Tree of Savior Forum

World Boss only for Guild?

Please make it random spawn between 2 to 4 hours.


Add bosses tomb, so that everyone not in guild can wait and know the time of death of the boss.

@hkkim @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines


Thank you. bye

No. I will keep monopolizing them, bye.


You know, you should do something to get a prize.
Get lvl, get equip, get knowledge, get social.

then better make world bosses maps to be free PK so who 's the strongest will win the boss :joy_cat:

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That was possible before neutrality.

In fact, we were doing that before.

What WB are for guilds exactly? Im fine soloing them or with 2-3 friends (non guild mates). Yesterday we killed Dullahan couple of times - every time got the cube.

Are you sure you know the WB situation or you just rant for no reason?

Yeah, I support random boss spawns…

That would make information about boss spawns valuable. Trading talts for boss sightings :stuck_out_tongue:

But is that a good thing? :confused:

you must be from orsha/klap