glorious omega update that will fix, at least, and im pushing it here, 30 percent of the games massive problems.
oh…wait…didnt they do a…seven…percent…increase in “performance” earlier?
And yet you’ve spent like the last hour posting on a forum of a game you clearly have no interest in. Do you spend hours on Justin Bieber youtube comments too?
My dear sir, are you implying that I solely spend my time to come on here to show you and your moronic rabble the error of your rose-tinted, blind ways of idiocy? Nay old chap, as we speak I am playing Dragon Quest VII, and FF Mobius all at once, while sipping tea and berating you I am!
But oh I do have a interest! A interest to see IMC’s next, and potentially final blunder they will ever make for this atrocity, before the plug is pulled.

I would honestly only suggest playing this game if you are:
Good at soloing and making friends, for later.
With real-life friends you can get to commit to group with once in awhile.
Otherwise, you’re in for a difficult time without the proper research about the game.
Can you level solo? Yes. Will it be easy the first time through? Not at all.
Good luck if you decide to try it. The build diversity is unmatched in any game I’ve ever played.
If you are from the RO, EQ, UO genre of games that don’t hold your hand. You’ll probably be fine.
Dead or not, I play this game with my friends so I could care less what other people are doing.
Bots only seem to exist in the low level areas, nothing they gain through botting I can’t do by actually playing for 40 minutes.
I am the proud owner of not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 battle bracelets. I love listening to whiners talk about those let me tell you.
I queue for dungeons at 4 in the morning and wait an average of 5 minutes on -Orsha-. As long as I’m not queueing for the 160 dungeon. My mission wait times are 10 minutes at their worst.
I’m sorry you guys don’t enjoy the game. So like…why are you here?