Tree of Savior Forum

[ Recurrent Issues List] Where is the staff?

Where is the staff?

This is not a flame topic, this is just me caring for the future of the game.

I know that the staff is working hard on global server issues and banning bots etc… But it seems that we get no answer on multiple recurrent topics,issues and suggestions.
I rarely see any activity from the staff apart from the global announcements.
Is it because they don’t have time ?
Or is their not enough staff at IMC to moderate the community ?
Or the current player feedback is not important enough for their attention ?

We have multiple issues regarding the game that need at least a simple answer (Yes/No, Maybe) because no answer is always the worst case scenario.

I will add here the most recurrent issues and update the topic each time an issue gets attention from the players.
Note that these issues will be related mainly to gameplay,gameplay bugs, game content and cash shop, I will not list the server/login issues.

List of Important Issues that need IMCs Response :

1 - Patch Notes : Are iTos patches same as korean patches? If Yes, please give a list of all the patch notes from iCBT to Early Access that were added to iTos.
Also, please add all the patch notes to the future iTos Updates( We don’t want Ninja Patches, i.e : backstab nerf).
2 - Summon AI Issues : Summons are doing W/e They want most of the time, sometime not executing the skills, sometimes they just stop moving. Will this ever be looked into ? (Yes/No Answer, If Yes please specify an ETA)
3 - Job Reset Issue : In order to stop people from creating 30 topics regarding job reset please tell us if yes or not a Job Reset will be considered!
4 - World Boss Design and market status : World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it
5 - Skill Descriptions : Not detailted enough leading to lot of build mistakes from players. Any feedback from IMC on this ?

I will add any issue I’ve missed using your replies.

We need some sign of life from your side IMC ! @Staff_Julie, @Staff_John, @Staff_Ethan



yes, the staff has nothing better to do than cater to your particular questions.

nevermind that every one of these points already has dozens of posts on it already… but yea, let’s toss another one in the mess.

All of the things you listed are things our staff need to confer with the Korean development staff to address. They can’t make any statement until a decision is made by someone else.

I know, but it’s taking time, some of the issues are months old and are still unanswered. Also, we have f2p soon, if they can’t address this issues right now, I don’t think they will have time once the f2p zerg floods the server.

These are not my personal questions but they are issues that were discussed by many players.

Also, the goal of this topic is not to discuss the issues I’ve listed but it is addressed to the staff only, we need answers from them.

Isn’t the korean server already free to play/full release? The flood of american players in a week shouldn’t impact the speed of an answer at all. Julie and the rest of the english team will suddenly be swamped, but the devs don’t have a lot of reason to be involved personally over here.

It’s the weekend. Even then, most of the staff here dont and cant answer for the internal devs. This is how it works. You might get answers, but it will take a while as they need to relay the messages.

(I have worked as customer support for a game dev and publisher before)

The answers come from the forum moderators mostly (Julie,John…). If they are swamped, we won’t be getting any answers.
Also, I think that they should’t release the game before fixing all the main issues but this is discussed in other topics so no need to talk about it here.

Buzz off, you edgelord. If they’re so busy, why is nothing ever fixed in a timely manner? Or are they having another “internal debate” about it? lol It’s not like they made the game or anything. Why should they ever have to answer to their community?

@OP the staff live in Korea, and seem to take weekends off. They don’t hire people in the west to help remedy this, despite having an international game that is selling well enough. They are probably the definition of incompetent.

It’s not devs that decide, It’s mostly the marketing and sales Managers , sometime lead game designers and architects help on the decisions. I guess Julie and the others are part of the communication department ( just a guess) but what is for sure is that they are the intermediate between us and the IMCs other departments.
They can answer at least by saying something like “we will look into this with the Devs”.
In fact , this is what they were doing the first week but after they were zerged by the server related issues and team transfers etc they don’t reply anymore.

I’m not asking them to answer during the weekends they should just start give a sign of life as a start. we haven’t been getting any sign from them for the past 2 or 3 weeks apart from the announcements…

Also, I agree with you on the part that we should get a team dedicated to the international community in order to maintain a solid player base. These days, mmos survive mostly due to the responsiveness of the game developer/publisher and the amount of interest they give to the player feedback.

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Keep believing in the Force, young Padawan.

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nothing to see here, this guy is too blind for not seeing the 24h update and bots issue.
If you cannot give a valid argument for those thing instead of repeating all of them, then I don’t see any points to make this post.
The staff already look at all posts on forum and I believe they do (look at post count in staff’s summary). No need for pestering them more.

because “timely manner” in real life doesn’t mean they can just snap their fingers and have it done on a whim.

changing something generally means applying a patch. and applying a patch means shutting the game down. or are you saying they should do that randomly at any time during the day when they feel like it?

Okay but they haven’t gotten anything substantial fixed in the past 6 months.

lmao as if they haven’t already been doing this.

Automated posts aren’t a sign of life.

There really is a lack of staff presence and you shouldn’t be covering for them, that’s a topic that needs to be brought up since it’s our right as customers to have answers to our concerns !
For me, the game is far from being complete and I find this silence very disturbing being so close to F2P.

Send a ticket and have them return answer for you within 3 days. So far, I sent 6 tickets over 3 weeks to report various things and I always get my answers on time.
They have schedule for their work, and you’re not their boss for them to tell you what are they going to do. They already give updates and announcement about future update on various things, find it on forum yourself.
You are customers but you must not push too much, this OP already state that more than 30 posts (liar) already made for those issues, do we need more? NOPE.
Why I against this? This OP have no valid arguments and he just repeat things that already repeated thousand times. And this is freaking annoyed me.

Firstly, IMC does clearly read the forums. They don’t reply to most topics, however, and I don’t really blame them. Have you seen the type of people running around on here?

They do release patch notes.

I’m sure they are looking into it, but it’s pretty low on the priority list. It will take a LOT of work to benefit only one class.

People can make all the threads they want about potential TP items. It isn’t IMC’s job to respond to any of them. That’s so far down the priority list I can’t even imagine them caring at all.

That’s all just player’s opinions and mostly just whining about how they can’t get drops that they feel they are entitled to.

This needs to be addressed, and I’m sure will be. They have been actively tweaking how trade systems work ever since release.

This game was mostly localized by fans. That is why we got it so fast. That is why the grammar level of the translations sometimes varies wildly. It’s not IMC’s fault. Unless you want them to pull the game off the market for a good 6 months to a year just so they can translate everything perfectly for you, you should probably be content that they were able to ‘outsource’ this in a sense .

Basically, don’t expect a response from IMC, ever. They have more important things to do than answer threads, and it just gets them tons more questions spammed at them and a lot of hate anyways. How many questions do you think they are asked on the forums every day? It’s a lot. They clearly read (some of) them, but don’t bother responding, and I can’t blame them.

If they respond with something and then don’t do it, people will rage at them harder than they do now. They’re just going to keep asking the same questions over and over again anyways, even if they DO answer them. They will also be bugged about the timing of them as well. You even did this in your own post.

It’s so fitting that most of people who are all “Leave IMC alone! They have enough on their hands! They have better things to do than deal with whiners!” Are also the same people against any and all quality of life additions for people who don’t study this game like it’s their major.

It’s almost like you guys want the game to die.