Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

Errr… dungeons are difficult?

I think they have already implemented either your idea number 1 or 4. There are still bosses who follows the 4 hours spawn time though like necro for example.
A lot of people now claim that the spawn timers are bugged, but I do think that bosses now spawn at a random time. Like yesterday Both Elleganos and Harpeia spawned 1-2 hours after server went back up online, Cerberus not showing up and spawned 10 hours later.

Hey someone else uses this term, I thought it died a while ago.

Anywho, general fix. Instead of damage dealers, just have it be everyone in the parties who deal the most damage. Yes, this means you need to at least create a party to get loot if the system works like that. This guarantees at least 25 cubes if it’s the top five parties and they all have spots filled. I think competition is great. It rewards people who got to max level. This also levels out all the top DPS in one group issue as well.

This allows for more groups to be filled, Be it a group of all DPS to get high overall damage on the boss, or a group of 1 DPS, and 4 supports, to achieve the same goal. It also allows for non-meta groups to be formed as well, which helps the community more. That’s my idea at least.


Make it so you can’t get more than 1 cube, if you cause damage to it you get a cube, and if you received a cube you can’t get another one again until 24-72hrs whatever seems balanced.

yes !!! how about everyone gets dc after 1 hour of play and cant connect in 24 hours, because ya know, i can only play 1 hour a day, would be unbalanced for me if the rest can play more.

GL hitting those 1% drops.

And my question is… are you serious? Do you think they are getting top 5 dps just by being that class? They need the support of other classes to do high dps. Stop spouting bs. If a dps gets the cube its bc their support/tank/cleric/chrono/thaumaturge did their job.

DUDE if everyone can get it then its no longer rare/special. I still remember killing my first bio3 mvp, best feeling ever.

We’re back to the Antic Greece, where the outcome of wars were decided by heroes supported by their respective armies.

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Wtf are you evn talking about? lol. Support role on a party is always to support. Your contribution is that, supporting. And your reward, if you did a good job, is to have your dps as a top 5 dps. If you play tank/support and didnt get a cube is because you didnt do it well enough to ensure that your dps became top 5. Simple as that. If you think you deserve a cube just because you put heals on the floor then sry.

Ways of fixing world bosses so party matters more:
Make them spawn strong mobs so that each party needs to protect their dps.
Make them have strong aoes that can be covered with teamwork.

There are a lot of mechanics that could be used so that teamwork becomes more important

No, it’s not possible to do so, not unless you are a fletcher yourself. Besides you overlook one big thing here, if you arent swimming in millions (from selling worldboss loot) you wont be able to upgrade your attributes that high to do those levels of damage.

Not to mention the blatant lies that have been spoken so far about the loot distribution.

It is not top 6 dps. Its likely closer to top 1-2-3 dps and their party. Which if it is camped by a full party will be that party, and none other then them.



Form 2 lines and dps the boss one minute each in honorable single combat.

The winner stays!

False because I’ve had friends and people in my guild who have gotten single cubes and they aren’t Fletcher’s.

I’m swimming in millions right now and I don’t touch world bosses and I don’t buy silver either.

Stop with the absolute statements like “it is not possible.” Unless you’ve been at every boss fight since the game started. You’re hurt and emotional, not clairvoyant. You’re just sensationalizing your opinion and trying to pass it off as actual indisputable facts.

Why are you even replying to me? Because this makes no sense based on what I wrote.

That’s because it’s correct, maybe its different on your server.
Or maybe you are talking about world bosses the likes of Harpeia. Because you know, those don’t drop much to begin with, so they arent camped.

No, I’m apparently in a better position to judge the state of world bosses right now. Which is kind of strange, because what I mentioned is kind of common knowledge.

Erm, okay whatever you say.

First, sorry for my bad english.

I completly agree with you.
I wont talk about loots in the boxes (since the idea is to make world boss more… WORLD boss, not to improve or decrease their utility) but here are my ideas to do it.

