Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it


check your PM. I asked about the magnum opus

We need just one change …

only one cube drop per day restriction and all problems are sloved.

I really don’t care about Jace because I have actually talked to him once and was to answer something about a class question, otherwise I know jack ■■■■ about him. I can vouch for a few of our guildies, but if one of them ■■■■■ up with as I said before, something as aggravating as breaking the ToS I’ll be glad if he gets ban (in case he actually does this), otherwise, leave the guy alone with your unsubstantial proof and bittering, it’s annoying.

You still have 0 facts, I asked you for proof, you just decided to insult me with random ass comments like homosexuality, what are you, 12? gay is not an insult, never was, it was just a way for you illiterate ■■■■■ to increase your vocabulary or feel incredible by berating someone else’s decisions in life.

I hope you have a great night, relax a bit, I can feel your veins about to explode because you may or may not get your petamion recipe in a thousand years.

PS: You might wanna check the concept of hypocrite, what I was, just in case you were not a fail world boss hunter is something people just refer as “wrong”. I was “wrong” for calling you something that you are not, see? vocabulary is fun. Finish high school for the love of christ.

I think the bigger question is why the current best gear in the game is locked behind zerg-fests, RNG and content that isn’t particularly difficult to complete and otherwise earth tower, whose difficulty is arguably artificial.

I hope they look into bullet hell, electric floors, buff stripping, more mechanics and actually aggressive enemies in the future.

It actually is not, the difference between a karacha dagger or an arde is actually not THAT great. Hell, the best offhand for archers/corsairs is from a dungeon, one of the best necklaces (up to petamion) is from a 240 mission. One of the best rings in the game is also from a 240 mission. There’s items going around, people just don’t care on getting them. I get where you are coming from, though.

Also, yes, I entirely agree with you on your last paragraph. This game needs fixing, not punishing.

I agree with more cubes from bosses. How about just having world bosses drop 2 types of cubes. One for the group that does most dmg, then one that everyone that contributes can pick up. You can give it less of a chance of good loot and call it the participation cube or something.

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Well its not only the gear besides maybe gladiator band i don’t see any really op WB drops , maybe i forgot something .
Its mostly that this open bosshunt could be somehow fun and its only for a few people .
I can say u can make money through farming / dungeons / especially from Ah if u buy some cheap stuff.

Maybe the best solution right now is to spread the bosses
Just let them spawn all at the same time maybe in chan 1 and 2 …
SO there are a lot more bosses and The op grp will have to choose
As well as everyone else.


I think if you’ve done at least 0.5% damage to the world boss you should get a cube. this allows 200 players to technacally get a cube. This whole dominated by 20-30 people thing needs to stop. Hell Aura kingdom did it best, anyone who lands a hit gets the mail sent with their item. ToS should be the same expecally with is abbysmal drop rates. Everyone who hits the world boss once should get a cube as long as they are close when it dies. These people that can farm the bosses get rich, while everyone else doesn’t even have a chance, its kinda a tad unfair. These people also tend to have the spawn times down to the second so they are always there right when its going to pop.


again I am all for letting anyone who hit the world boss get a cube, it would mean these people can’t monopolise it anymore, and it makes it fair for everyone else. THE ONLY ones who will disagree with this are the ones who are monopolising them, so just ignore their opinion.

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I am also in favor of the “hit for a cube” system
This monopoly by NEETs will break the market soon and should be remedied immediately.

i would agree they change current system due its stupidly annoyed for those who wish to hunt but seeing ALL THESE group only aim for WB every single time and the rest player get nothing!! well i’m one of the player who fight WB but get nothing most of time thanks to them TOO!!!

it is so frustrating!!! its not becoz of they had the best dmg but they were like THEY ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO GET ALL THESE WB and the rest of player waste their time helping them do the killing!..

