Tree of Savior Forum

WORLD BOSS CUBES - Drop Allocation based on threat (poll included)

So after quite some consideration and having been in many many world boss fights i think the fairest possible method is one based on a threat threshold.


Lets simplify this a bit but it explains in a clear enough way based on system already in place how you could change the allocation.


1000: This level would include tanks and the top damage dealers / whales etc. These guys get a cube.

750: High and consistent dps, probably chugging SP pots with a modest amount of buffs.Top healers also here. These guys get a cube.

500: Probably just at the boss’s level threshhold got caught in the middle of the boss spawn and ran around franticly doing somewhat consistent damage but stayed alive just enough to maintain modest threat. Might also contain healers and buffers. They get a cube.

400: These guys were underleveled for the boss fight, could not maintain relative dps and a decent threat level probably died and had to run back and could not climb the threat ladder in time. No cube.

250: Shot the boss a few times barely did any damage or provided any heals had a negligable impact on the fight. No Cube.

100: N/A no real interaction with the boss. No cube.

1: Got caught in the crossfire. No cube.

So this way anyone who consistantly puts the effort in will be rewarded instead of 5 idiots controlling entire servers like these people.

Something clearly needs to be done.


Average polling currently suggest that as high as 80% of players are opposed to the current system.

Current Results as of 5/13/2016 7:04AM

MAKE SURE YOU VOTE SO VOICES ARE HEARD ! 80% of players reject the current system.

WE HAVE OUR VICTORY GUYS ! After so many votes and making our opinions heard players will now get an 8hr debuff after defeating a world boss to allow other players a chance at the loot.


Easiest way would be to tweak the chance of getting certain items and give everyone who hit the boss a chance to get a cube, maybe %50? Of course, even with changed rates for certain expensive or good items I.E Toy Hammer, if too many people got a cube there’s a chance certain items could flood into the market and become worthless.

There is no easy way to fix this, I think, and it would probably require IMC to do some thinking to make this fair.

Not sure how it would be based in threat though, for example I’m not a tank I could run in use Swash Buckling and gain 100% threat from pressing 1 skill. I would assume it has something to do with % damage done to the boss to determine whether you receive a cube or not.

Threat from boss’s would just need to be generated by the amount of time you held agro as a tank. If you taunt the boss but only hold agro for a few moments you might only gain X amount of threat generated by that action meanwhile your dps is also accumulating to your score.

IKR? I keep seeing the same three retarded guilds camping dullahan and selling those fragments for retarded price.

They’re controlling the ■■■■■■■ market, man.


Indeed it’s pretty stupid and unfair on other player’s due to the limited amount of channels in higher level zones, hopefully they’ll fix it.

Current system is better and is more rewardable for everyone who is smart enough to have toons/good equip/over lvl for farming every kind of World Boss. Your system is some casual version which will ruin economics and/or make the stealth killing/stalkering for boss timers unreasonable

The only solution is to give anyone within the level range of the boss a cube if you hit it at least once.

That way you get rid off the sh1t. In a game where there is no PKing system is quite pointless to make world bosses drop stuff only for a certain group, since there is nothing you can do to stop it other than setting another group to see who gets the loot.


While it is true his idea has the potential for that, the current system is hardly better. It’s the same 2 or 3 guilds farming the bosses and artificially inflating the items, which in itself is bad for the economy.


By everyone you mean the top 6 players who are in the same party and did the most damage? H@H@H@H@

They’re already manipulating the market and you think our economy is stable? Lmao


What economics, there is none. A small group of people control a large if not the entire portion of the market. Im not advocating casual at all, infact if you understood the system i describe it rewards consistent play at a reasonable level and not going in and barely contributing.


You forgot to mention fps drops during world boss fights… people that are capable of dpsing it even without a party but the lag is just unbearable

Yea-yea, casuality boy crying for drop

Nice straw-man to help out your case, fam.

1 Like

Yeah, yeah. Enjoy manipulating the market. Now get out.


for a guy like me who play the game at a slow pace, i will give up with life in TOS and just buy them with silver from people like this to get the good gear

life of a player who only plays 4 hours a day

Yeah nice idea. Sounds like at least a little rewarding to players.

I dont like this war like fights over world bosses (never did and surely never will)
I am just a women who wants to play a cute charakter and have fun playing with people.

For me worldbosses are kinda like a little server event. All different kinds of people come together and fight the evil Overlord Boss to safe the world from harm (dont take away my ilusion please T-T)

So for me, everyone who take an active part in killing it (or helping with heals/buffs) should be rewardet. or at least get the chance to be rewardet.

Now its the 5 most dmg-dealers (or the 5 most dmg-dealing Parties) get a cube.
Why not give those like 3 cubes… the next 20 people 2 and next 50 people 1 and all the rest a 50% chance of 1 cube.
So at least low level player or casuals or just for fun people at least get some rewards.

Call me a filthy casual or a soft harted derpina. I am!

Just my 2 cents.


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Is this Klai? How much are they selling Dullahan fragments for? I bought three in Fedimian for 350k each. I still don’t know if that’s a reasonable price or not but it’s not like I had any other options at the time.

I’m transferring to Fedimian soon.

I think in Klaipedia they are 500k+ and since only this guy owns all of them I’m guessing he’s walking around with 20m right now.