  1. MORE Random Timer And Spawn Position.
    I think 1h plus 0~3h is not enough. They should be RARE encounter. Let’s say 3h plus 0~2h.
    Aand add more spawn positions.

    Like this all the server players are able to start hunting next spawn and nobody could keep respawn time hidden.

    If the boss had a buff wich reduce damages he take by 100%, reduced by 5% per player around it (max 0%) you should gather enough peoples to not waste time trying to kill it with a small crew.

    Instead of just counting damages deals it could record all in a single party score. Damage deals + Heals + Damages taken (only the ones from agro source, or tanks , to prevent peoples to intentionnaly take aoe just to build up more heals/damages taken).

5. Make tanks usefull to world boss fight giving them some mechanics to prevent boss to wipe parties (like some boss enrage reset or boss skill who deal heavy damages but have lower block penetration).

Ps: sorry again for my bad english and thanks for reading me. :wink:

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan You should take a look, talk about it to dev team and answer to this topic. :slight_smile:

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It’s a preemptive strike because people like you can’t seem to stand when people are doing better and the only way you rationalize it is either they’re exploiting, abusing, or cheating in some way.

If it’s correct then it shouldn’t be that hard to provide proof? And no I’m talking about world boss cube drops in general vs dungeon boss cube drops. You seem to have this very funny notion that world boss cubes automatically = millions.

No, what you’re claiming isn’t common knowledge. its something a lot of people complain about but are ill informed about. I think you think that if enough people complain about something, loud enough and with enough conviction then it becomes the truth.

‘‘People like you’’?

You don’t know anything about me. Doing better then me? Heh, thats, too funny.
Only one person on my server can claim that, and considering I don’t play the game as dedicated as he does, I can only compliment his dedication over mine.

That doesn’t change that there are silver buyers and the like, but you won’t see me accusing anyone of that. The top certainly isnt.

Please, dont think for one moment that your elitist attitude actually makes you elite.

Yes, I already realise common sense would be wasted on you, but I will try again anyway:

It does guarantee millions if you can keep them camped. The funny thing about bosses on a fixed time schedule, is that if you get it down once; you can camp it for the remainder of the time you stay online.

However the money people can earn isnt the issue, The issue is that there’s only a limited amount of cubes, and if the same people get these over and over, the items from those cubes won’t appear on the market, and others have little to no chance of getting them. (without paying premium)

Or if they do, they will be artifically kept at high prices.


But I am? My guild and I are at dominating our server and that didn’t happen as an accident. I don’t know that much about you but you’ve given me enough to go on to conclude that you’re emotionally driven and more speculative than factual.

I can tell you that boss cubes and even camping them do not guarantee millions. As evidenced by a certain video hundreds of cubes could amount to what, 2 - 3 daggers? Dullah fragments yes but it comes nowhere to the amount of people think and fantasize about accusing wb hunters of having earned and spent hundreds of millions on attributes. So what evidence do you have for your claims? You also seem to be operating under the assumption that the best and most expensive gears are locked behind world boss cubes. I’ll let you in on a little secret. That’s not the case.

People seem to take a lot of issue against people at the top. We were all given the opportunity to purchase the early access packs no? We’ve all had to deal with commanderloadfail and lag, shortcomings from IMC… We played with the hand that we were dealt with. IMC didn’t hand us a timetable for the boss respaan times… There were thousands of other people playing along with us since EA started. It’s not like we were given handouts or an unfair advantage over the rest of our peers. The game needs improvement, a lot of improvement but don’t expect people to slow down their progress or stop doing what they can with the current system just to spare your feelings.

Don’t lose your time.
@serusalti is sexualy aroused by his guidmates.
He is doing his best to catch their attention, alas failing miserably so far. He has trouble coming in terms with his feelings too.

This, or he is a moron who has zero clues about how trading works.
But I’m a romantic, so I can’t help but believe that he is nothing short of an overly dedicated lover.