Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

The main issue is not the top dpsers but the loot distribution mechanic itself. If they want to be rewarded for their work then why not have all the bosses lvl changed to lvl280, it ain’t even challenging nor an accomplishment for hogging all the low lvl bosses drops. They used to farm wb drops during the early low lvls and now since they are highly geared enough to monopoly all the wb, then everyone’s contribution should be disregarded and farm dg only instead?

No matter how you see, the mechanic itself is broken.


Yeah its imc’s concern and this whole post itself is directed to them of course. Besides, if a business company don’t even care to adjust or solve their problems, the business will fail like how reality business world does. :smirk:

in ragnarok online only 1 group got mvp loot

in tos ATLEAST 2 groups always get loot, basically up to 6 different groups

its a way more user friendly system, but keeps killing bosses competetive, which increases the fun of doing it

its always a damn good feeling to know that you got something worthy and someone else didnt. Getting something handed out with 0 effort
destroys the fun of everything


I agree world bosses need some changes (and above all the game needs to be optimized so that world boss fights are actually fights and not just 1 FPS shitfests), but the majority of changes people are suggesting basically come down to either ‘everyone should get a drop’ which makes the drops worthless or ‘random ■■■■■ should get drops’ which makes boss killer builds worthless.

If your build isn’t good for killing bosses, do something else or level up a boss killer character. Stay in your lane.

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I am 280 poop-sucker from Fedimian and i like it. Please share Cerberus timers, GG EZ.

I agree where getting something and someone else didnt, still pretty broken imo. Like how Champion’s in RO used to dominate most of the lower lvl MVPs just with 1 asura. Tho in RO mvps spawn randomly in the huge map while in ToS the maps are pretty small and some bosses have static spawn time & location.

Some would disagree like you did, but RO’s loot distribution mechanic is already considered outdated. Seriously guys, that’s a 14yrs old game mechanic. Despite this being made by the same developer, it is currently trying to follow the modern game mechanics like exple GW2, Blade & Soul. I’ve tried B&S world boss and its still pretty competitive where it gives everyone who deal around 10% dps a normal lootbox and those dealt higher be rewarded with better boxes while surviving the boss and enemy faction attacks.

Imo they should increase the wb hp by 2-3x and improve the item distribution/ party & boss mechanic as well to allow more than 2 parties with wide diversity in getting the cubes.

Agreed, if everyone who hits boss once gets a cube then either the value of items plummets or the droprates are so abyssmal it’s not even worth farming anymore.
Only thing I’d like to see changed is high lvl players dominating lvl 100 bosses, maby some limitation or scaling for players at +50lvl.


Hope they will ignore this topic and you, press X to win generation. Be stronger or leave.

the easiest thing to do would be put the drops in more than one place. guild raids or whatever.

Hey, I actually agree with this one. It really defeats the purpose of having low level world bosses if they’re just going to be instant killed by high level players. That directly detracts from the game experience, only those of us who got in early will ever experience that feeling of being a new player and coming across a world boss for the first time and being able to actually fight it and even if you don’t get a drop at least getting to be part of the experience. Now anyone who joins the game’s first world boss experience will be a bunch of level cap parties sitting at the spawn points and instantly killing it as it spawns. That probably won’t encourage them very much.


Tbh as long as there is content worth farming, you can be sure that there will be hardcore people farming it.

Having level cap to low level bosses with lucrative loot will give rise to Twinks (characters at low level with optimized gear/skills) to farm that boss.

People will adapt to the game, and as it is, slowly, more people will hit level cap, compete with the 280s, and even the current 280s will begin the complaints. They have an advantage now because tbh they were hardcore enough to level to 280 way before the masses, and in any game, there will be advantages to it. This is one of them.

People are saying, if you hit once and get a drops, makes drops worthless, or the lucky guy getting the loot and high level not wanting to bother, i can agree

I think OP suggested 3% dmg for the party, which is fair, especially if you put in perspective that OP also mentioned raising the boss’s tankiness and hp, so 3% is not gonna be 2 hits or something

But if we can’t get quest 10 level above us in a map (map recommended lv 90, you need lv80 to quest there for example), why can’t we do something similar where you do 0 dmg to bosses if you are 10 level lower then the boss. say lv 94 cerberus, you need lv 84 to do damage

