Tree of Savior Forum

World bosses controlled by 20-30 players + suggestions how to fix it

Just give anyone a cube who participated in doing more than 30 attacks to the boss and make the boss tankier and hit like a truck (just any method to get more people to participate)

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Hereā€™s my suggested fix:

Say the top 3~4 DPS belongs to one party, only one will be considered instead of 3~4. (party still gets cube).


really bad design, when I was playing kmaplestory2, the world boss also require damage contribution, but not like these, everyone will get rewards if they deal enough damage, doesnā€™t need to be insane, this is a casual game.

next year new patch, updates, level caps etc, then Dullahan will be history, donā€™t let game playing you.

These players are controlling the market, do something IMC.

yeah, and alches control the pot market

give every char the tincturing skillā€¦and gem roastingā€¦and the ability to repair etc

Ban organized groups

Seriously? No one can compete with themā€¦? Lol. So if you cant beat them, ask imc to do something? Whats the point of trying hard or doing anything differrnt if every damn person gets a cube. Competition is good and it gives people a goal. If you cant compete rnow, get stronger, make a party. All you need to do is have a dps be top5


So you guys are seriously ok with max level characters dominating low level world bosses? Its great game design where a level 280 can stop level 70ish players from completing level 70ish content in the case of cerb or whatever level world boss they may be farming. Competition at the correct level of content is great. If max level groups want to fight over max level world bosses have at it. That adds challenge to endgame. But i mainly have issue with high level players locking anyone out of lower level content due to poor boss loot mechanics.
Also how the cubes are dropped probably needs some tweaking. Maybe not everyone getting a cube, but like I posted earlier have top tank (damage received) and top 2 or 3 healers based on healing done within X radius of the boss should get cubes to.


my dps sucksā€¦ better complain to imc

I always enjoyed ā€œword boss huntingā€ with my guild in RO. But that was because the bosses had random spawns locations and timers. If it has a set location and a set timer it becomes awfully boring.

Yea, I totally agree, IMC should do something to prevent Boss Camper. Like only 1 round per day allowed per team.

If the main reason to kill a boss in less than 3 minutes is to maintain top DPS in order to preserve the cube they get. Then yes.

As kradenmike4 said about Aura Kingdom. People would set up a google.doc where you can track the world boss with their respawn timer. Everyone had access to this and respected it. They would wait at the world boss on itā€™s respective channel and hit it once. The people who were geared and higher level would do dps to the boss after a few seconds, and then kill it. (These bosses were weak and also many people clumped together to fight them)

All world bosses are going to die very quickly regardless is what Iā€™m trying to get at. So with the help of the community they could probably copy this form of communication and relaying information to help everyone whoā€™s interested get what they want.

If you wish to go after a certain boss for a piece of gear. Refer to the appropriate respawn timer on a google.doc or whatever is used. Maybe a Discord group idk. This way you will know when to start heading toward that area to prepare yourself for the World boss spawn.

If your damage sucks, itā€™s okay. Becuase think of how many other people are going to go after the same world boss.

sorry for long message

Are you serious? Please let me prove you why your post is utterly foolish according to me:
Do you want everyone to roll a fletcher/elementalist? I can assure you that if the world boss system doesnā€™t get changed and clerics, tanks nor support wizards get any credit for their contribution, at some point we will see a polarization of high level characters. So elementalists on one side, fletchers on the other ;). I personally am considering rolling the aoe dot mage as well but Iā€™m also aware of the fact, that these 20-30 people dominated the market so hard, that even if I hit 280, the discrepancies in gear would be so big, that my dps, despite picking an OP class, would be much lower anyway :slight_smile:


Like someone else said, GW2 did it really well, and the game still has a massive population that regularly hunts world bosses. Everyone gets a cube for participating, but the rewards have a very small % chance of giving something great, and an even smaller chance of giving something AMAZING. Thisā€™ll keep people coming.

The 1, 2 or 3 parties that do the most damage COULD get one more cube. But everyone should get a cube. Itā€™s dump to only have the highest DPSes get cubes. Iā€™m a DPS and Iā€™m not worried for myself, but I think itā€™s silly to have all these people participate and only a few get the reward, and honestly all it does it breed resentment in the player base.

I like items being rare and expensive and a big deal when you get them, so the low chances are to account for that. But itā€™s worked in other games so why not here?

What gear could they possibly have that isnā€™t negated by swapping in the right moment?

Not tested yet, but if you want just pay two pardoners to discern evil the mob with stop from chronomancer up to bore them to death with a boss that can be kept invul indefinitely.

Can even be done by a single pardoner if he can get his hands on DE skillgem + divine might.

This isnā€™t a ā€˜niceā€™ thing to do. When you know your team is going to get a top DPS slot anyways, why not bring a few pawns to help speed things up?

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there will be 6 spawns for 4 hours respawner. 30/36 cubes to any top dps. 150/180 cubes if party is evenly distributed. And 10k+ people yelling that not being close to get a chance on the box.

trust me, daily restriction is not gonna solve problem.

p.s. if you cannot be top dps, be a desirable support like chrono3. iā€™m sure you will get snatched in to party by top dps.

have plan and be creative.

It aint 5-10 alchemist controlling the pot market so stop trolling here with these retarded statements :unamused:

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That sure is creative and so, how is this going to fix the market monopoly issue? Enlighten me on that if u may :smiley:


It is not even confirmed to be top 5 dps, if its so then its definitely going to be more than 2 parties getting cubes. All these while I have only seen 2 highest dps parties getting the cubes. I can highly assume its 2 because it used to be only my party and another one called Jace at Dullahan. Which can be seen 10 cubes dropped on the floor when the boss dies. Its pretty obvious if u turn all playerload to 5-1 and hide the names on the screen.

get good and deal more dmg than they do

they put tons of time and effort into it, why shouldnt they get rewarded for their work?