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I think there should be more to it as just a hit …
But i also think it can’t be especially something like dulla where u join from the start help with the event(while the most dl afk there) fight in this mess in a grp for 10 mins and get nothing …
I mean ok if someone comes late the boss is 90% down and he get a hit … well i dont know if this has to be rewarded …

So in short it’s all based on hearsay and rumors… And even if what those players you supposedly spoke to are in fact true, you’re making the logical leap that if they’re doing it then Jace, without the shadow of a doubt, is guilty of it as well?

I disagree with this and I’m not monopolizing world bosses. Mostly because it’s an emotional and sensationalized claim that’s ill informed and borderline ignorant.

The mere fact that you think Wb hunting in of itself or monopolizing it is = riches shows me your knowledge of the game is laughable. I have far more money than Jace in game and I’ve touched dullahan but once. I’ve made this point multiple times but it’s clear that you’re just getting caught up in the mob mentality. Try doing some research and maybe you’ll find out that world boss hunting, although potentially lucrative, isn’t the sole road to being successful. And like what @vyne_ said, even with hundreds of cubes what did he really get out of it? A couple of karachas?

You want instant gratification and for IMC to hold your hand. Even if you somehow get them to agree to your request you’d end up bi tching about something else to make this game as easy for you as possible.

But they’re not. Not even close. Majority of the best gear come from dungeon groups.

Yes another unsubstantiated, sensationalized, and ignorant claim. Stop touting your emotionally fueled opinions as facts.

Just my personal view from all this drama.

if there are Flaws on the World Boss system.

  1. Report to IMC, blame it to them.
  2. Don’t ever, ever, blame players who ‘capitalize’ on the flaw of the game itself.

the WB system is flawed, true that. players doesn’t wanted it that way. it’s just that they are wise enough to ‘capitalize’ on what currently is there.

if you think they’re exploiting something. you can report it to IMC to have these people banned “IF” they really were being abusing. you can also provide documents/screenshots/videos for proof.

Not defending anyone. just making general facts that ‘capitalizing’ is different from ‘exploiting’ and ‘abusing’.

oh btw, has anyone told you that MMOworld is more cruel than reality at different times, at different games?


Besides from leveling attributes, you can have really decent gear by just farming dungeons:

Petamion/MaxPetamion from dungeons
Didel Crossbow from salus
Ignition from dungeons
Catacombs Pike/Elements from dungeon
Catacombs Club from dungeon
Aias from dungeon
Wizard Bracelet from fields
Sissel from dungeon
Virtov set from dungeon
Mana-mana from dungeon

Lolopanthers from earth tower

The point is, you can pretty much get gear to compete at world boss with high levels just by doing dungeons, and you dont need to do world bosses to really get money because you can sell what you get in the dungeons.

Well but u can’t run dungeons the hole day :stuck_out_tongue:

You can always level up more character to get more dungeon runs, if you need money the easiest way is to make 4 characters and level them up to 90 and do 12 runs for arde daggers, but dont tell anybody…

1: this is 2016 and they still use this weird “best/strongest dps” recieve all loot, thats compleatly wrong.

2: Have to be changed to make everyone enjoy this game right now there arnt.

3: I hear people leaving game daily because of this, so yeah its sad to see.

4: it calls worldboss for a reason, so everyone who participate recieve reward.

5: everyone should be able to enjoy the excitement to recieve something good, not only same players.

6: Worldboss tend to be a “daily” thing, means it should be 1 attempt daily in that case, will limit the same players too.


Solution to this can be simple.

I have played games that uses a sorta similar system for their rewards… but can be applied here.

Person A do 25% dmg
B does 15% do dmg
C, D, E, F do 5% dmg
the rest helped and did the other 40%

Every person gets 1 cube dust depending on how much % of dmg did to boss, A would get 25 cube dusts, B would get 15, C-D-E-F would get 5.

Theres a NPC that trades 100 cube dusts for the boss cube.
If you managed to do at least 1%, you get 1 cube dust.

That’s a variation of my idea :slight_smile:

I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I basically thought it as the best “easy to implement” solution for imc.