Or we can also go the other extreme and gives it a max level cap, so new players also get a shot at some easier world bosses. maybe if you are 30%+20 level above a certain boss, you cannot get a cube regardless, so a templeshooter at level 74 (?) means you can’t do it after level 74+23+20 = 126 for example

Yes, if you do something like this, the level each boss will need to be considered again, so level 280 or even level 300 can do the top bosses right now
And the top level limit will also mean it protects the economy of lower level players as they progress, because they are the only one able to sell drops from these bosses

And yes, make spawn time more random, it would only be fair to stop campers just logging in and make them actually have to camp, and make it longer in some cases, and if we do that, there is no need to limit to 1 cube per day, because there are only a few of the same bosses that spawn a day instead of like one every 2 hours and 4 channel so thats like 48 bosses…

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Why does everyone want to dumb the game down because they themselves can’t compete. Why not get better? You could add a +/- variance on the spawn of world bosses, but the same people are going to camp them and kill them until you can come up with a better strategy/classbuild/itemfarm/ etc. Until then, this just seems like you’re bitching because someone is hogging all the lewtz. Which is why this game isn’t an easy lazy casual boring mmo.

Don’t you think that it would be even more exciting if drops were randomized ?

Agree with OP on all counts. Especially the fact that the bosses spawn a the same spot at set hours is seriously stupid. That’s the main problem that needs to be fixed ASAP. Also healers really need an attribute so they can toggle heal work only to party.

The fact that only the few top dps gets the cube doesn’t really benefit anyone, I loved doing world boss trains in GW2 where anyone doing some damage to the boss could get a reward. The “lolol git gud” mentality is stupid and childish, there is no need for that toxicity on ToS. Anyone killing the boss or healing/buffing party mates who are doing certain damage to the boss should be rewarded a cube.

Boss don’t really spawn on the same spot except for Dullahan. A main factor for boss hunting party is to find the boss and let the top DPS start dealing the damage before others do.

That’s the job for us leecher Biblethump

Limit the number of cubes someone can get everyday by 1. ( after that, the play dmg dont count )

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was in guild wars as well, and not just for bosses, you get credit for any kill where you dealt damage.

KS simply put no longer exists in that game and it’s great

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Considering how much worse it could be (in Granado Espada it was literally so impossible for randoms to get world bosses that one clan ruled the entire server, killing anyone trying to steal bosses on-sight and taking it every time in every channel for every boss in the game), I don’t think it’s a problem. Those players are obviously working well together, and that should be rewarded. Why should one random lowbie be able to walk up and get full loot? Why should someone who does basically no damage get loot? It isn’t welfare, if these parties can work together to obtain something than they deserve it.


Sorry but you’re wrong. For the cube draft, the player must be top dps. This has nothing to do with teamplay. (Okay granted, the full dex C3 Linker + full str? Fletcher combo does marvel, great teampetplay).
Oh, yes ! The current system allow them to monopolize the cubes ! Yes THIS is teamplay. Because of their teamplay and the current system, they can enjoy the 5 only cube which will be dropped instead of having only 5 cubes on 15-20-25-5n dropped thus ~controlling the boss loots supply. Hats off.

I’m getting tired of the BS in this topic.
“Oh current system is wonderful, it rewards dedicated players.”
“Oh current system is bad, it advantages hlvl players, I want my cubes, I want to boss hunt as llvl.”
You guys are as incompetent in your comments as imc in their gamedesign. You either go full black of full white. Aren’t even able to see the myriad of colors in-between.

I still wait for a comment on my suggeston (maybe the basic maths that I put in it scare you ? are you guys even reading the previous comments ?) or even an equivalent suggestion… Oh there is this “one cube per day” idea… Actually, it could work… Though I don’t like it since it would add more limitations to Tree of Limitations. Kudos to the guy suggesting it though, you’re one of the clever bunch :wink:
And plz stop with that randomizing spawn nonsense (should it be spatial or temporal). It could be interesting, I don’t know, but it wouldn’t address the issue AT ALL. What makes you believe that you could find the boss before hlvl team ? Because you’re lvling there ? In this case, theses teams will come anyway (you know it’s a mmo, peoples talk between them) since you’ll usually need extra DPS to kill the beast. They will be here before you could even eat a quarter of the WBoss HP.

Damn, one more week of bearing this… One more week and I’ll be able to appreciate imc dubious decisions from the stage instead of feeling compelled to read all the nonsense written on theses forumz…
Thanks you @sonscl, now I don’t know how I’ll manage to sleep…